They have to live in the capital for at least three or four years. In any case, they have to wait for a few children to get older and other things, but now they are so small that they can’t travel long distances no matter how they go. Earn more money here.

In fact, the current Lou Jiaxiang is not so difficult to make. Without the limitations of the previous one, even Mi Huan can do it independently. Over time, the more fragrances she has separated from Lou Jiaxiang. At that time, Yipinxiang can certainly be opened throughout the entire Great Zhou.

So, besides making some top-quality incense, she is busy now, and spend the rest of the time on separating the Lou's incense.

After half a month, Shen Qingci separated another fragrant recipe, which was also the best selling spice within the first grade incense. She asked the fragrance to be sent to the Palace of Weiguo, and she heard that Brando Hengsi had returned.

She hurried to the past, but also wanted to know if those people were coming?

"How did you clear it?"

When Pao Hengsi saw Shen Qingci, he was busy pulling her hand. It was only a few days before he saw him. Why did he lose so much?

"It may be because of a bad rest," Shen Qingci has recently produced several pieces of incense recipes in a row. It is indeed a little tired. She actually doesn't know why, she always feels that she may be a little bit wary of danger.

It seems that every time when she feels this way, something bad will happen, but she has never let others know about it, even if it is the same.

"Don't be too tired," Beng Hengsi gently stroked her face, still the original appearance, but it was also a little tired. He has been too busy recently and has not cared about her, and let her I'm overwhelmed, isn't it?

"The day after tomorrow, there will be a palace banquet."

Branding considered that when he came back this time, he was going to talk about it, and the state banquet he was for was definitely not an important occasion, and the state banquet this time was very deep.

This time there will be people from North Qi, Baichu, Cang Tao and others from the Three Kingdoms. What they want is the seeds of the pickled vegetables and the method of planting. They definitely can’t wait for nearly ten years, so this time, they want to exchange Snow vegetables.

As for what they will exchange, so far, it is not easy to say.

In the past, the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty was the weakest of the four countries. Years of battles resulted in the people’s lack of livelihood, and even the emperor was poor. He worries about his empty treasury every day, and by this time the country can be established. Hard thing.

Today, Da Zhou’s national strength can be said to be soaring. After the defeat of the Northern Qi Dynasty, because of the few magic weapons in Da Zhou, in recent years, until there is no major war, it is necessary to let Da Zhou in these years The rest of the country is the foundation of the country at this time, and coupled with the new emperor’s succession to the throne, it is also a little more courageous than the first emperor. The domestic climate is smooth, and I dare not underestimate it in the past few years.

The people are the foundation of the country. As long as the people live well, the national power will be strong and the treasury will naturally become more abundant.

Don’t underestimate a piece of pickled vegetables. For the people, it is a life-saving thing. It is not rice, noodles, or food. However, in the snow-covered winter, in March when there is no green and yellow, it can save tens of millions. life.

As long as the hard time passes, as long as the difficult time passes, when the spring flowers bloom in the coming year, who said that there can be no more revival, even if you don’t mention these, the taste of pickled vegetables is indeed not bad.

Even the family of honorable people also likes it, so there is no need to mention the ordinary people.

Therefore, several countries also attach great importance to the matter of snow vegetables. Naturally, they also bring the city of each country. Although snow vegetables are necessary or not, after a few years, they can have thousands of methods. , Planted in their country, but, how about the spare few years, how many people will die in these few years, who knows?

If they said this time they came to ask for snow vegetables, but then, He Chang didn't put his own blood.

Three days later, the weather was fine.

Shen Qingci squatted down, also parallel to the sights of the three sons, touched their little heads one by one, and then hugged them again.

"You have to stay in the house obediently and listen to what Aunt Bai said, you know?"

"En," the three little guys nodded obediently.

"Mother, we will be obedient."

Brother Yi rubbed Shen Qingci's hand with his little face, but he just didn't understand.

"Mother, where's my sister?" He hasn't seen his sister for several days, "Is my sister still sleeping?"

My grandfather missed my sister, Shen Qingci squeezed his son's small face, then nodded his small forehead, don't worry about my sister, my sister has a grandfather.

She adjusted the clothes on Brother Xiaoer again.

"Brother Xiao, you are the eldest brother, do you know if you have to watch your brother carefully?"

"Mother, I know."

Brother Xiao spoke clearly. This child does not speak easily, but if he speaks, he may still be the one who speaks the most clearly among these children. It is a pity that he is too prudent to speak words, and it is better than words that are worthy of consideration. Is less.

Shen Qing Ciqing rubbed his little head, and entrusted them to Bai Mei so that Bai Mei can take good care of him.

She stood up, and with a jingle, she could hear the ringing sound from her waist that was like spring water.

She shook the bell on her waist. It was given to her by Brand Hengsi. The sound was different from ordinary bells. It was the sound of spring water. As long as she moved, the children would know where she was.

The three children all looked up at Shen Qingci, all of them were Yuxue cute, Shen Qingci was in the past, and kissed their little cheeks one by one. This is for the nanny to take them back. It's windy outside, it's freezing them, otherwise, she might really not want to go.

What is more important than her child in this world, seems to be gone? If she hadn't had to play, she would really not want to.

This is a state banquet, not an ordinary private banquet. It is about the face of Emperor Wen Yuan. No matter what, they will all be there to support Emperor Wen Yuan.

The carriages of the Shuo Palace have always been unblocked throughout the palace. The carriages of other palaces stopped in front of the palace gate. Only the carriages of the Shuo Palace were special and could travel anywhere in the palace.

The carriage stopped and arrived in another courtyard in the palace. This is the place where the palace stays in the palace. Although they do not come often, if there is a major event, they must enter the palace. The place to stay is the courtyard here.

At this time, there was still some time left for the palace banquet, and they could have a good rest here.

When time is up, someone will naturally take them there.

Soon after they arrived, they heard a meow.


At this moment, Shen Qingci heard that it was Miao Miao's voice. She raised Miao Miao from childhood to adulthood. How could she not know Miao Miao's name?

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