And Madam actually agreed to that?

"Mother, mother, my sister is back."

The two thin-faced children yelled at them, and one of them also took Daxiang's hand.


A middle-aged woman walked out of it. She will not be big next year, but she will be like an old woman. Her hair is half gray and her face is dry and dirty. A discerning person knows that this is all year round. At times, it is the old state.

"Mother..." Da Xiang ran over and hugged Da Xiang Niang too.

Da Xiangniang covered her mouth, she just cried, but she couldn't speak.

She also heard that her family’s Daxiang is promising, and she has followed a good master, and now the master is also the largest house at the entrance of the village that she bought, and she has moved over, and she is afraid to see her daughter. I am afraid of causing trouble to my daughter.

Now I finally saw her, her heart that had been tight for more than a year was finally let go.

"Mother," Da Xiang squeezed Da Xiang Niang's hand, "Why does our family live here?" If the fourth aunt next door hadn't told her, she wouldn't even be able to find her own home.

But Da Xiangniang just cried, and in the end there was really no way she could tell Da Xiang about the family affairs.

It turned out that after Daxiang was sold, the silver was taken by Daxiangnai, and Daxiang's family was also driven here, and even the food was not given, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Although Da Xiangniang didn't listen much, but Da Xiang understood more than anything.

After she went back, she cried and told Sanxi about it.


After hearing what Daxiang said, Sanxi flushed with anger.

"There is no such shameless person in this world."

"If you don't sell your money to your parents, you have to drive your parents out."

Daxiang smiled bitterly, and there really is such a mother and father. Didn't she meet it? Isn't it like this in their family?

"Sister Sanxi, when do you think we will send out monthly silver?"

Daxiang cried when he came back, and didn't know what to do. There is no rice and no food in the house, and seeing his parents and younger siblings starve to death.

"Don't worry first." Sanxi comforted her, and I went to see his wife first. "

"Sister Sanxi..."

Daxiang didn't finish saying this, Sanxi ran away again, and Sanxi's temperament has always said that the wind is rainy. If you say it, you say it, and you say it.

Shen Qingci is now in her new fragrance room, making spices, and she is not going well in Beijing. Now she is here, she feels much better, and she also tunes several new fragrances.

While she was making spices, she was also listening to the things that San was fond of Daxiang's family, listening to her ears, but also thinking in her heart, of course, the movements in her hands still did not stop.

"Madam, do you think they are hateful?"

"En, it is hateful." Shen Qingci completely agreed with what Sanxi said.

"Madam, shall we just let this matter go?"

Sanxi is still filled with righteous indignation, no matter what, she must help Daxiang.

"There are too few things you can manage in this world."

Shen Qingci is just telling the truth. The injustices in the world are not so easy to deal with. Now when I listen to the anger, it is only because of Daxiang, not to mention Daxiang family. Most people in this village are like this, but Daxiang family is better than others. It's just a bit miserable.

"But we met."

Sanxi felt that this injustice, she must take care of it, otherwise, her conscience would hurt.

Shen Qingci put down the spices in her hands, and then she put her hands on her lower abdomen, until she couldn't feel them growing, but the two started fighting in her belly.


Sanxi saw that Shen Qingci had no words for half a day, so he could only call out again carefully.

"Bring them."

Actually, Shen Qingci didn't pay too much attention to these things, but she must have encountered it, and she was the person around her. She has never been too stingy with her own people.

In fact, she is also a selfish person. If you want to make people work for you, you must also be kind to them. It's not that you grew up by your side. The human heart is separated from the belly, and it is a bit of thought. Is unknown to others.

If it is possible to give a grace to Daxiang once, it is not what it is?

Besides, how does she feel as if this life is indeed a bit boring, and she has to add some spices to it.

Sanxi was naturally overjoyed when he heard it, and hurriedly ran out to find Daxiang.

"You said Madam wants to see my parents?"

Daxiang is a little flattered.

"Yes." Sanxi hurriedly pushed Daxiang, you go quickly, while the current wife is still awake, the wife is pregnant now, and her heart is soft and tight.

If Shen Qingci were there, she would definitely ask when her heart was hardened again, when she hit them, scolded them, and even killed them when she confronted these little girls.

Since she lived again for the first time, she has been chanting the saying that God has a good life. Regardless of her identity, she is actually the same in front of human life. There is only one life for a person, and there is no second way to go.

But Daxiang ran out quickly and went to find his family.

It's just that Daxiang's parents are honest people, and they have never seen such a big battle. Both of them are afraid that they can't even speak.

Daxiang's parents put on their best clothes, which are also stored on weekdays, and they don't care about wearing them at all. They only have a chance to wear them when they leave relatives during the holidays.

In fact, they are good clothes, but they are not patched, but they are all washed and white. It is better to wash them clean. Even the two children have been cleaned up. Although the two children are very thin, they are still long. Is very cute.

But Da Xiangniang was scared. Walking along the road, she felt that her legs were shaking very badly. If Da Xiang hadn't been pulling her, she wouldn't know how many times she had knelt along the way.

"Madam, my parents are here."

Daxiang walked over, also saluting Shen Qing's resignation.

Shen Qingci was playing with Nian Nian at this time, and it seemed that he was not in a bad mood, with a slight smile on the corner of his lips.

"Come in." She said quietly, the person did not show up, just sitting behind the curtain of the first floor, in addition to hearing her voice, most people can see a vague figure, and therefore, It was Daxiang who couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay if she doesn't see it, if she does see, she is afraid that her parents will crawl out.

Although their lady is not too talkative, but the whole body style of this body is also what common people like them are most afraid of.

When Da Xiangniang came in, her legs trembled again, but fortunately Da Xiang gave her a hand.



Both of them stammered, and they didn't dare to lift their heads. Of course, they didn't know what to do. Did they kneel? Just when the two were about to kneel, Sanxi was busy stopping him.

"You can just stand here and talk."

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