Civil officials begin to get blessed when they reach middle age, but they grow upside down when they escape from the mountain. The longer they are, the younger they are, and the longer they are, the better. Even Prince Jun is afraid that he will be blessed in middle age. So I just followed Shen Dingshan to learn boxing techniques. After learning, I really felt refreshed and I was a little younger.

Besides, Shen Dingshan strode in, and when he saw that his crying face was red with his grandson, he was shocked.

When Xiao Shi saw his grandfather, he grinned directly, and quickly stretched out his little arm to let his grandfather hold him.

Shen Dingshan hugged his grandson, and shook him again, Xiao Shi stopped crying immediately, and it was very distressing that his little nose twitched, and he stopped his grinding sound. It also made the entire King Jun's mansion relieved.

"How could he cry like this?"

How could Shen Qing Cishan's grandson cry so much? This is obviously a very good child. Although he is a little bit squeamish, the child with his blood from Shen Dingshan is naturally not a scumbag.

"Father, it's all my fault."

Shen Qingrong also felt that he was a little sorry for Xiao Shi, "He might have made me cry, so he was terrified."

"What are you crying for?"

Shen Dingshan said with a black face, "You have all given birth to ten. Those who can't be born, don't you want to cry to death?" And when he said that, Xue Xue immediately shut his mouth, because these are not born, it seems that there are His family A Ning, so his heart is also pricked by himself.


Shen Qingrong didn’t know how to say it. By the way, how could she forget about this? Her father had always been a military trainer, so the person who reported the letter in the past should have not seen his father, so the current father doesn’t know this. Yes.

"Father, you are going to be a grandfather again."

Shen Qingci said happily, and he was a little bit overjoyed.

"Huh?" Shen Dingshan stared at Shen Qingrong's stomach.

"Qingrong, you have it again, and it's no wonder people say you are like a sow."

There were black lines on Shen Qingrong's face.

Is this still my father? How can she say that her daughter has given birth to ten in a row, which is not what she wants, but who makes her stomach be upright? Can you blame her for two or three in this life? ?

"Father." Shen Qingrong really wanted to stamp her foot, this Xiaojun Princess still wanted the face.

"It's not a daughter, it's A Ning, it's A Ning who is pregnant."

Originally, Shen Dingshan was still coaxing his good grandson, but he was taken aback for a moment. He turned his head and his eyes were as big as they were.

"Qingrong, what are you talking about, A Ning, what's wrong with her?"

"Father, A Ning is pregnant." When Shen Qingrong actually said this, he felt weird. Whoever left them without a mother was Shen Dingshan.


Shen Dingshan suddenly laughed, and his chest was shaking. She was still crying with tears, Xiao Shi blinked her big eyes, and then she slapped her two small slaps and giggled. .

"My grandfather's Xiaoshi smiled."

Shen Dingshan lifted Xiao Shi and hugged him high. Xiao Shi was even more happy. He died as if crying just now, but now he can hear his laugh everywhere.

An angry Shen Qingrong really wanted to beat him up.

What kind of child is this? Obviously my mother-in-law is here, but how can I see my mother-in-law, just like meeting an enemy? It's like a little fool.

She was so angry that she ignored her son. She was like a sow. She gave birth to so many sons. Which one was worry-free, and none of them bothered her. The only one was to come over her.

However, he is not the one who hurts the most about her now.

After knowing that her sister was pregnant, she went to Shuo Palace with this little ancestor.

As soon as she entered, she saw Shen Qingci sitting at the table and eating, she stood there for a while, and was drenched in cold sweat.

"A Ning, you can't eat anymore."

Shen Qingrong couldn't help but swallowed. He really couldn't eat it anymore. It was all three bowls of rice, and then after eating it, wouldn't he be afraid that his stomach would hold up?

"Nothing." Shen Qingci asked someone to add a bowl of rice to himself, "I'm just hungry."

After she finished eating, she looked up and saw that two pairs of similar eyes had been staring at her, one for Shen Qingrong and the other for Xiaoshi.

"Still like me?"

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and squeezed Xiao Shi's small face, "It's obviously like your grandmother, not aunt at all."

Xiao Shi stretched out his little hand, held Shen Qingci’s finger, and then pulled it to his mouth and bit it. It was originally a tender little gum. Biting on a person’s finger only felt itchy, not painful. .

Shen Qingci squeezed Xiao Shi's face again, and then hugged him.

"You must be careful."

Shen Qingrong was scared into a cold sweat. This child has been waiting for so many years. She is really scared. What if one of them can't manage to get rid of this difficult child?

Her sister may have only this child.

Nothing, Shen Qingci asked Xiao Shi to stand on her lap, and then moved her face together. It might be because of the blood of Lou's family. She has a faint morning dew fragrance on her body. This fragrance is kind of Wonderful affinity, so whether it is a small animal or a child, you can feel the kindness on her, so I like to get close to her.

Sure enough, Xiao Shi may not recognize her aunt, but she likes her aunt very much. She also wiped his saliva on Aunt Jie’s face. After this, she still feels a sense of accomplishment. Patting his little slap, the little man, these bright and curved eyes, and the smile, let alone how rare it is.

Shen Qingci was a person with some cleanliness, but he did not dislike his little nephew at all, and even thought that the little nephew did not wipe enough, and he put the other half of his face together and let the little nephew wipe it. With.

Xiao Shi was also very rude, and wiped the other half of Shen Qingci's face, and then he laughed.

Although Xiao Shi has some congenital deficiencies, it has been raised for almost a year, and it has not been raised back, but this small appearance is very cute and tight, and it is more beautiful than Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu was very feminine when he was a child, but this one grows a bit more like a dad, and when it comes to Xiaoshi, he is very delicate, with big eyes, long eyelashes, and even a small face. Mei, if this is really a little princess, then he must be a very beautiful child, but it is a pity, no matter how long he grows, he cannot grow into a little princess.

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