And Shen Qingci also knew about the little fox.

Snow fox?

It was the first time that she heard of this breed, but she felt that it was too bad to raise this one. It would take more than ten years to grow up. In other words, it would take years for such a small body to grow. To eat all kinds of game, few people can really raise it.

She put on her cloak and was about to go out for a stroll in the market. Although it is not spring, it is still too cold here, but there should be a lot of people on the street.

Li Zizhi wanted to follow her out, and of course he also had to bring Bai Mei, because he had stayed in the mansion for too long, so he should go out and let the wind go.

Shen Qingci wears a lot, and the cap of the cloak almost covers half of her face, so no one knows what she looks like? The little fox always used her as a collar, and was blown by the cold wind outside, but it didn't feel cold at all, and Shen Qingci was the same.

"Chiji, Chichi..."

The little fox's voice was sharp. Also add some excitement faintly. What's the matter, why are you so excited. But what good stuff did you encounter?

When they took a few more steps, Shen Qing resigned to know what the little fox was calling? She comforted the little fox's head.

I saw someone in front of me was selling a live deer, it was indeed a live deer.

Shen Qingci knows that this little one is slanderous. Brandon said that the little fox wants to grow up faster. It is not enough to eat ordinary poultry. What it wants to eat is this and wild things. .

Shen Qingci was thinking at the time, whether to throw it away, it's so difficult to raise it, I don't know how much it will cost to grow it, how many wonderful things it takes to raise it?

But did you throw it in the end? I didn't throw it, and I had to buy rations for it.

Li Li stepped forward and after asking the price, he bought the deer, and then he was confined to the house, also as rations for the little fox.

In fact, you can see wild pigs everywhere here, but most of them are rabbits and pheasants, like tigers, wolves, and so on. At least, Shen Qingci has thought about whether or not to go up the mountain again. A few heads down.

However, this was just her thoughts. After finally coming back, how could she go up again.

They were lucky to be able to come back this time, but no matter how good luck is, there will always be a day left, so just do what you can.

After she bought rations for the little fox, she went to Yipinxiang’s shop and turned around. The place where Yipinxiang is located may also be the best business in this place. You can see it from the carriage parked outside, and it is also You know, they are all local wealthy people, but the shipment of Yipinxiang is really a bit slow, so it's very promising, but it is still a big profit.

Shen Qingci also saw the white silver in it. Of course, her white silver was about to turn into yellow gold.

After another turn, the little fox was asleep, and they were also going to return home. Shen Qingci picked up the little fox, and poked his belly again. Is this also hungry?

The little fox is really hungry, because he is too hungry, so he can't wake up.

After returning to the mansion, Shen Qingci put the little fox down, and Miao Miao came over quickly. He also took the little fox into her den, and helped the little fox lick the hair on her body. The little dyed ears didn't feel any weird, anyway, they were still white with a long tail, and that was its child.

The venison was made by the kitchen, and it was specially used to feed the little fox. The little fox was happy when he ate the venison. Of course, after eating it, it seemed to be hungry slowly.

Jumped up and down very excited.

Since the little fox likes to eat game, it is no more simple, let people buy it every few days, deer, wolves, tigers, etc., as long as they have it, just bring it back.

There is a Yipinxiang, it is not a problem to raise a hundred of them.

The little fox jumped to the table again, and also moved to the table, and then tilted his head. He didn't understand what happened to Shen Qingci. How could he sit like this for a long time, and he didn't play with him anymore.

Shen Qingci smiled, and put his hand on the little fox's body, "The heartless people in this world have always been excellent. You are a fox, and you don’t understand. As a human being, you have to Bear a lot."

There are those who don’t want to see but want to see.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hands, "Go out with me once."

The little fox quickly jumped over.

Shen Qingci also hugged it, and then walked outside, Miao Miao who was lying in the nest was lazy, not even raising his head, let alone leaving the house where the earth dragon was burning. Last time, Shen Qingci He wanted to take it out, but it scared the fat cat directly. It blew her hair up instantly, hiding under the table, and was reluctant to come out.

And Shen Qingci didn't know until now, it turns out that this cat is so afraid of cold.

The door outside was opened with a squeak, and a burst of morning lotus came out, which also caused Qi Yuan who was sitting inside to open his eyes. He unconsciously grasped the quilt on his body, and stroked himself with serious injuries. Legs.

He hurt his leg and will not be able to recover after a few years, nothing more.

He knew that this was the retribution given to him by the heavens, and that such retribution was also for him.

Shen Qingci walked over and stood in front of him.


Qi Yuantu's throat is tight, but he doesn't know how to speak?

"What are you asking?"

Shen Qingci stroked Nian Nian's beautiful little head, and Nian Nian also opened a pair of clever big eyes, looking at Qi Yuan from time to time, wrapping his long tail over Shen Qingci's arm.

Qi Yuan opened his mouth, still speechless.

And the woman in front of him seemed to be fifteen or sixteen years old, her face was still as exquisite as before, and she was gradually dyed in color like an ink painting, and she was the only one in the shade.

The vicissitudes of life are changing every day, but why, he has never seen her change, even if the years have passed, even if it is a face of love, even if things are not.

However, she couldn't find a trace of change in her body.

She is still like this. She is the same as before, her original intention is unchanged, but her original intention is no longer the original intention he wanted, and now he understands how many love roots are deep-rooted, but it is If you don’t know it, you will care as much as you lose.

What's the use of saying this just now?

Useless, completely useless, he is only Da Zhou's criminal minister and cannot be tolerated in the world, but she is the dignified Princess Shuo, the imperial concubine of the new emperor, and the benefactor of tens of thousands of soldiers in Da Zhou.

"I want to know..." He licked the corner of his chapped lips and hurt his heart at this time.

"Did you save me at the time?"


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