Shen Qingci raised his head to look at him, and after an unknown period of time, he asked in a low voice, "Can it really be done everywhere?"


Brandon took care of her clothes, "You can go wherever you want. If you don't want to stay in the capital, don't stay. In fact, even I feel a little annoyed by the prosperity of Beijing."

This is at the feet of the emperor, but can you know the geometry of the accident of human relations?

So it's not as free as ordinary people.


Shen Qingci shouted to the outside, and immediately, Da Xiang ran over, don't look at this petite and petite person, but he did things very quickly.

Come as you say, let's get away.

Come fast, roll faster.

"Daxiang, where is your home?"

Shen Qingci asked Metropolis Daxiang, but still remembered that Daxiang seemed to be from the capital.

Daxiang lowered his head, even afraid to look up.

And if you ask where is her home?

"The servant's house is in Nancheng Village at the foot of the capital."

"Are you far from the capital?"

Shen Qingci played with his clothes belt, if it's not far away, go there, because there are mountains, where there are mountains, there are good things, she has always known this.

"Not far away," Daxiang broke off his finger and counted.

"With the footsteps of slaves and maids, you can go back and forth once a day. If it is a carriage, it will be faster. It is at the feet of the emperor, but it is far away from the prosperity of the capital."

Shen Qingci gently tugged on his sleeve.

"You want to go?"

Brando Hengsi had already understood Shen Qingci's mind.

"En." Shen Qingci nodded. I want to live in the country. She always feels that in the capital, she is always a little too bored, not free to go outside.

"Let Changqing arrange it."

Branding worry did not delay time here either. Since he decided to go, he should proceed to do it now. The reason why he let Shen Qing resign so happily is that, besides the recent ups and downs of Shen Qingci, there is also The thing is that the capital is not too peaceful now. Even though Emperor Wen Yuan is on the throne, he still has a lot of power and wants to pull him down.

So it is best for her to leave.

Shen Qing is not in a hurry when she resigns. She still has one month of preparation time, but it will pass. When she is waiting, she will mostly make some incense and incense as a spare, so she will not let Yipinxiang cut off the food.

Evergreen took Daxiang back. After all, Daxiang is a local. It is indeed much more convenient for her to do business this time.

But when Daxiang went back, almost the whole village was boiled. The old Xu family’s sold granddaughter came back, and now she has become everyone’s maid. Looking at her clothes, they are all rare things they have never seen before. This decent one looks like a girl. It's all the girls from wherever you are.

Daxiang actually wanted to go home to see his parents, but in the end he still resisted not to go. Instead, he took Changqing to the village head, and wanted to ask if there were houses for sale.

In the end, there is really one room left by a landlord, which is suitable for them to live in.

Evergreen made a special trip to see the house, and it was no longer satisfied. In fact, their son had quite a few other villages, but they were all far away from here, otherwise, there would be no need to mention buying a house.

However, if you buy this house, you can buy it. Who will let them have the money?

In just half a day, this house is already the property of Shuo Palace, and Changqing asked Daxiang to find the people in the village and cleaned the house inside and out. He also sent someone to the house. Everything has been changed.

This night, nothing seemed to happen, only a carriage came from the main gate of the capital, and it took only half a day. By the time the night fell, it was already in the house.

Shen Qingci opened the curtain of the carriage.

"Chiji..." A little fox jumped over, laying his two front paws on it, and then chirped from time to time.

"I knew you like it here."

Shen Qingci touched the little head of the little fox. The little fox originally came out of the mountains. These mountains have an inexplicable intimacy to him, and the mountains that want to come here are also the same.

The air in the countryside is very fresh, with a natural earthy smell, and the smell of the crops grown in the mountains. Shen Qingci's nose is still very sensitive. She can smell all the smells here, and they all have a kind of smell. The anger that comes from nature.

And this kind of anger also started to make her always a little irritable. It calmed down little by little and also calmed down. She gently exhaled the turbid breath in her lungs. When she turned her head back, Just saw the eyes of Beng Hengsi smiling at her.

Suddenly, her heart also fainted with a kind of affection, the kind of soft, soft, like a gust of wind, so that her whole heart was rolled with light, light, overflowing.

Brandon stretched out his hand on her face and scratched her face with his fingers.

"We still have a hundred years, and we also have our common children," there was nothing else in his heart at this time, and there was only her.

He really hopes that all those tribulations will pass, leaving them a road that will never be twisted again.

The carriage went directly into the house. Before dawn, and people were still not awake, when there was no sound of **** crows, it was already here without knowing it, until the sun rises, the house The door was also closed, just like yesterday.

When Shen Qing resigned, he fell asleep holding the little fox, and the little fox nestled his body in the quilt, and flung his big tail around.

Miao Miao was kept in Shuo Palace, because it has become more lazy recently. If it’s okay, it doesn’t want to move.

The little fox got out of the quilt, then jumped onto Bold Hengsi's legs, and then picked up his two front paws, and kept chatting against Bold Hengsi. This little appearance was quite cute.

BAO Hengxiu pinched its little ears, "I will ask you to take you out for a while. There are a lot of game in this mountain. You can also go hunting by yourself."


The little fox jumped down happily and went straight to find something to eat.

When it ran out, Daxiang was taken aback. The swish passed, and the swish came back. She patted her chest.

What kind of weird things the lady raises.

A fat cat can be regarded as a pig, and a fox who can be angry with people and gods.

"Master, the food outside is ready, do you want to use it?" Daxiang cleared his throat, and then said to the person inside, that is why this is so fluffy in his heart, especially because he is very afraid of the July It's the face of floating snow.

"Not yet."

Pao Hengsi took the book on one side and read it while leaning against it. He was waiting for Shen Qingci to wake up, and now he still doesn't stutter.

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