And before it got dark, she finally brought back all the people from her natal family. Anyway, there were a lot of long studios, which really came with people with their belongings.

Outside the house, Sanxi hurriedly walked in. At this moment, Shen Qingci was playing with the little fox. Since the little fox accidentally urinated on the quilt last time, Shen Qingci has dried it for several days, but when he saw the little fox She always looked pitiful, and she couldn't bear it anyway. It didn't mean that she had to let it go for a few more days, but she was softened again.

Branding is in the study, completing the water conservancy diagrams. These water conservancy diagrams are easy to draw, but they are still too difficult. For one spot, he has been drawing for a full two years or so. The rest is nothing. Don't even think about moving after a few years.

Of course, it was also because of these water conservancy plans that Shen Qingci didn't feel that he was sorry for Branding. Let him accompany her to a place like her. Branding still had his work to do, and she was the same.

After all, she seems to be a bit busy.

I need to make spices to earn money, raise children, and raise a fox. By the way, I have to care about my girl’s livelihood plan.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qingci raised his head and asked Sanxi, "Are you doing something?"

"Madam, the Zhao family said outside that they would like to thank Madam for granting land."

"The Zhao family?"

Shen Qingci couldn't remember where the Zhao family came from.

"It's Daxiang's outside home."

Sanxi replied carefully, and she was relieved to see Shen Qingci in a good mood.

"They are so wise."

Shen Qingci hugged the little fox and went to make some spices later. He couldn't play like this, and wouldn't earn the bridesmaids and dowry for the children.

"Go and pay some money and let them buy some cattle tomorrow. With so much land, you can't use people as cattle and horses."

After Sanxi was finished, he came out and paid some money.

She gave the silver to the old man Zhao, "This is what the lady gave you. Let you buy some cows, and the remaining silver will be rewarded to you."

"Right." Sanxi was thinking of something, "I heard that you have a lot of family members?"

The old man Zhao quickly lowered his head, thinking that Sanxi thinks they are too many people. Their Zhao family is too crowded. He has three sons, and there are many grandchildren, and several grandchildren are all grown-ups. Up.

"En." Sanxi touched her clothes, "No matter how many people there are, we can farm quickly."

Old man Zhao's tight heart finally let go. He took the silver, and the corners of his eyes were a little hot. It seems that he did the right thing. The master handed the silver into his hands. Think about it, these places are also planted by them.

Let's talk about Father Daxiang, this time he sent the steamed buns from Daxiang to his hometown, regardless of whether his children were hungry or not?

"Mother, I'm hungry." The little boy said to Da Chunniang.

"Mother, I am hungry too." The little girl also took Da Chunniang's hand.

Both of them are hungry, still very hungry

"Mother, cook some wild vegetable soup for you." Da Xiangniang quickly wiped her tears, which also suppressed her feeling of grievance.

When the two children ate the wild vegetable soup, they were actually not very full. With the clear soup and water, how could they be full, but they knew that the family was poor and did not have much food, so it was not noisy.

"Mother, let's go catch the bugs and feed the chickens." The two little ones held hands and went out.

"Go ahead."

Da Xiangniang wiped the water from her hands on the clothes and let them go out. The village is like such a big child who runs everywhere, so nothing will happen?

The two little ones held hands and ran out looking for bugs, but when they were about to leave, they encountered a little white fox. The little fox was the size of a palm and was very beautiful and cute.

"Brother, Tutu."

The little girl pointed at the little fox in front and said happily.

And the little fox rolled his eyes.

What kind of rabbit, the master is a fox, the fox does not understand, the master is the most noble breed among the foxes, but the master is the snow fox, which is not comparable to ordinary foxes.

"Brother catches rabbits."

The little girl pointed at the fox in front of her with her finger, while the little fox was combing her fluffy tail with her paws, and she did not put the two human cubs in her eyes.

"Okay, brother will help you catch the rabbit." The little boy straightened his chest and saw that his sister liked this rabbit so much. Naturally, he had to help his sister catch it. As an older brother, he should take good care of his sister. , And what the younger sister wants, he will also help her catch it, hum.

As a result, when he stepped forward, the little fox ran away with his long tail.

"Tutu ran away."

The little girl was anxious, and tears fell one by one.

Brother takes you to catch, the little boy takes the little girl's hand, and the two ran to catch the fox.


The little fox dragged his long tail, and quickly climbed onto the owner's legs, then climbed onto the owner's shoulders, and then turned his own ball into a ball for the owner as a decoration.

"Brother, Tutu."

The little girl stretched out his little finger and pointed to the front. When the little boy saw the person in front of him, his face was instantly pale. He blocked his sister behind him, also afraid of the woman in front of him.

At this moment, the little girl got a small head from behind her brother.

"Brother, it's Fairy Sister."

The little boy again blocked his sister behind him, and then he suddenly gritted his teeth and also pulled his sister to kneel down.

"My dear, sorry, we didn't mean it."

Shen Qingci comforted the frightened little fox. Isn’t this usually courageous? What is it? The two children were scared and shivered. Even the wolves were foxes who dared to wave their paws. They were scared of children. .

If Xiao Hu knew, he really didn't know if he would stuff the little fox back and be born again.

However, this boy is quite interesting.

Shen Qingci found a place for herself to sit down. There was no discomfort on her body. Now she was a little bit embarrassed, but it didn't affect anything.

It is also possible that because her body is very good, the child is really very relaxed. If it weren't for this, she might be worried that she would be frowning at her every day, and of course it would be impossible for her to walk around at will.

"Come here." Shen Qingci stretched out his hand to the two children, and knew that they were the twins of the brothers and sisters of Daxiang's family.

The little boy took his sister's hand and walked over obediently. Both of them are five or six years old, but they are a little pitiful and thin, so they are much smaller. Compared with them, you can know Brother Hui. How good is that figure.

Brother Hui is indeed very similar to his grandfather, and his figure is even more like that. He is only a five-year-old child, but they are all about the same height as the nine-year-old Jin brother Yu, 80%. It has grown to nine feet.

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