What kind of fox is this, it's just a vixen.

What if they are here? They are here to stroll the fox.

This fox likes snow very much. The snow in the house is not enough for him to run, so the son asked them to take the fox out and bend around. At first, they were still worried, what if the fox runs without the shadow ?

As a result, this fox is much smarter than they thought. Don’t look at the small ones, it’s only the size of a slap, but it runs very fast. It’s also very fierce. The little fox can kill pheasants that are several times larger than it. Now they still hang up a lot of prey, and they just go back to eat game for their masters. The road is blocked by the heavy snow, and even the food is eaten. But things are also less than before.

Even if there is money, there is nothing to buy now. These game meats can replenish the bodies of the little masters, and the rest can also be used as a tooth sacrifice for them. These few days, they have brought the little foxes out and said yes. Slipping foxes, it can be said that the foxes slipped them.

Of course, there is a lot of game. It also made the little masters in the house eat meat for several days, and raised their little faces more and more. It also made them even more excited, thinking in their hearts, It must be done by hitting more things. It is definitely not possible to stop the little masters from eating. As soon as the little fox came back, let them follow him.

He thought it was a big prey, a rabbit or a tiger. As a result, it turned out that it was not a prey but a human.

Is this just the brain kicked by the donkey? What are you doing here?

"Go save people!"

The guard said to the people next to him that they were also asked to save people in the past. After all, they encountered it, and it was impossible to die. A few strong people would sink into the snow. The carriage inside was pulled out. It is no wonder that the carriage could not move. The carriage wheels were stuck in the snow and frozen into ice.

"Let's go."

The guard lowered his head again and looked at the little fox shrinking in his arms. After eating, he fell asleep, still snoring. By the way, it’s really cute. Don’t say that women are so cute. The little thing can't resist it, even a big man like him, seems to be sprouted with blood.

Especially a little bit can be held in the palm.

The big sons of Song Mingjiang were all shrunk in the carriage. Everyone was shivering with cold. Only the younger Sister Song was held in his arms by Song Mingjiang. But this way, they are all It's frozen out.

Several people arrived safely all the way back to the capital city, but it was possible that they were really frozen along the way. Whether it was a man or a female family member at the gate of the city, they were all sick and confused. I can’t even ask who my first name is and where I live?

These guards had no choice but to do it to the end. They were first brought to the Palace of Shuo, and then they were diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Of course, he had to inform Shen Qingci about this matter.

Shen Qingci hugged the sleeping little fox, and then touched its little head. Seeing that it was warm and warm, he was relieved.

"Since I have brought it back, I will take care of it."

Shen Qingci had no objection to the person rescued by the little fox, and the mansion was not bad for a bite, so he could send it back when he recovered.

"Yes, the subordinates know."

The guard hurriedly saluted, and then stood there eagerly. He had been with the little fox for a whole day. The few of them have done a lot, so can they be rewarded?

Shen Qingci knew what he wanted, and then threw a golden bead in the past, "Invite them to drink some wine."

"Thank you madam."

The guard squeezed the golden bead in his hand, thinking in his heart, if the golden bead is divided, they will get another month of silver. The lady is a generous lord. They accompany the little fox out every day and when they come back, They can get a golden bead from the master. If the snow is more than a few days, it is possible for them to save several years of silver. Before, no one wanted to go out. It was raining outside, who would want to go out?

But now I’m fighting for it. If I break my head, I have to keep up. Only those who follow can get the money. If you don’t follow, then you can only get the money. You can only drink the northwest in the mansion. The wind is up.

Shen Qingci clicked on the little fox's nose. It was good, the whole body was white, it must have been rolling in the snow, so now he is clean, and of course it is fragrant. The snow fox has a A special smell, not only not smelly but also very fragrant, like a floral and fruity scent, otherwise, Shen Qingci's good nose would really be smoked to death by this fox.

She gave the little fox to Sanxi again, and asked her to take it for a few days. Now the little fox is unwilling to go to a few children in life and death. He used to love the little master the most, even if he is sleeping, he has to be next to him. The little master can't do it, but now, as long as he gets close to it, the hair on his body will explode, like someone else is trying to kill a fox.

The four children in Shuo Palace are all good-natured and young. They like little foxes very much, and they like playing with little foxes the most. Of course they don’t bully foxes, but the older children have robbed them. The little fox is throwing, especially Jing brother, just like his elder brother, his natural strength is great, and in addition, he has been learning to swing the wooden sword with Hui brother since childhood, so this small body is also strong He was very strong, and his hand strength was also great. The little fox was not beaten to death last time. The little fox had been crying for a long time. He stayed here and stayed alive. There is really no way for Shen Qingci and Branding. People can only take it to play in the snow.

Anyway, the snow fox originally lived in the snow-capped mountains. It was born in the snow and also grew up in the snow.

Sure enough, the little fox really likes heavy snow. He ran outside the city very happily. Of course, he brought back a lot of game to the house. The little faces that a few children ate were soft and tender, and the body was also tender. All are better, but even a few children seem to be growing taller.

Even this little fox may also have a shadow in his heart. Anyway, he will never see those children again.

Shen Qingci arranged the little fox to do his own thing, and while there was nothing to do, he made more spices to sell. As for the children, there are many people watching now, just the nanny There are seven or eight, and the children in their family are very modest, the big ones let the small ones, the small ones make the smaller ones, and there will definitely not be rioting.

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