But let Shen Qingci, the mother, listen, how could he feel so uncomfortable in his heart?

Sure enough, they are all unscrupulous, and they are all unhappy.

Only when she arrived, the four children happily crawled towards her when they saw her. It is also possible that their parents had eaten the secret medicine of Tanglin, and their fathers also used their own internal energy to raise After ten months of them, even if they were born with multiple births, their bodies are better than ordinary children. In addition, they are the grandsons of Shen Dingshan in Weiguo Mansion, and their bodies cannot be too bad.

All of them crawled very fast, and all of a sudden they climbed to the mother's, and they all looked at her eagerly.

This little appearance was about transforming people's hearts, Shen Qingci squatted down and hugged all four of them in his arms.

"My mother helped you get the imperial decree today." She kissed her children one by one, each one hurts, each one loves, and each one is her treasure.

She couldn't wait to give them everything she had, just like her mother had treated her, even her own blood and own flesh were given to her.

Therefore, she is the same.

"In the future, you can marry the person you want to marry, choose your own choice, and follow your own path. The royal family is the most ruthless place. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

"Like ordinary people, even though they don’t have these prosperity, they don’t see the prosperity disappear. My mother doesn’t want you to face the constraints of this Beijing. My mother gave you you out just to live happily, not It is to become a calculated existence in the eyes of others."

Branding came in and heard what she said to the children. In fact, he did the same. This is what he wanted to do. Royal things are changing rapidly. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. So, If possible in the future, they still have to travel all over this great week.

It also allows the four children to live in the picturesque landscape since childhood and grow up peacefully.

He came over, also squatted down, and then reached out to the children.

The children were very happy to see Daddy. They all crawled over, and then plunged into Daddy's arms, and they were talking to Daddy, just don't know what they were talking about?

They hadn't felt this way before, but after having these few of them, they realized that the child was such a cute little thing.

This is the continuation of their blood and also the continuation of their lives.

He stretched out his hand and held them all into his arms. The others are tall and powerful. All four children can be picked up. Several children like being held by their fathers the most. His mother cannot hold them. You can only hug one by one, but Daddy can.

The children all wiped the saliva on their faces, and no one thought that Lord Shuo, who had to change several sets of clothes on the previous day, can now let the children give their faces. Wiping saliva and putting nasal mucus on the clothes, you can even pick up children who are like little mud monkeys and wipe their dirty little faces.

What's more, you can see that sometimes there are a few small footprints on his clothes. Needless to say, they are made by a few small ones in the palace.

"Master, the sage has already sent the imperial edict."

Evergreen from outside has come to report.

Branding considers putting down the children, and then a little bit of the little faces of the children.

"Daddy wants to go out and do things, you have to be good."

Several children looked at him with their eyes open. One was more prettier than the other, and the other was prettier than the other. They were all children with red lips and white teeth, like him and Shen Qingci.

He stood up and stroked his sleeve lightly. This was when he entered the house and changed his clothes.

It was delivered by Father Miao in the palace himself, and this imperial decree was given to the four children of Shuo Palace by Emperor Wen Yuan, and of course there was another imperial decree.

It is the title given to these children. As the eldest son of Shuo Palace, Luo Yuxiao is supposed to inherit the title of Shuo Palace. Therefore, he was originally the youngest son of this palace. Princess Hean, not a princess.

This is required by Branding. His Guoer is not a princess, just according to the rank.

As for the other two, they are both young masters in the mansion. Although they don't have titles, they are rich and safe, and if they want any titles, they will earn them for themselves.

Shen Qingci rubbed his hands.

"Why, but it's cold?"

Lao Hengsi came over, and also took a silver fox cloak and put it on her.

"I thought about Miaomiao," Shen Qingci always felt hollow in her arms, thinking that at the beginning, every time she encountered such cold weather, Miaomiao used her as a heater. Now there is no Miaomiao, no matter how good The stove can't warm her hands.

"The Lord treats it well."

Brando Hengsi lightly touched Shen Qingci's hair, and then tied the cloak to her, "I have seen it in the past few days ago. Several court ladies and eunuchs were waiting for it. They had a good time. Wait until it wants to come back. No one can stop it."

Shen Qingci felt that if the cat really came back, she would have to wait for it.


The little fox jumped over and jumped directly into Shen Qingci's arms, and he also grouped himself into a small ball, with round eyes staring at her from time to time.

Shen Qingci kneaded the small dumplings and then kneaded them, but they didn't feel so warm anymore.

"I want a fox collar."


The hair on the little fox exploded, and quickly jumped out of her arms, and suddenly disappeared.

"I will find one for you tomorrow."

Brandon shook his head, "Why are you scaring it, be careful it ignores you for a few days."

Shen Qingci didn't think about what's wrong with scaring a fox, so timid, if he returns to the snow mountain in the future, how to survive, the beast will grow into a beast.

However, how can the little fox every year be wild?

Lo Heng considered that he was the one who did what he said, and it didn't take long for Shen Qingci to find a fox bib.

It turned out that Shen Qingci took it once, so I don't know where he was thrown away every year?

"Where is my fox collar?"

Shen Qingci stretched out his finger and tapped the head of the little fox. Where did you say you got my fox collar?

The little fox put his **** at her, and after shaking his tail a few times, he pretended to be a dead fox.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand, "Take it back again and return the bib to me, otherwise you will be the bib."


The little fox quickly turned his head, and before Shen Qingci hadn't reacted, he had already crawled onto Shen Qingci's shoulders, and also wrapped his big tail around Shen Qingci's neck.

Shen Qingci was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, pulled the little fox off, and put it on the table.

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