"Mrs. Song came with Ling's daughter-in-law, and this princess is understandable. After all, Mrs. Song has not been able to give birth to Mrs. Song again in recent years."

Jin snorted from the nose, but something came to mind. Her eyes just looked forward, but she didn't dare to make a mistake. She hadn't forgotten what their identities were now?

The person in front of you is Princess Xiaojun, and the other is Princess Shuo, a true royal middleman, even the saints must respect one-third of the people, how can they be offended by a young Song family.

Shen Qingrong took the ball fan from his sister's hand, and fanned it at herself. The wind that was sent out seemed to be carrying those clear lotuses, and it also fanned the smell of the Song family a lot.

"This woman wants to have a son and a half. This princess can understand it, but Mrs. Song, she glanced at the Jin family. At your age, you want to have a son and a half. ?"

Puff, I don't know who laughed, and then almost all of them laughed loudly. They were also embarrassed Jin's mother-in-law, her face was burnt with shame and anger, and her faceless stayed here for a while.

The two quickly found an excuse and ran out of Qin's Mansion. After going out, they had not forgotten to cover their faces. There were so many people that they were afraid that others would remember them.

How will they gain a foothold in this capital in the future?

"Who is that?"

Madam Qin asked the mother-in-law next to her, what happened, she didn't know when she invited this person, so courageous, dare to sit in front of Sister Shen Qing Ci Rong, is this ignorance or shameless?

And how could she post this kind of person in the first place, this is not slap her in the face, what is she doing?

The woman next to Mrs. Qin also shook her head in wonder.

"Madam, haven't the slaves met these two people?"

The master and servant looked at each other again, and they all saw something inexplicable in each other's eyes.

This is not an invitation, is it still the world falling down?

Even if it really fell out of the world, it would have become a smashed head, so stupid, and the other had its face on the ground first, so ugly.

"Why, Song Mingjiang has married so many women, and still hasn't had a son and a half?"

Shen Qingrong was shocked, so he thought of himself as an adult, as a pig, thinking about having a baby every day. Years have passed, is it possible or not to be a child and a half?

"I heard that the original partner had a daughter."

Shen Qingci didn’t know much, but he knew that Song Mingjiang did give birth to a daughter. As for the others, she didn’t even notice, but was able to be transferred back from Yi’an and became a Beijing official again. It was really luck for him to arrive.

Shen Qingrong lowered the ball fan in his hand, and squeezed his sister's face again, "Fortunately, that was blind, so I gave up my sister, otherwise, following a mother-in-law like that, I'm afraid you will Won't kill people."

"This one……"

Shen Qing agreed to resign.

Is it to hit someone or to leave?

Regardless of the kind of path, she will definitely not wronged herself in her life, nor will she wronged herself for a man like Song Mingjiang. Therefore, in this respect, the Jin family has done nothing. Wrong, that is to let Song Mingjiang marry Xie, not her.

She lifted her face slightly on the table, and closed her eyes lightly. The breeze brushed her hair, gently blowing and scattered, and then returned to peace.

Temples are like cicadas, cold hosta hairpins fall into the water, and light gauze rolls blue smoke.

Shen Qingrong is still sitting here, here with her sister, but when she sees her sister like this, she can't help but even her heart beats.

Her sister seems to be too ostentatious.

This is the case now, so I won't mention it again. After all, she is still young now, but if she still retains such a face after ten years, I am afraid that in this capital, I don't know how many people will go crazy.

At the beginning you looked down upon me, but now, I have not put you in your eyes.

In fact, she also felt very happy in her heart.

The wind blowing in the ears seemed to lift up the twilight clear sky, and when you look away, you can always see the slight greenness in the eye.

The earth revives, and the grass grows.

Within Shuo Palace, Shen Qingci walked out of the incense room, she put her hand in front of her, and the warm clear sun also fell on her body, she couldn't help but squinted her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Her brows and eyes.

After a snowy winter day, finally ushered in a warm spring season.


The sudden voice finally opened Shen Qingci's special state of mind. She opened her eyes, and what came into her eyes was the gentleness that came to Baimei's eyes.

"You're back."

Yes, Bai Mei is back.

Bai Mei hasn't seen his wife for nearly a year.

She really missed her wife, her wife, her master, and Bai Mei's benefactor throughout her life.

"Where is the child?" Shen Qingci asked Baimei. Seeing her look very good, she was naturally happy too. In fact, there are still too few people around her. It's not that she doesn't want to find new people, but after she finds it, she finds that it is still the old people's habit, and it really complies with that sentence.

Clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as they are.

But what she cares about is still Bai Mei, who grew up with her, but when Bai Mei was released, she never regretted it. The most right thing she did in her life was to keep them away. The dead end of the previous life.

And so did she herself.

At this time, they were finally able to live in peace of mind.

Just like many people.

However, she didn't know. Actually, she didn't think too much, but too little.

"He's with my mother," Bai Mei felt pained in her heart when she thought of her son.

"Bring it over and raise it."

Shen Qingci thought about the few at home. In fact, those children still like more people. When there are a few older brothers, they even eat more food, so they grow very fast. This is just one After the winter, every one of them grew longer, and even the most difficult-to-feed brother Yi was fatter, and now his little cheeks had some flesh, which made people dare to pinch.

It just so happened that the Fushang had a western school. Shuangshuang and Xiaoshi Xiaomi were all studying in it. It just so happened that there was also a son of Chang Baimei, Xiaoyuan, so they could go to school with Xiaoshi and others. , Is a good future for Baimei's son.

"Mrs. Xie."

Bai Mei’s eye sockets are hot again, how can she not know Shen Qingci’s arrangement, even if her maid is not with the master when the master needs it most, she still has an evergreen with her, but the lady is still so kind to her , The best arrangements are given to her.

In her lifetime, Bai Mei owed too much to his wife, and even the rest of her life would not be able to pay off too much.

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