"Daxiang, it's not wrong to follow your father at home." Shen Qingci curled his lips lightly, and also reminded her aloud to let her remember her identity. The words of staying at home from the father are good, and of course there is no one. Dare to be wrong, this has been the standard for a woman to live since ancient times. Few people in this world like Shen Dingshan, regard their daughter as more important than their own life, even when they died yesterday, they are most assured The only thing left is the daughter who is not promising and utterly broken.

It's just that Daxiang, she is not Shen Qingci, and her people in this life are Shen Qingci, then Daxiang father may also be Shen Qingci.

Daxiang didn't understand the meaning of Shen Qingci.

On the other side, Sanxi really hates that iron can't make steel. Why hasn't she been taught the rules for so long, and still don't understand. Are all the things she said for ghosts?

Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and poked the little fox's head. The little fox opened a pair of clever round eyes, and from time to time he leaned toward Shen Qingci's belly, just to get closer to the two little babies.

Shen Qingci raised his face again and looked at Daxiang who still didn't understand.

"Daxiang, can't you really remember it?"

Daxiang's mind is messed up right now, she doesn't know what Shen Qingci is talking about?

Sanxi pinched the meat on Daxiang's waist hard, and the pinch was heavy and hard, which also made Daxiang's sore face twisted.

"Daxiang, they sold you."

Sanxi reminds Daxiang, do you understand this word, isn't it difficult to understand this sentence?

If she sells it, she sells it, whether she sells two taels of silver or three taels of silver, even if she sells one penny, she is only worth the penny.

Daxiang's face turned white involuntarily, and this was when she remembered.

She is no longer Xu's family. She may have been with Xu's family for the first 13 years, and she must keep the three obediences and four virtues, but the rest of her life and the remaining years have nothing to do with the Xu family.

She has already signed the deed of selling, and her deed of selling, yes. . . Death deed.

In other words, even if she dies, she can only die in the Shuo Palace, and her life depends on the master’s preference. The master says she is born, she is born, and if she is allowed to die, she will also go. dead.

So Shen Qingci means that it is right to follow the father at home, but is she related to the Xu family now?

Shen Qingci poked Nian Nian's head again, and there will be a good show in a while.

As for how you can sing, you can’t guess, you can’t guess.

But soon, she would know.

Outside, the Xu family came in mighty and mighty people, and also brought their own family, the old and the young are a dozen people, proudly still walked a big circle in the village. Said that they have fifty acres of land, but that big family has given them this land to their family. That big family, how good they are, of course, they are also very decent in front of the big family.

If Shen Qingci knew that someone would even call herself a relative of her, I wonder if she would laugh lazily even when she laughed.

It’s ridiculous that people like the Xu family are worthy of being her relatives.

The people of the Xu family circled the village. This is where they went. When they saw the land here, how could they be unhappy in their hearts? This land will be their own in the future, so how can they make others greedy? Go, and that other person is obviously Daxiang's parents.

When Mrs. Xu came, she asked Da Xiangniang to make room for them.

"Mother, there is still a place over there."

Da Xiangniang tightened her red lips, not to say, and she didn't want to say, she just wanted to know how Da Xiang's father dealt with their mother and son, this is only the mother's life, not his own wife and children, right?

When Wang heard that there was a house on the opposite side, his expression had not changed at all.

"On the other side, the boss and I belonged to me. The boss gave me care and naturally lived with us. This is for the third child to study."

"But where do we want to live?"

And listening to Mrs. Xu's words, Da Xiang's father was the one who reacted. Of course, he was also anxious. They lived on both sides. Where would their family live?

"Where else can you live?々

Mrs. Xu rolled her eyes directly, where she came from, "It's where you are going back. Anyway, you are not used to living in that straw house. If you go to live in the old house, don't make any decisions. That is the ancestral industry, and naturally it is also your elder brother."

Da Xiangniang held her two children one by one, and she never said a word, and of course she never asked for any affection.

She still wanted to know, Da Xiang, to what kind of compromise he could compromise.

And Da Xiang squatted there, then gritted his teeth, and also took a look at Da Xiang Niang. What are you still doing here without packing up your things?

Da Xiangniang sneered, OK, she cleaned up.

At this moment, I heard the shouts of Xu Dalang's wife.

"Father, mother, it's not good."

"What's wrong?"

When Mrs. Xu can't hear her well, she can still get it. Who's wrong? Is this cursing her to die?

"It's not a mother, it's not..." Xu Dalang's wife gasped for breath from time to time, and too late to explain, she pointed to the opposite.

"Mother, sister-in-law's maiden family live in it."

"What?" Old lady Xu jumped up directly, and followed the Xu family to curse.

Daxiang Daddy also reacted to this, even unbelievable.

"Zhao Lihua, how dare you."

He stretched out his finger and pointed at Da Xiangniang.

Da Xiangniang continued to collect things, but suddenly, she turned around and stared at Da Xiang.

"Yes, I let my mother's family come here, this place will be my mother's race in the future, and your Xu family don't even think about planting it."

With a snap, Da Xiang's father licked his mouth, and he was also stunned by Da Xiangniang. She also fell to the ground. The two children were frightened. They couldn't even cry for a long time. .

But Da Xiangniang didn't cry. She stretched out her hand and hugged the two children. The three mothers and sons spit lowly.

"Oh, fighting?"

Shen Qingci turned around, and then put the spices on the table on the shelf. This was similar to what she had imagined. Under the heavy profit, there must be quarrels. The 30 acres of land was like fat.

They must fight for life and death.

People die for money and birds die for food. She wants to see how Da Xiangniang walks this way.

"Xie Si, go out and have a look."

Shen Qing said to a black-clothed woman next to him, that this is the female security guard chosen for her, she is really young.

"Well," she said after thinking about it again.

"When necessary, protect those two children."

Shen Qingci doesn’t care how others beat it, whether it’s alive or dead. She likes those two children, especially the boy. His sense of smell made her interested. She was planning to collect it in the first flavor incense. It's a pity to go.

When Xie Si was about to leave, a little fox ran in from outside and jumped on the ground.

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