Three days later, the carriage was packed. There were a dozen carriages. The spices made by Shen Qingci contained about three carriages. There were about two children’s clothing and toys. There were so many carriages, Xuecai and the others also took some back. They took them back and sent them to eat. I heard that this thing is very valuable in Beijing, and the people in Beijing always take food to send.

I really don't know where it came from, the weird atmosphere.

Shen Qingci carefully hugged Brother Yi. The child seemed uncomfortable at night, and he was noisy all night. Now he is finally asleep, and when he wakes up, he should be able to enter the palace.

"Give me a hug," Lao Hengli stretched out his hand, and hugged the baby in Shen Qingci's arms. However, Brother Yi was changed to a place where he was still in the soft embrace of his mother. The dear's temperature has lost, and he flattened his small mouth unwillingly, but immediately felt the aura on his daddy, which was quiet.

"His sense of smell is not bad either."

Brando Hengsi gently stroked the thin face of Brother Yi. In fact, he had already discovered that the four children born to Shen Qingci had good sense of smell, like a mother, but Guoer was the most sensitive.

Because Guoer can be said to have inherited the blood of the Lou family, and the blood of the Lou family does not distinguish between men and women, but there are more women than men, and whether or not they inherit the blood of the Lou family can be derived from the fragrance of the body.

Guo'er is born with fragrance, no matter when the whole body is very sweet and clean, it is also very tight, and the little girl is just as long as it is, and she looks like her own mother. How can it look bad?

And because she is the only little princess because she is a bunch of brats, it is natural that this birth is destined to the road to prosperity that has been set before her.

Brother Yi, who was held by Daddy, also stretched out his little hand to grab Daddy's clothes, and buried his little face in Daddy's arms, not to mention how obedient he was. There is also that fox. Could it be that this carriage is sleeping comfortably, but it has never been awake in the sway of the carriage.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this place to leave the capital, and it would take half a day at most.

A dozen horse-drawn carriages returned to the Palace of Shuo unimpeded, and the three carriages with spices went directly to the Palace of Weiguo. These spices were sent to Yipinxiang, and arrived at the Palace of Weiguo. Later, someone will naturally deliver the spices to the first product in the capital, and she will make other spices for the rest.

As soon as their front foot arrived, Shen Wenhao, Shen Qingrong, and Princess Jun's back foot followed.

And they have not been to Shen Qing to resign for more than a year, and of course there are no children born to Shen Qing.

When Shen Qing left, he was still pregnant in April, but now these four children are old enough to sit down.

Shen Qingrong is proud of everybody now. Her younger sister can't give birth now, but she gave birth to four in one child. She just wants to make those people regret, all of them have no vision, she is so good Sister, she was blind to life and death at first, now she has a face slap, does it hurt?

Are you sour? What's the use of marrying a bunch of people? In the end, you didn't have one and a half sons and a half, but her sister, she has four in her life, and they are all decent sons, royals, and children. Both.

The few children got out of the carriage and have not yet woken up, and they are all very well raised. I don’t know if the feng shui in the small village is good, or because they are in good health, except for Brother Yi who is born weak. Except for the children, the others are fat and cute.

Especially the little girl, who looks like a mother-in-law, makes the Shen Wenhao brothers and sisters rare.

The little girl gnawed on her little fingers, her little hands and feet were fat and cute, and even her eyebrows were quite beautiful, which made Princess Jun really sigh, how can this be such a little crystal-hearted thing? Beautiful, so touching.

Because Princess Jun didn't have a granddaughter, she wanted her granddaughter too tightly, so she was holding her little girl, and if she let it go, it seemed that even her heart would hurt.

As for Shen Qingrong, she originally came here to see the little girl. Who made the two families stupefied did not give birth to one, who let them stabbed the son's nest, and the sons were born one after another, but the soft little girl, but There was no one, so as soon as they knew that their sister had come back with their little niece, it was not straightforward to leave everything behind.

They came to visit the little niece, and now they are surrounded by this little person who is obviously smaller than the other three.

At this time, this child has become a younger sister. When she was a child, she was really like her sister at that time. It is also the little sister that their brother and sister guarded day and night, but later the mother disappeared, that thin sister. It's also gone.

"What's wrong with him?" Shen Qingrong covered her mouth, tears fell one by one. How could she not feel distressed? This child is too much like her younger sister when she was young. She also heard from her father that her sister had four children. There is a congenital deficiency, the heart and lungs are also very poor, and they are often sick. At that time, they thought it was the same as Xiaoshi. Xiaoshi is a congenital deficiency disease. He is often sick. If you don’t keep it well, it’s good, and it’s smooth. They grew up, but when they saw this thin child, they were all shocked.

They think Xiao Shi is weak, so they love Xiao Shi in every possible way, that is, even Shen Qingrong no longer thinks about her daughter, just want his Xiao Shi to grow up safely.

They thought Xiao Shi was the weakest, but until they saw the child in front of them, they knew what is weak, even the child’s breathing was weak and tight.

"He is okay," Shen Qingci carefully stretched out his finger and touched Brother Yi's small forehead. Seeing that he was not sweating, he was relieved. "He has suffered a disease, so he is weak. It's very, but not serious, it's just a bit picky, not too fond of eating."

This is half a year old, and the teeth have grown a few. The other children can eat vegetable paste and rice cereal, and they have to eat a lot in a day, even the little girl. They were all raised in vain and fat, and their little hands had five fleshy pits, which shows how good this body is, but why this one is so thin.

"Hug me."

Shen Qingrong was originally a mother. Seeing Brother Yi like this, his heart hurts, just like seeing such a poor little sister back then.

She picked up Brother Yi carefully, really feeling that the child in her arms was too small and too skinny, could this still feed, this poor little one.

In fact, Brother Yi really didn’t have it. She was as pitiful as they imagined. She was just a little thinner and weaker. It was only because she had only finished a sickness, so her body was not completely well, so she was. It feels very pitiful.

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