
Shen Qingci touched his face again, "You let me prepare some food for me."

She still needs to eat more food. If she comes back with a lot of thoughts and finds that she has lost weight, it will inevitably be another meal. She should eat more fat.


Sanxi went out quickly, just ordering people to prepare.

As for Shen Qingci, she has recently discovered that there are few people around her. There used to be a Baimei, but now Baimei is pregnant, so she can’t come and serve her, so now the people around her can use it. There is only one Sanxi.

It seems that you have to pick a few girls.

She took this matter to heart and asked the housekeeper to do it, and just pick something clever.

Involuntarily, she touched her waist again.

In fact, Sanxi is still wrong. She is fat, but her waist is not fat, but her waist. Her waist is now thicker and better than before, but her face remains unchanged.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a little rounder, she is still quite beautiful, she was still too thin before, but now she is much better than before.

After another half a month, Brandon returned.

When he came back, Miaomiao and the little fox went out to greet him. Lao Hengsi took Miaomiao with one hand and placed the other in front of the little fox. The little fox followed his hand and crawled to his shoulder. Sit down.

Then, he entered the house, and he was very happy to see Shen Qingci sitting at the table, holding a chicken leg and gnawing.

Bro Hengsi put Miao Miao down, washed his hands clean, and sat down.

"Why, know I'm back?"

Well, Shen Qingci knew it early in the morning, so that's why the people in the kitchen prepared the meal. .

She shook the drumstick in her hand, "I was a little hungry, so I took one."

"Well, eat." Beng Hengsi gently stroked her hair, and saw that her complexion was very good, and her appearance was still unclear, and she seemed to be a little more rounded. This was relieved. He was already going out. It's been two months, and after things are done, I'm not as busy as that. I can stay in the capital for a while, and then talk about other things.

After the two of them ran out of food together, they shared a lot of meat with Miao Miao every year.

Pao Heng considered that it was Shen Qingci’s appetite. Recently, she has seen an increase. If she kept it in the past, although it was not like taking medicine, she could not stop using chopsticks, but now she is really good. .

He didn't need to coax him, and he had already eaten two bowls of rice.

"A Ning, your taste is good lately?"

"It's okay." Shen Qingci touched his stomach, "It feels really good to be full. Xiangshi always thought that it was busy, probably because of this, so everything you eat is delicious."

"Also..." She pointed to her face, "Have you not noticed that I am fat?"

"En, let me take a look." Biao Hengsi stretched out her hand and crossed her face. She was not fat, she was still the same as before. She was fourteen or five years old, and she was indeed the same. It is no wonder that few people recognize her because she is a deceptive face. After all, her age is not too young, but she still keeps this little girl's face.

"But here is fat." Shen Qingci put his hands on her waist, which is also the most difficult thing for her to tell her. People are fat faces, but there is no fat everywhere in her body, only here is round. She doesn’t look good at all in clothes, so she hasn’t been wearing a waistcoat recently, and she said she would eat less so that she won’t get fat again.

It's just that some can't control his mouth.

Also, she hates it.

Branding stretched out his hand on her waist, but he paused with his fingers, then moved his hand to her lower abdomen.

"Come here!" He made a deep voice to the outside, "Let Mo fly over once."

Shen Qingci blinked. Why did Mo Fei come over? Could it be that she really ate too much and made her waist thick?

She measured her waist with her hand, alas, it was really fat, it would take a lot of meat to be reduced to be able to return to the former slenderness.

When Mo Fei came over, it was still in the mist

Madam looks good, what? Does it look like sick? Where does it look like sick?

Shen Qingci held the tea in one hand, and put her hand on the pillow, and she felt better now.

Mo Fei pressed his finger on Shen Qingci’s pulse, but his brow jumped suddenly, and he touched it again in disbelief. It was not until almost a quarter of an hour later that he looked up at the branding and anxiety in front of him. Shen Qingci

"How is it?"

Lao Hengsi took the cup in Shen Qingci's hand and poured her a cup of tea. He wrinkled his brows slightly. Perhaps he already knew something in his heart. Mo Fei's surprised and surprised look at this time also made him know that he should It was seven to eight points accurate.

Only Shen Qingci was still in the mist, very puzzled.

I really don’t know what dumb these two people are playing. Of course, she wouldn’t think that she had an incurable disease. Her health couldn’t be better, coupled with the secret medicine of Tanglin, so she would never give birth to anything. Serious illness.

Mo Fei stood up, and then gave Shen Qingci a deep bow.

"Congratulations son, congratulations madam."

Then he grinned, showing piercing white teeth.

"Madam is pregnant, and it is past three months, and..." He smiled again, "Madam seems to be pregnant with twins."

In fact, he was talking about twins, which is also a little conservative, because he feels that he might still have multiple births. Even though the month is a bit small now, he won't know until he gets older.

But the safest thing about twins is that he already feels two clear pulses, so these are the two little masters of his family.

It's not easy. Mo Fei also sincerely feels that their son is too difficult. After waiting for this little lord, he has waited for several years, and his son is now twenty-eight, and finally has offspring.

Shen Qingci's fingers paused, and the cup slid down her hand. Fortunately, a big hand reached out and caught the cup, and then set it aside firmly.

"Be careful." Biao Hengsi put his hand behind her hair, and then gently stroked, "They are all women who want to be mothers, how can they be so boring?"

"I feel like I'm still a child."

Shen Qingci touched her belly. She always thought that she was fat. It turned out that she was not fat, but she was pregnant. But she always felt that she had no fertility fate, so she no longer thought about it. Of course, it is also because of her fourteen-five-year-old face, whether it's a sibling or a dad, it always loves her so far, even if she is worried, she treats her very well.

So that, even now, she still thinks she hasn't grown up.

But now suddenly, she is going to be a mother, and soon she will be like a big sister, having her own child, whether it is a man or a woman, she will call her a mother. How can this feeling be so strange?

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