"This is only temporary." Branding considered the paper and put it away. "As long as you learn the most basic, the rest will always be figured out, and our only difference is the foot of the door."

Shen Qingci also has some confidence in this. People are very smart and will learn it one day. Of course, the most important thing is that the paper they have made now is enough for the people of Zhou to use.

"Is this difficult?"

Shaking the paper in his hand, Shen Qingci asked, if it is difficult to do, then it is better to use thick paper. She is not afraid of it. Their house is not bad, and it is fine to use the best paper.

And what they wanted was not that only honorable people could use good paper, but that poor students could also use it. In this way, those snow vegetables would not be learned by others.

Shen Qingci still thinks that it is a bit of a loss to exchange for these useless things with pickled vegetables.

After all, her pickled vegetables can be eaten by men, women, and children, and the paper made is not usable by everyone.

"It's faster than before."

Branding considered pressing his finger on the stack of paper, "I don't know where they learned it. Compared to our original papermaking skills, it can save half of the time."

Half of the time, Shen Qingci liked it a little.

It takes less time than before, so it should be cheaper than before. If that's the case, then those pickled vegetables have not been given to others in vain.

On this day, Shen Qing Cici put aside all the things in her hands, and also gave her children to Bai Mei to take care of some. She found a memo that Bai Mei had made for herself, and she was already in the streets of the capital. The feet also walked into a bookstore.

Hearing that the newly made paper is already on sale, and she doesn’t know the price. She will soon know what kind of thing the snow vegetables are in exchange for?

"How to sell this paper?" Shen Qingci pointed to the paper that was obviously made with a new method. At this time, she had already wiped some things on her face and changed her skin color, so that she was just like ordinary people. Generally, she walked for a long time with her own appearance, and she also kept away from many people.

The shopkeeper of the book shop hurriedly smiled when he saw the paper that Shen Qingci was pointing at.

"Girl, this paper is exactly one tael worth of silver. This is the paper made by the court. The previous papers cost two taels of silver. Now these new papers are easier to use than the previous ones. You will never lose half of the silver."

Shen Qingci is quite satisfied with the price. Although it is still a bit more expensive, reading books is very expensive. If it is not a scholar, most people can't use the paper.

Shen Qingci hugged the paper in his arms and walked out of the bookstore. When she came out, she also saw a lot of students who came one after another, just to buy new paper.

And she also heard them say that this new paper is much easier to use than the old paper, especially when writing, even the ligatures feel a lot more sharp and fresh, and it doesn’t bleed too much, especially The price is half cheaper.

Shen Qingci hugged the paper in his arms and left here, and there were many people in the streets and alleys of Beijing with new paper in her hand like her.

In front, there happened to be a child, squatting on the ground, writing on the ground with a small stone, and the writing was neat and clean, and even the brushwork had some meaning.

"What are you doing?" Shen Qingci also squatted on the ground and asked the little guy with his ass. It may also be because of being a mother. She likes children more and more. Her child is only two years old. It doesn't seem to be much.

"The hill is writing."

Well, Shen Qingci understands that this little guy's name is Xiaoshan.

"Why don't you use paper to practice calligraphy?" Shen Qingci asked him again, "It's not better to practice with paper."

"Xiaoshan's family is poor, and I don't have the money to buy paper." The child pouted his mouth, and on his face, there was also a bit of sad grievance.

And he continued pouting his little ass, always practicing.

"Auntie, do you think Xiaoshan wrote it?"

After he had finished writing, he turned his head and asked, but there was no one. He tilted his head strangely, and then the sharp eye discovered that something was lying on the ground.

"Paper? 々He hurried over, his small body also picked up the paper, and under the stack of paper, there was a golden bead.

He stretched out his little hand, held Zhuzhu in his palm, and then swayed towards his home.

"Mother, mother..."

He yelled while running.

"The hill has paper, and a beautiful bead.

And he didn't know that, not far away, the aunt who gave him the golden beads was smiling at this time. She was playing with the purse on her waist. This was turning around and walking forward.

Obviously, she looks ordinary, but there is a kind of unspeakable nobleness around her body. If someone pays attention, you can know that behind this ordinary-looking woman, there are actually several masters of the inner family.

Shen Qingci stopped at the door of the Weiguo Palace. She hadn't seen Guoer for a few days.

That is, she put her hand on her face, wondering if Guo'er could still recognize her, her appearance, she is not recognized by someone who is generally familiar.

At the beginning, Shen Qingci had already walked forward, but the guard standing at the door had already pulled out his spear and stopped her outside.

"Presumptuous!" At this time, a guard who didn't know where he came from, had already reached Shen Qingci, and also took out a token.

"This is Princess Shuo, don't go back!"

Several guards retired quickly, but couldn't help taking a peek at Shen Qingci. But is this really Princess Shuo? Could something go wrong? Is this Princess Shuo ugly?

This complexion was sallow, didn't it mean that their third young lady, Princess Shuo of Shuo Palace, had a beautiful country, but what was it, it would be this honorable face.

It may be that the beauty is late.

They couldn't help but think so in their hearts, or the rumors outside were a bit exaggerated. Who told them to have never seen Princess Shuo? Every time Princess Shuo came over, the carriage they rode directly into the mansion from another gate, and besides, they were originally newcomers in this mansion, so they had no chance to see this. A Princess Shuo.

So I really think that Princess Shuo looks like this.

And when Shen Qingci entered, the people in this mansion all looked at her strangely. I really don’t know where it came from. Some people might also want to ask. As a result, they followed the unsmiling guards behind Shen Qingci. Just put out these thoughts, the guards are obviously headed by this yellow-faced woman, and smart people will definitely not hit it.

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