"Oh, see who is here?"

Shen Dingshan came over and first picked up Brother Yi. Under this hug, he was no longer satisfied, "My brother Yi has finally grown up."

"Grandfather..." Brother Yi shouted to Shen Dingshan with a milky voice.

How could Shen Dingshan pull his face to his grandson? He is so rare.

He put down Brother Yi, and hugged Brother Xiao and Brother Xi one by one.

The two cute little faces are exactly the same, they are well-behaved and beautiful, and the body is obviously longer and stronger.

It also really made Shen Dingshan very pleased. His dear grandson had not seen him for a long time, but he wanted to die as a grandfather.

Luo Hengli grabbed Brother Yi's little hand, and then touched his little head.

"My father-in-law, there is something in the house recently that is too busy, so these three children are bothering you, my father-in-law.

Recently, because they have to solve the problem of Yu Rong anointing, they have no regard for other things. Even the three children are ignored. Because they are afraid that they will not be well taken care of, Shen Qingci finally decided to send the children to Weiguo Gongfu. In the last few days, Shen Dingshan seemed to be the only one that could convince her and trust her in this world.

"Okay, let it go here, let it go here." Shen Dingshan is very rare for his little grandson, and it happens to be sent to him now, even if he doesn't pick it up in the future.

Brando Hengsi touched the heads of the children of Sanshang, and told them.

"You stay in your grandfather's house so you are born, behave. Daddy will come to pick you up after a few days."

The three children nodded together.

Brandon turned around and got on the carriage again.

Shen Dingshan hurriedly let the nanny hug, and for a while, he would cry again when he saw his father gone.

"Duke Guo, don't worry."

The nurse is busy holding her little master, "Our little brother is behaved and doesn't cry often."

"Really?" Shen Dingshan touched his grandson's little face one by one without believing it.

It turned out that they really didn't cry, just opened a pair of beautiful big eyes, cute and lovable.

Shen Dingshan picked up two in one hand, "Go, go back with your grandfather. There are a lot of good things from your grandfather. They were all made by your uncle. He originally said that he would send them back to you. You came here first."

He took the children back, thinking of the little things Shen Wenhao had made in his heart. This time it was a coincidence. There are still those things. As long as there are those little things, they can be coaxed. Them.

After Luo Hengxu made arrangements for the three children, he returned to the Palace of Shuo as soon as possible.

In the Palace of Shuo, all the guards in the palace came over, doing Yurong ointment together.

Everyone is doing one step, taking turns several times.

Within a short period of time, they had already made nearly a hundred jade balm, and they could also go to rest in batches, so as to avoid being tired and even unable to open their eyes.

With these guards in the mansion, the Yurong ointment made in the past few days is a lot more, and with the addition of Pinxiang, one person can only buy one box, and finally can save some surplus.

By the time Yu Rong Gao went to the account after January, they actually found that there were as many as a million taels. Mo Fei alone had reached hundreds of thousands taels of silver, and the rest were like Evergreen. All made a full house.

Even if they were tired, they didn't even have a good sip of water, but when they got the silver, it was worth it no matter how tired.

Each of them made a lot of money, and even if they didn't do anything in the future, it would be enough for them to be rich for a lifetime.

About half a month later, a carriage drove into the Palace of Weiguo again. Shen Qingci got off the carriage and came to pick up some children home.

It's just that after she waited for a long time, she couldn't wait for her father to have her four children.

Shen Qing couldn't help but touch his forehead.

This is, don't you return her?

She stood up and walked straight forward, also standing in front of Shen Dingshan's door, reaching out and knocking on the door.

"Tell her, I'm not here, and let her come back in a few days."

The voice is from Shen Dingshan.

Shen Qing resigned to know.

That she, needless to say, is herself.

Putting his hand on the door, Shen Qingci pushed the door directly this time and walked in.

"What are you doing in here?"

Shen Dingshan, who was standing with his back to the door, suddenly turned his face away, but when he saw Shen Qingci, that shady face quickly turned clear again. This way of changing his face, even Shen Qingci Very straightforward.

Shen Qingci feels that her father is capable.

"A Ning, why are you here?" Shen Dingshan couldn't help but rub his hands, "Don't worry, I will take care of the children, and they won't recognize the child with me. If you are busy, go back soon. Well, wait until it's not busy."

"I'm not busy anymore."

Shen Qingci walked over in a swaggering manner, and when he reached the table, he raised the cup on the table and poured himself a glass of water.

"Daddy, I want to take them back."

Shen Dingshan knew that this would happen. He wanted to hide his little grandson, but he could hide it for a lifetime, how could he hide it for the first time?

Shen Qingci was not in a hurry, just sipping tea slowly in this way also made Shen Dingshan dry for a while, and even the hair on his head stood up.

If it wasn't his daughter, if it wasn't for Shen Qingci, he would have already kicked it out.

He not only kicked, but kicked.

But there is no way, who will let this be his own baby?

Shen Dingshan wiped his face, and his eyes turned red.

"Daughter, you see that your father is an old man, and he can live for a few more days. I think I was a father and a mother back then, and I also raised you with **** and piss. You are all Become a biological child."

"But your father and I are still a lonely family, and I haven't had a good life for a few years. You all have a family. If I am a bad old man, are you not ashamed?"

Shen Qingci "..."

She knew she was crying fake.

How long can he live, how long he can live, he said that he can live another sixty years old, which is longer than other young people's lives. What kind of **** and pee, she is pulling her when she is a father and a mother. grow up?

Wouldn't his conscience hurt if he said these words?

When she was a child, her mother was raised to four years old. After the mother was gone, her eldest brother and eldest sister raised her to adulthood. Not long after she returned to the mansion, Dad led the troops out. When she came back, she was six years old. , She hasn't been a few years old, he is going out again, and when he comes back, she will be a big girl.

What kind of loneliness, is this trying to pierce Shen Wenhao's heart?

Who chased his son all over the yard every day, can this be a bad old man? Look at his face and look at his hair. The black hair is not even a single white hair. If he is an old man, tell him, then those white hairs can be clamped to death. What's that flies?

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