It's a pity that I didn't come over and let the little fox take the initiative to train.

If a little fox is such a good little thing, if it is brought into the battlefield in the future, I don't know how many enemies will die.


The little fox raised his small sharp mouth proudly, and everyone could see that he was proud of his small appearance.

Brando Hengsi touched the little fox's head, "I'm about to arrive in the capital city. At this time, we are all in the capital city. There will be no robbers anymore. Even if there are, they have already been stolen. How could it be possible? Can you leave something for the little fox to practice his claws?"

"Is it all here?" Shen Qingci was stunned. She hasn't paid too much attention. Recently, she has forgotten that they are on the way. They just want to practice their claws every year. If they sleep outside, let Changqing take it. Going out every year, every year may also have a long memory, knowing that my paws are good, and coupled with quick movements, recently I have harmed the big and small beasts in the mountains, and of course I have eaten my stomach. , The belly is bulging every day, but the one who is partial is not growing flesh.

The meat is not long as much as you eat, and it is really worrying.

If he didn't know that the snow fox is so long, Shen Qingci would really feel like he has raised a fake fox.

And now, before she has reacted.

They are already going to the capital.

After an absence of nearly a year, I finally came back.

No one dared to stop the carriage. It was when they came to Shuo Palace, they came back. It was also a chore on the journey. They didn't tell others too much, and only waited for the rest and rest before talking about other things.

When Luo Hengxi came back, he entered the palace. He is now worried about Emperor Wen Yuan, and there are some things that need to be figured out, such as how Emperor Wen Yuan can be poisoned, although there are several letters in the exchange, but he did not mention it. And this matter.

In the palace, in the royal study room.

When Emperor Wen Yuan heard that he was coming, he also welcomed him personally.

"Cousin Huang, you are finally back."

After a whole year, he finally came back.

"En." Brando Hengsi nodded lightly, then looked at Emperor Wen Yuan. There seemed to be no big change, but he could see that he had matured a lot. Of course, the emperor's breath on his body was stronger than before. A lot.

This time also thanks to the royal family brother.

Emperor Wen Yuan endangered the days and nights several times, and all of them were out of danger because of the branding concerns. It can be said that if there is no branding concerns, he may have become a pile of bones now, and there is no possibility that he is today.

This matter is no longer enough to thank you.

"Thank you, cousin Emperor, for your life-saving grace." He paid a serious salute to the brand, even if he was an emperor, but the grace of salvation is something that this gift can be repaid.

Brando Hengsi walked past him and sat down too.

"Tell me, why this time?"

Emperor Wen Yuan touched his nose, what did he say, it is so difficult to speak, he must not come one, die under the peony flower, and be a ghost, right?

But this time he was partial to the accident. It was really because of a woman. Even if he couldn't blame him for the incident, it was also his problem. Although he was too tired at the time and didn't move the person, he still choked in his throat.

Thinking of the days of poisoning, he coughed up blood almost every day, the torture that life is worse than death, how could he have forgotten who had injured him like this?

He finally recovered this life, and how could he not have a guilty conscience in the face of Branding?

And he told the truth to Brandon.

The frown of Branding Anxiety has always been tight, which made Emperor Wen Yuan's heart up and down. He has been afraid of this cousin since he was a child, not only because of fear, but also because of respect, even now he is the emperor. , But in the face of Bianzheng, he is like a child, sometimes at a loss. They say that the elder brother is like a father, and Bianzheng, who is a cousin, is originally a brother and a father.

"Be careful in the future."

In the end, Branding still didn't blame him too much. The emperor's face was always given, and it was inconvenient for him to say more.

"I'm here to give you something."

As he said, he let Changqing in, and Changqing held a brocade box in his hands.

After Changqing saluted Emperor Wen Yuan, this was the only way to carefully put the brocade box in his arms on the table.

Brandon opened the brocade box. It contained a section of ginseng, blood red. Although there was only one section, the blood-colored ginseng was almost oozing blood outside, with every vein and root. They are all lifelike, a woody scent is greeted, even if it is smelled, it feels refreshing.

"This was found on the snow-capped mountain. I will send you some blood ginseng that is more than 5,000 years old. The rest will be divided among others. If this blood ginseng is well preserved, it won’t be successful if it is kept in 45 years. problem."

He closed the brocade box again and asked Mo Fei to help you refine some life-saving medicines, "Keep your life well, keep your own country and mountains, and don't destroy the country that your ancestors have worked so hard to beat down."

The emperor Wen Yuan couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Isn't the fate of Cousin Huang better? Not only the snow lotus that he found for him, but also the blood ginseng was brought. What is blood ginseng? Did he not know?

This is a good thing that can prolong your life. With this cut of snow ginseng, he will be able to live a hundred years, no disease, no pain, strong body, of course, more energy, and a good life to govern this big week. World.

Lao Hengxi sat here for a while, and then returned to the mansion. The blood ginseng was divided into several parts by him. Emperor Wen Yuan gave one part, and Prince Wei and King Jun's knife also gave some. , The rest is in his own house.

As for those centuries-old ginseng, compared with blood, they are all a little trivial, but these medicines are also good medicines, and I am planning to let Mo Fei make more life-saving pills.

Nearly half of the remaining blood ginseng, as well as some snow lotus petals from the last time, plus the strange flowers and weeds in the mansion, it can really make a lot of life-saving medicine.

Of course, a few drops of little fox's blood should be added.

The snow fox is a spiritual creature, its blood is the treasure of the world, but Shen Qingci is a little bit reluctant to hurt the little fox. This little thing has followed her, and he has not suffered any more. Give it to eat, what else can't be eaten.

Not to mention putting a few drops of blood, just plucking a few hairs, she felt distressed.

But think about it again, if those life-saving pills are really made, if Dad is on the battlefield in the future, this thing can save him a few lives, she can only be cruel and let Mo Fei take some little foxes. The blood was taken from the leg. The little fox still took it while he was asleep. Mo Fei repeatedly assured that just taking a few drops would not have any bad effect on the little fox.

But after taking the blood, Shen Qingci still felt sorry for the little fox, and also for the fox lady Xiaohu.

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