Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1123: Who doesn't have a face yet

Shen Dingshan gave his granddaughter his big fan-like hand. When the soft hand of the granddaughter was holding his finger, his heart was gone, even if he gave his life to him. Granddaughter, he won't hesitate to wipe his neck with a knife.

He glanced at Lord Jun, "You don't even look at your old face, and you say it's not old white face, not old white face, what is it?"

"Huh?" Lord Jun really touched his old face with his hands. How could he feel that he was really white? It could be that he was also younger.

Still, he stole Princess Jun's Yurong ointment yesterday, so he suddenly became younger.

If this is the case, then he must wipe it a few times. No one will not get old. This is true for women, so are men, and even more so when they are old. It is not surprising that the first emperor had to take that medicine. I'm not seeking longevity, but I just want to be younger and give birth to a few more princes, and he is in his prime, naturally, he doesn't want to be taken away by him.

No, Lord Jun is going to be unable to sit still anymore. He has to go back and look in the mirror. As for why he is not here, how can such a maiden thing be said here by Shen Dingshan.

Naturally, this mirror was taken secretly from his house. If it was really like what Shen Dingshan said, he would steal some jade anointing from his hands, which also turned him into a veritable old white face.

Princess Jun is still very young now, no matter how old he is, he can't become an old man. If he becomes an old man and a young wife, then he still doesn't want his old face.

Lord Jun thought, he was going to look at his old face, and it was also developing towards the old white face, and now the only old white face Lin Shangshu still has a depressed look on his face.

"Here you are," Shen Dingshan took out a box of Yurong ointment and stuffed it into Lin Shangshu's arms, "We men also have to take good care of their faces. Those who are old-fashioned and old-faced are uncomfortable."

Lin Shangshu snorted from his nose, but he still placed the box carefully in his sleeve. This was also a goodbye, and he secretly wiped off his old face.


Guo'er stretched out his hands and hugged Shen Dingshan's big face, and put his small face on top of Shen Dingshan's big face. This small appearance really made Shen Dingshan dead.

I also thought in my heart, how could his young granddaughter of Shen Dingshan be so cute? In this world, no child is more cute than his little Guoer.

He picked up the little granddaughter with one hand and said, "Going away, my grandfather will also be incense. My grandfather must live to be a hundred years old and protect my family's Guoer to grow up."

He is now nearly fifty years old, and if he is given another fifty years, his little Guoer, maybe he is going to be a grandmother, he can also hold his great-granddaughter.

When he arrived in his house, he took out a box of Yurong ointment, dug a large piece from the middle, and wiped it on his old face indiscriminately. He also wiped his beard and eyebrows.

This is a box of 100 taels of Yurong ointment, and it is still unavailable. On weekdays, other women apply them carefully on their faces, and they don’t want to waste even a little bit. It's like Shen Dingshan, and the waste is a bit too frantic. If he is known, he must be killed.

After he wiped his entire face, then he picked up his granddaughter, who was sitting obediently on the side, and went out to play with his grandfather.

What Shen Dingshan likes most now is to go out with his granddaughter. Taking advantage of the wind and sunshine, it is a good time to travel. He naturally takes his granddaughter out more. The granddaughter is not yet two years old. When learning to speak.

He walks here while teaching his granddaughter to recognize things. He is simply pampering his granddaughter with lawlessness, but let’s not say that Guoer has not grown to be lawless now, even if he is really lawless in the future, so what? With his grandfather, his granddaughter, even if they let others go, they will have to crawl.

This walked, until Guo'er rubbed his eyes and became sleepy, Shen Dingshan was holding his granddaughter and preparing to return home. Even his grandchildren did not have this honor, but he had all his own. The love is given to my grandson's daughter.

Who made them not reincarnate? They had to be males in the Palace of Weiguo.

The male man of Duke Wei Guo is a good general in the future, and he wants to fight the enemy.

It's like Xiao Guo'er, as long as he grows up obediently in the future, there is nothing to be supported by his grandparents.

Besides, Lord Jun went back to the mansion directly, and no one was irrational. He went directly into his bedroom. At this time, Princess Jun was not there. I heard that he went out to find some good sisters and talked. went.

This woman is in trouble, Lord Jun really doesn't know, how come they talk so much?

Say it every day, isn't it bothersome to say it? What's more, they are all trivial things, and they talk about it every day. How can there be so many things to talk about?

He walked directly to the table, leaning his head up, and looking at his old face in the mirror. The mirror was polished very brightly and could clearly illuminate people's faces.

Really young.

Lord Jun hasn't seen his face for a long time. He is not a woman, so he still needs to look in the mirror and apply cream every day? And he wants to forget, when was the last time he saw his face?

It seems to have happened five or six years ago, and now he looks at his appearance, it seems that he is a bit younger than five or six years ago.

That's why Shen Dingshan said that he was old and pale, as if it were not too much.

If he puts some clothes on himself, then he can really be an old face.

"Is this something really good?"

Lord Jun said to himself, he also picked up the box of Yurong ointment that Princess Jun put on the table. Because of Shen Qingrong, this Yurong ointment was sent by Shen Qingrong to Princess Jun, Princess Jun. I have been using these recently. I can see it with the naked eye. The more my complexion gets better, I also treasure this box of Yurong Ointment. Even when I let the girl clean, I’m always careful and careful, I’m afraid of getting off. The Yurong ointment was broken.

Although it was not bought with silver, but Shen Ching-yong's filial piety, you can't just waste it.

These things are really hard to find in the capital today.

After Lord Jun wiped his face, he went out proudly.

It was when Princess Jun took out Yurong ointment to use the next morning, she couldn't help but frowned. Why, there was so much less? She remembered that she used it sparingly on weekdays.

This was given to her by Shen Qingrong. This thing is not very easy to make. Now it is sold very well in Beijing, and it is sold out to the point of being out of stock. Even Shen Qingrong has few boxes.

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