Four p.m.

On the sea.

The sun sets in the west.

very hot.

Zhao Dahai shouted loudly to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da to stop using the pole on the gun mount, drink water and smoke a cigarette.

When Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da heard what Zhao Dahai said, they knew that today's fishing was basically over.

“There’s really a lot of fish out there today.”

"Not bad! Very good! We caught a lot of fish today!"

Instead of drinking water, Zhong Shizhu lit a cigarette and started smoking. He glanced at the open lid of the living water tank. It was full of groupers. Today, he, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin followed Zhao Dahai and caught another one. Very large amounts of grouper.


"A few of us are really happy, but the other people on the speedboat probably aren't that happy!"

Liu Bin said while pointing to some other speedboats on the surrounding sea.

There must be a lot of fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot, otherwise Zhao Dahai and people like him would never be able to catch so many fish, but many of the speedboats around did not catch any decent results.

"I guess many people are thinking in their hearts that they would rather not catch any fish, so as to save us from catching so many fish!"

Lei Da had a smile all over his face.

There were not many people fishing on these speedboats around, but people like myself caught a lot of fish.

People who go fishing at sea feel very depressed and angry when they see others catching a lot of fish and their own fishing nets are empty. The same is definitely true for fishermen.

"What can be done about this? Who told us that we really caught a lot of fish?"

Zhao Dahai drank big sips of scalding strong tea. After working for such a long time, he was finally able to stop and rest.

There are indeed fish at the Windmill Foot fishing spot, and there are a lot of fish, especially today we encountered a big fish, but now it is really difficult to catch even a big fish.

"How can we care about what other people think? Anyway, it's enough for us to make a lot of money from the fish we caught!"


"Zhao Dahai."

"What's going on? Why is it that there are so many fish here today but it's still very difficult to catch?"

Zhong Shizhu didn't care at all how many fish were caught by other speedboats. What he didn't quite understand now was why it was so difficult to catch big fish.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and told Zhong Shizhu that Liu, Bin and Lei Dayou were not surprised at all.

No matter what kind of fish there are, as long as there are too many people fishing, it will become very difficult to catch them.

Generally speaking, big fish just means that there are a lot of fish that can be caught, or that there is a chance to catch a lot of fish. It does not mean that fish are very easy to catch.

If there were a lot of fish in other places, it would definitely be very easy to catch, but after all, the Windmill Foot fishing spot is an old fishing spot that has been fishing for more than ten or twenty years. Quite a few of the fish here, or the remaining fish, are All old fish are fish that have been caught and then ran away. Such fish are definitely not easy to catch.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou thought for a while and nodded.

Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou rested for a few minutes and drove the speedboat towards Ding Dawen's large fishing boat.

Big fishing boat.

Ding Dawen, Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming did not stay in the cab, but were all on the deck.


"The fish is hooked!"


"This is a sea bass, weighing more than ten pounds!"

Ding Dawen held the fishing rod in his hand and was very excited. A fish had just bitten it and pulled it out of the water. At first glance, it was a sea bass weighing about ten kilograms and the pulling force was very strong.

Before going out to sea this time, I took a look home and immediately went to the fishing tackle shop in the town to buy fishing rods and various other things useful for fishing.

The fishing boat was parked on the sea surface near the windmill foot fishing spot, waiting for Zhao Dahai to fish. It was a bit boring, so I went on the deck to fish with Zhao Shi and Shi Guangming.

Ding Dawen didn't expect that he would catch more than a dozen sea bass of good size in two or three hours.


"Ding Dawen!"

"What do you do? Haven't you ever fished before?"

"Isn't it just a ten-pound sea bass? Why is there any need to make such a fuss?"

Shi Guangming didn't say anything at first, but as Ding Dawen got more and more excited about fishing, he couldn't help it anymore.


"Grandpa Shi!"

"Isn't a sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms a big fish?"

"A sea bass this big can be sold for a lot of money!"

As Ding Dawen spoke, he took a long-handled net and stretched it out to the sea, and picked up the sea bass he caught and carried it to the deck. Jumping lively, the fish's tail was thrown on the deck, making a crackling sound, and sea water flew everywhere.

Ding Dawen waited for a while for the seabass to be quiet, then wrapped the seabass in a towel. Then he took off the hook with pliers, picked it up and put it into a large bucket next to it that was filled with seawater and oxygenated. The dozen or so fish I caught were all sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms.


"Didn't you see those 180-pound groupers caught by Zhao Dahai?"

"That's called fishing!"

Shi Guangming stopped fishing after catching a sea bass because he didn't care about such a small fish.

"That was the fish caught by Zhao Dahai and Uncle Shi Zhu, not by me."

"The fish I caught myself count."

Ding Dawen shook his head, checked his hook and line, and found no problem. He hung another live shrimp and threw it into the sea.


"Old man Shi."

"What Ding Dawen said is absolutely right. The fish caught by others belong to others. The fish caught by yourself belong to you."

"Who doesn't want to catch big fish? But now it's very good to catch a sea bass weighing 10 jin!"

Zhao Shi laughed at once. Ding Dawen has a simple and honest personality. He says what he wants to say, but he must admit that what he said just now makes a lot of sense.

"That's right!"

"Ding Dawen."

"Do you want to learn how to fish? If you really want to learn how to fish, you have to find time to practice."

"Now, when I wait for Zhao Dahai to come back from fishing, I have plenty of time to catch more fish."

"That's right!"

"I have to try out lures and the like. When I'm proficient, I can go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat one day."

"This is more profitable than driving a big fishing boat!"

Shi Guangming suddenly thought of this.


"This is really a good idea!"

"Zhao Dahai's speedboat is relatively large. Don't look at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou who are already helping with work and fishing on the speedboat. But one more person like you is definitely not much, but you can catch a lot more fish."

Zhao Shi thought about it and nodded. If Ding Dawen is good at fishing, he can really go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat and make much more money than driving a big fishing boat.

Ding Dawen shook his head without even thinking about it.


"Why is that? Didn't I just say that? If you want to make more money, you have to go fishing with a speedboat. Others definitely don't have this opportunity. If you want to go fishing with Zhao Dahai's speedboat, as long as you know how to fish, then there will be no problem."

Shi Guangming was a little stunned for a moment, not knowing why Ding Dawen refused directly.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou got a lot of salary for going fishing with Zhao Dahai, and Zhao Dahai was a very generous boss. At the end of the month, he would definitely give a big red envelope according to the practice of the captain or boss of the fishing village. Don't underestimate this red envelope. For someone like Zhao Dahai who makes a lot of money, the red envelope is often higher than the salary, and it will be much higher. This income is definitely much higher than driving a large fishing boat. It is definitely impossible for others to go fishing with Zhao Dahai quickly, but Ding Dawen is Ding Xiaoxiang's cousin, and they have a very close relationship. If he really knows how to fish, it is almost impossible for him to refuse as long as he asks.

"How can I learn to fish with my brain?"

"If I really fish, especially those fish that cost tens of thousands of yuan each, I would be scared to death."

"My hands and feet are not fast, and I don't catch many fish on the speedboat. How can I have the nerve to take such a high salary?"

"I can do a very good job of driving a fishing boat now."

Ding Dawen scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

Don't look at the fact that I have caught a lot of fish now, but it's just luck that I happened to encounter a school of fish.

It's not my fishing ability, it's very good.

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou did make a lot of money by going out to sea to fish with Zhao Dahai, which is much higher than driving a fishing boat by themselves, but as long as you think about it, you will know that this bowl of rice is not delicious, and I really don't have such ability.


"Ding Dawen!"

"I thought you had such an idea!"

"You are right. Fishing on Zhao Dahai's speedboat can make a lot of money, but if you don't have this skill, you can't do this job."

"Zhao Dahai, Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou can catch thousands of kilograms of sea bass in one morning tide."

"There is no way, you are so slow now."

Zhao Shi laughed loudly. Ding Dawen's character is indeed more honest, but he is not stupid at all. He sees things very clearly. Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou don't make so much money for nothing. They have to work hard.


"That's really reasonable. Not everyone can handle the job on Zhao Dahai's speedboat!"

Shi Guangming had to admit that what Ding Dawen said was really reasonable. Perhaps many people thought that what Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Li Dayou could do, he could do, but in fact it was not the case at all.

One must have the ability to fish, the other must have a good enough body, and the third is to have fast hands and feet.

Ding Dawen's body has absolutely no problems. He has strength, but the ability to fish and the need for fast hands and feet are not necessarily possible.

"Why do you need to think so much? Can't you support your family by driving a large fishing boat honestly and steadily?"

"When you want to fish, you can fish by yourself. When you really have such a skill and really want Zhao Dahai's speedboat to go fishing, you can talk about it if you want to make more money."

Zhao Shi waved his hand. There was no need to care about this matter. Anyway, Ding Dawen could make a lot of money driving a fishing boat. He could wait until he had enough skills and wanted to go fishing with Shanghai Dahai's speedboat.


"Zhao Dahai is back!"

Ding Dawen had just thrown the hook into the sea and habitually looked in the direction of the windmill foot fishing point. He immediately saw a speedboat coming quickly in the distance. No need to look at the size, this speed was only Zhao Dahai's.

Ding Dawen didn't fish anymore. He quickly put away the rod and shouted loudly to the people who were fishing at the stern of the fishing boat, ready to work immediately.

Zhao Dahai drove the speedboat and slowly approached the big fishing boat. There were a lot of groupers in it, and they were crowded tightly. If there was no big boat, there would be no way but to return to the village dock. Now that he had a big fishing boat, he would definitely move to the big fishing boat.

"Zhao Shi!"

"Why do you think Zhao Dahai can catch so many fish?"

"This is Zhao Dahai's third trip back!"

"There are indeed a lot of fish at Fengchejiao Fishing Spot today."

"But isn't it a bit too much?"

Shi Guangming watched the crane lifting one net bag after another filled with big groupers, and he pulled himself hard, the few white hairs left on his forehead.

Zhao Dahai came to Fengchejiao Fishing Spot to fish early in the morning, and he caught groupers. Every trip he came back with at least 2,000 kilograms of groupers, and at most 3,000 kilograms of groupers. In these three trips, he caught at least 7,000 to 8,000 kilograms of groupers.

"Didn't I tell you this a long time ago?"

"Zhao Dahai is not fishing alone now, but with four people."

"The fishing spot at Fengchejiao is so rich in fish that it is possible to catch so many groupers. What's so strange about that? We have been fishing for almost a whole day."

"That's right!"

"The groupers caught here today are all big. Don't look at the thousands of kilograms of fish, but if you count the number of fish, there are really not many."

Zhao Shi took a puff of the hookah.


"You are really unreasonable, old man!"

"What's wrong with four people fishing?"

"What's wrong with fishing for a whole day?"

"What's wrong with the big catch at the Windmill Foot fishing spot today?"

"There are so many speedboats fishing here, which one have you seen catch so many fish?"

"Why don't we go over and ask a few speedboats to see if anyone has caught a lot of fish?"

"It will be thousands of kilograms of fish, just see if anyone has caught ten fish!"

Shi Guangming looked at Zhao Shi helplessly, this was really unreasonable.

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