Shen Qingci really exploded explosives. The power of the explosives was just like a bang, just like her father is now. Now, as long as Shen Dingshan passes by with a fist, it is really possible to match the power of those explosives.

The little girl buried her little face on her mother’s neck and was very close to her mother. Even if she had been separated from her for so long, she still loved her mother very much. After having a mother, she didn’t want her grandparents. Let Shen Dingshan do this My maternal grandfather is simply hurt by the heart and liver being scratched.

Shen Qingci handed Guo'er to the nurse, and asked the nurse to take her to drink some water.

Shen Dingshan's face was sullen, his fists were loosened and clenched from time to time, and the clenched and then loosened, it was obvious that he wanted to hit someone.

"A Ning, go."

With a cry, he stood up and went to the **** academy with his father. What kind of rules are these, as long as they are sent in, they are not allowed to come out, and they are not allowed to see their parents. Where did this break the rules? I must bring my four grandchildren back.

Shen Dingshan lowered his head and saw a cup placed in front of him.

He directly picked up the cup, and poured it into himself as if venting his anger, and when the tea was taken, he felt a trace of coolness rising from it, and it was also inexplicably special.

After drinking a cup, Shen Dingshan realized that he hadn't tasted it.

"Give your dad another glass."

Shen Dingshan pressed the cup on the table, and then he sat down, the anger in his chest was also lessened, and he was no longer so irritable to bomb people.

Shen Qingci poured him another glass.

Shen Dingshan had another cup of tea, and the slight coolness. He had lived such an old age that he had never drunk this kind of tea.

This tea is so special.

"One more cup," Shen Dingshan pressed the cup on the table. The big fan-like hand holding the cup was really too wronged. He should use a large sea bowl. Such a small cup is just like mosquito legs. same.

But even the mosquito legs are the biggest cup Shen Qingci can take out.

"If you like it, I will bring you some back later." Shen Qingci poured another cup of Shen Dingshan, and finally wiped out the explosives in Shen Dingshan's body. As for this tea, it is also an accident to say that it came here every year. The little fox, this is a tea tree it found, and he gave the tea tree to Master Jingkong. The old monk has nothing to do. He grows tea to the old expert, and only the tea tree planted by Xiangjue Temple The tea tree has this special taste. This tea tree has produced tea several times, but it is very small. After drinking it, it will have a sense of refreshing and cooling. Although I don’t know what the tea taste is, this tea is produced. It is the best.

They have drunk a lot of tea, and they have seen so many tea trees, but only such a plant will have such a taste. After the tea is fried, Master Jingkong is also generous and gave them some, on weekdays Shen Qingci always drank less, if Shen Dingshan wanted it, she still had some left, so he could go back for a while.

"That's good."

Shen Dingshan really liked this tea. After drinking a few cups, he found that he seemed to have forgotten something.

"Right," he gritted his teeth. His four grandsons are still in that **** academy, and he has to save his grandson.

"A Ning, go, go with Daddy."

Shen Dingshan pulled up his daughter to leave. Let's go and get the children back. It doesn't matter whether they study anything.

Shen Qingci poured another cup for Shen Dingshan, and then he took another cup and took a sip.

"Daddy, their identities are destined to walk this way, just like Brother Hui and Brother Jing. They are born talents. Father has always been strict with them, letting them be young. It's just that they have suffered all the hardship, nothing more than to prevent them from dying on the battlefield, there will be no return."

As a military commander, this is the case, either you die or you die.

This blood-paved road is also full of wind and frost.

Shen Dingshan no longer opened his mouth, but he knew it in his heart.

"Daddy, they are the same."

Shen Qingci smiled, this smile was a bit bitter, but it was more clear.

"How often I am willing to give them, but there will give them a different way. For Xiao brothers and others, they may cry at this time, may make trouble, and may also have a lot of do not understand, why small At a young age, they want to leave home and leave their parents, but when they grow up, they will know that the sufferings they endured at this time will become indispensable things in their lives in the future."

"Daddy, are you right?"

Shen Qingci asked Shen Dingshan back, "Is it a lifelong mediocrity, or is it like their father, people say that tiger fathers have no dogs, I think they become like their fathers, dad, what do you think?"

To be a mediocre, or a genius.

This is not difficult to understand, right?

As for Xiao Shi, it is Xiao Shi who has benefited the most this time.

There are too many children in Prince Jun’s Mansion, and the son of the world is already on Brother Jin. The remaining children cannot inherit the title of Prince Jun’s Mansion, so which way they will go in the future and how they will live, It also depends on them.

And after a few older brothers, Xiaoshiben is a single child, so without the closeness of those brothers, it is better to give him a special future. Isn't that good?

I have to say that Shen Qingci's thoughts were originally meant by Lord Jun, otherwise he wouldn't be able to steal Xiaoshi, and he would send Xiaoshi in without discussing it with anyone.

Perhaps what he did was a little lacking consideration, but everything he considered was for Xiao Shi.

If it weren’t for his true love, how could he give up his old face and have to send Xiaoshi. According to theory, King Jun’s Mansion is actually not qualified to enter Sixiu Academy. This is the Royal Academy, and Emperor Wenyuan I also want to let more children accompany his little prince.

So in the end Xiao Shi was taken in.

Shen Dingshan picked up the cup again and poured a cup of tea into his belly.

"You wrap me some tea."

Okay, Shen Qingci asked Bai Mei to take tea in the past, and he also wrapped most of it to Shen Dingshan. Her father was a military commander, but it didn’t mean that he had no mind. On the contrary, he naturally had a lot of minds. Such a simple reason. He can think of it.

And as long as he wants to understand, then naturally, others can understand.

So I persuaded the eldest sister and the eldest brother-in-law to rely on her father.

Shen Dingshan took the tea and left. When he came in, his face was still angry, but after returning, he was calm.

Shen Qingci raised the pot again and poured himself a cup.

"Mother, mother..."

Guoer ran over and hugged Shen Qingci's legs, blinking with her big eyes.

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