"Recently, these have been given to you, and I want to take good care of them."

"Okay," Bai Mei didn't feel bothered, let alone embarrassed.

She has been doing things about Yipinxiang for a long time with the eyes of his wife, and she will handle it when the wife is away. Yipinxiang has never closed the door before.

"Madam, please rest assured, with Baimei here, you can rest for more time."

Baimei turned around, raised the basin, and was about to go out

"How long can you rest?"

Shen Qingci half joked, seeming to be a little self-deprecating.

"This..." Bai Mei thought for a while, "If the madam really wants to rest, even if it takes a few years to rest, but..." She shrugged, "I'm afraid that Madam can't be free."

"Okay, let's take a few years," Shen Qingci stood up, walked back to the collapsed edge, and then lay down again. Well, that's it. She wants a good rest, but she doesn't want to. What spice up.

Baimei feels right this way.

She always feels that Mrs. is too desperate. What good is there in such desperation?

It's not that if you lose her wife, you will collapse. Yipinxiang will not close the door for a few years if you lose her wife.

When Bai Mei walked out and reached the door, he couldn't help but glanced back inside.


She couldn't help but mutter to herself.

"Today's wife is so weird."

"Look at me," she beat her head, "what are they talking about, what kind of lady is not a lady, what is this not a lady, is it possible that a lady will change herself?"

Besides, it's not that the lady can't make a temper. She herself doesn't know how many times she has made a temper.

Handing the water basin to the little girl outside, Bai Mei was about to go in and wait on it again.

Until the nurse took Guo'er out, but Bai Mei found that Guo'er's eyes were red. What's wrong, but have you cried?

The nurse really didn't know.

"The little princess originally slept well, but when he woke up suddenly, he started crying, no matter how hard she coaxed," she brought the little princess to his wife.

"Come on, give me the little princess."

Bai Mei stretched out her hand to the nurse, and also hugged Guoer.

Guo'er was caught by Baimei and rushed into the room from time to time.

She wants a mother.

"I will take her in."

Bai Mei hurriedly went in with Guo'er.


When she just raised her foot, she heard the voice of Shen Qingci inside.

"Baimei, you send Guo'er to her grandfather's house for a few days first."

"Madam, why is this?"

Baimei's footsteps stopped. For some reason, Shen Qingci made such a decision. Now there is only the little princess in the mansion. At the beginning, the grandfather of the country sent the little princess back to his wife, so she was afraid that his wife would think about it.

The young woman inside sat up, and put her hand on her forehead again, "I seem to have some cold, don't pass it on to her."

Bai Mei's face also turned pale, she couldn't help grinding her teeth secretly.

They were all harmed by Daxiang, so you didn't know your body, so don't come here. Several girls in the palace were infected by her, and now even the master is the same.

Recently, I don’t know if it’s the cause of the changeable weather. Many people in the capital are suffering from wind chills, and they are also contagious. Now many people in the government also have this disease, so everyone is cautious. Anyone who feels uncomfortable must be careful not to spread it to others.

Their mansion is always paying attention. Evergreen and they are martial arts practitioners, so they are not easy to catch the wind and cold. They, who are girls, pay attention to themselves. They can't go out if they can go out. The things in the mansion are also All are in surplus.

This is true every year.

The genius doctor Mo said that this is the wind chill caused by the change of the sky, which is different from the general cold energy entering the body, it will carry some things that can be called toxins, which is very difficult to treat.

If the body is good, it may be better in a few days. If the body is not good or weaker, it may be ten and a half months, and it will be impossible to heal. The most troublesome thing is.

This kind of wind-cold is easily contagious, so when she heard that it was this kind of wind-cold, she had already prevented the people in the mansion from going out, but she didn't know what happened. Daxiang had this kind of wind-cold.

Although Daxiang had been sent home to recuperate honestly, she never expected that she would still get her.

Bai Mei hurriedly covered Guo'er's little nose with her hand.

"Come on, get ready to go in a carriage right away."

To the people outside, she quickly ordered.

The little princess can no longer stay in the mansion. As long as one person in this mansion suffers from a disease, then it is possible to contract one after another, and it is the wife who is in trouble.

The little princess is still so young, she is also inseparable from her mother. She has not seen the wife this morning, and her eyes are all red when she is crying. I don't know how long it will take for her to get better.

No one in the mansion can manage the little princess.

Trouble, the son is not there again.

So Baimei also listened to Shen Qingci's words, and made a decisive decision to send the little princess to Weiguo Mansion.

When the carriage is ready outside, Bai Mei is holding the wrapped Yan Yanshiguo on the carriage. In addition to Guoer, there is also the little toy that she likes to play with in the carriage. With her snacks, I also took a lot of them out.

In the carriage, the nurse was holding Guo'er, that is, this child is not talking today, but crying. The heart of the crying person is hurt by others, and her mother is sick again.

From morning till now, she doesn't eat anything.

In fact, the nurse knew that there was nothing wrong with this child. She just missed her mother. As long as the mother is there, she will be well soon, but it is a pity that she is not feeling well now and is afraid of infecting her.

Don't underestimate a wind chill. For adults, it may be ten and a half months at most. If it is more serious, it may be a lingering illness for a few more days, but there will always be a good day, if it is so small It’s really incredible that the child of ‘’s got it, and it may be killed.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to send the children there, because they were afraid that the little princess would also be infected, and that would be really troublesome.

The carriage also hurried to the Weiguo Palace.

When the carriage arrived at the Palace of Weiguo, Shen Dingshan ran out as soon as he heard that his little granddaughter was coming.

Others are wearing very thick clothes, and he is good enough, still wearing a single shirt, but with a ruddy complexion, and a mighty body, you can see his impressive arm strength at a glance.

Wei Guogong is Wei Guogong, he deserves to be a military commander, and he is not afraid of those sicknesses. With such a good body, even if everyone is infected with the disease, he will definitely not, so he sent the little princess Come here, that's right.

The nurse lifted Guo'er from the carriage.

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