The village has had a good life this year, because with the one or two silver and two catties of meat, the fine noodles and noodles in the past, finally, even the poor can live a good life. This year.

When Shen Qingci came back from the incense room, when several children saw her, they raised their small faces and looked at her at the same time. Although these children were born in one child, their personalities are absolutely different. They look very similar. Brother Xiao and Brother Xi, both of them are very different in nature. Needless to say, Brother Yi, who has been weak and sick since childhood, is not very active, and the only little girl in their house.

But sometimes their behavior is surprisingly neat. For example, now, at the moment when Shen Qing resigned, they knew that mother was out.

There is a fragrant smell on the mother. The children like her from time to time, and they can't leave her. Of course the four of them are the same.

Shen Qingci went over, hugged them one by one, and then kissed their little cheeks, which was regarded as greeting them.

And when she saw the four cute little dumplings, how could Shen Qingci, who was the first mother, be willing to be willing to them? She had said that she wanted to save the bride price and dowry for them.

Now she doesn't seem to have much money in her hands.

It seems that you will have to open a few more first-grade fragrances, otherwise the three young sons of her family will not even be able to marry a wife in the future. Silver is indeed a good thing, and of course silver is also emboldened.

With a squeak, the door outside opened, and the four little guys who were playing on the collapse and turning over, looked forward in unison, their movements were exactly the same, even the angles were the same, and every time they arrived At this time, it's all irritating.

Brando Hengsi patted his shoulder, it seemed that there were still slices of snowflakes, and when the snow reached the house, it quickly melted into snow, but there was still a clear and cold air on his body.

It is also extremely cold to touch.


The children all stretched out their small arms, this is for dad to hug.

However, Luo Hengxi did not hug them. He had just returned from the outside, and his body had a kind of chill. The four little guys couldn't bear such a cold.

Seeing that Dad ignored them, the little guys flattened their mouths, and all their tears rolled out, which was surprisingly consistent.

Just when they were about to cry and cry, they came out, and they opened their eyes again, and the tears were clearly in the corners of their eyes, but immediately they wanted to hug them again.

Shen Qingci couldn't help but pressed her forehead, and she knew it would be like this. All three of them have grown up now, and their hearts have grown up. They all know that they can think.

Luo Hengsi walked over, and picked them up one by one, shook them, coaxed them, and kissed them again.

Although he is a strict father, it seems that several children like him very much. When they are sick, the one who guards the most is his father, especially Brother Yi. This time and again Yes, staying up all night, as long as he cries, there will be that big palm gently touching his small forehead, and every time he opens his eyes, he will see Daddy.

After I finished holding the four children, I played with them for a while. When they were rubbing their eyes, they were handed over to the nanny. The work and rest of the four children was too bad. Not much, one is asleep, and the others are usually less than a moment away, so at this time, it is time for them to rest.

After the nurse took them down, Luo Hengsi came over and sat beside Shen Qingci.

Then he stretched out his hand and placed it on Shen Qingci's cheeks, and when he looked at it carefully, there was still no change, even the figure was almost the same as before, still very slender and beautiful.

That is, what's the matter with the blue and gray under her eyes, "Why, is this okay?"

"It's okay," Shen Qingci shook her head. She has indeed been sleeping well recently. She is not taking care of the four children, but she has a lot of worry, and sometimes even falls asleep and thinks of them again. You have to look at them more.

It was the first time she became a mother in two lifetimes. Naturally, she was extremely happy, because this mother was a bit too tired, or it might be because she didn't recover after giving birth to them.

"How about Xuecai?" Shen Qingci is also worried about Xuecai now, it has been so long, and when it snows again, according to Dongling people, this kind of vegetable is thrown in any place, just give it to it. Some water can come out, but it’s Tanglin, it’s something else, don’t forget, there is no winter in Tanglin.

"Now everything is fine."

It was already covered with snow and wind outside, and in fact, they couldn't see anything. They just knew that those snow vegetables were still growing, and they didn't know whether they could survive this winter day.

"Actually, there is no such worry," Biao Hengsi squeezed Shen Qingci's hand. "If this fails, we will plant again next year, and half of the seeds will remain, but we will only wait for the first half of the year."

The last two acres of seeds harvested from the land were not all planted, but less than one-third was used. If it succeeds, then it is the best. If it fails, there will be next year.

But yesterday, nearly a year ago, these...

He thought about it again and sent a few cars back to Beijing.

According to the last time Bold Hengxu sent Xuecai back to Beijing, it has been nearly half a year, and as the New Year in the capital is approaching, heavy carriages also entered the gate of the capital and went straight to the palace. Place away.

When Emperor Wen Yuan saw the arrival of this cart after cart of pickled vegetables, he was naturally very happy. Even if it was raw, some people would want to eat it. There was heavy snow and wind everywhere outside. Even in this palace, I haven't eaten such tender dishes in a long time.

The carriages were carried in by carriages, and the palace alone sent more than a dozen carriages. Each piece of snow vegetable was as big as a melon, or even more. The skin on the outside was a little yellowish, but After peeling off the withered leaves, they are all green and tender inside.

These are all people who have not eaten fresh green vegetables for several months. They can't help but swallow. They feel like they are going to be sheep. Why don't you want to eat meat, just want to eat vegetables.

No way, who made this big winter, not to mention a green dish, not even a yellow dish, even the palace inside, the emperor’s food is not as good, even if there are those green flavors Most of them are dug out from the cellar. No matter how well they are preserved, it is impossible to have how fresh they are. It is fundamentally different from this kind of fresh dishes.

This is really a good thing. This year, I can finally eat some greens in the palace.

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