"Don't let others come in again, I want to be quiet for a few days."

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes again.

No matter how time has passed, a stunning face has lost half of its color in an instant.

It's good for Shen Qingci not to collapse. If it were like Shen Yueshu, he might have already scratched one of his own faces.

Half of the years passed away, for a woman, it is simply a pain like digging up the heart and tearing the bones.

Shen Qingci is also very mindful of what she is, and has never regarded his appearance in his eyes.

But Xie Si felt strange. Does the wife really care about her appearance? It seems that this is the case. She hugged her sword tightly, and nodded slightly.

Madam doesn’t like to put on rouge gouache on weekdays, and sometimes if she attends those palace banquets, she rarely competes with others for beauty, so Madam is really not a person with too much looks.

Xie Si went out, also instructing other people not to disturb Shen Qingci too much, so that Shen Qingci's face would not be seen by more people. An absolutely beautiful woman was like the yellow flower of yesterday, without even thinking about it. People can bear it.

Even if Shen Qingci knew that the illness was over, she would be able to recover, but she still didn't want her current appearance to be known by others. That would be an insult to a stunning beauty.

She drank this bowl of medicine every day, but it didn’t seem to have any good effect. She still had a cough, and her face became more and more haggard than before, even thanks. I can think of it at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye, and I can see that she is getting old, ugly, and worse.

So far, she still didn't dare to tell others, and took the mirror out secretly. In fact, Shen Qingci had seen all her small movements, but she just didn't break it.

She seemed to really not care, so what Xie Si had to do was left to her.

After another bowl of medicine, the bitter smell of medicine spread in his mouth.

But she still coughed.

It's been ten days, why is it still not good?

Xie Si had a calm face. Is the imperial doctor's medicine really so bad? This is all the medicine for ten days. Every morning and evening, there is a bowl every morning and evening, and the rest is not lost, but it should be of some use in the end, but why Shen Qingci has drunk a few pots of medicine, Not only did it not improve at all, it even seemed to be heavier, and his complexion was getting worse every day.

"Madam, the subordinates will order the imperial doctor to come over again."

Xie Si felt that he couldn't drag on like this any longer, and if he waited, if he didn't see him well, Shen Qingci would have died of illness.

She has become so sick now, and no matter if she eats it, she is afraid that it will be poisoned, and she is also worried, Shen Qingci is now like this, is it because she took these medicines.

Soon after, Dr. Ho ran over again. When he entered Shen Qingci's house, he was really shocked. For the past ten days, the disease in Beijing has remained high.

Many people are getting cured, and then repeating the infection, but after all they are getting better, like Shen Qingci, there is no improvement at all. Isn't it weird?

And this princess Shuo's foundation is very good, it is impossible to be great for a single illness. The medicine for these ten days has been taken, and it should be cured.

Sitting at the table, the imperial physician also tremblingly pressed his finger on Shen Qingci's wrist.

After this press, it seemed to be burnt to the hand. The internal fire of Princess Shuo was really not low.

"But does the princess take medicine on time?"

The imperial doctor asked Shen Qingci carefully, if he kept taking medicine, he wouldn't be so sick.

"Eat, two bowls a day."

Xie Si picked up the medicine bowl placed on the table. This was the medicine that had just been boiled. Shen Qingci had to drink it and put the medicine directly in front of the imperial physician.

The imperial doctor took the bowl and smelled the medicine. It was no problem.

"I wonder if there is any medicine residue?"

He hurriedly asked again, it was that they caught the wrong medicine, which made Shen Qingci's illness more and more serious.

"The medicine dregs are naturally there." Xie Si asked people to fetch the medicine dregs. The emperor checked the medicine dregs one by one.

Since the medicine is right, the medicine is right, and I haven't dropped a bowl every day, but why the disease is getting worse, isn't it strange?

"Let's do it..." The imperial doctor thought for a while, "The next official will prescribe a prescription and drink it for three days. If it is good, then continue to drink it. If it is not good, the next official will come back."

"open it."

Xie Si cursed Mo Fei with a dog-blood sprinkler in his heart. He was always offering delicious and delicious offerings, and a lot of money was raised. At this time, he ran away and disappeared.

It is said that raising soldiers for a day can only be used for a while, but not at this moment. What is he here for?

The imperial doctor left a prescription and said something that needs attention. This is what left Shuo Palace.

Xie Si picked up the prescriptions and looked at them one by one. Although she didn't understand medical theory, she had some impression of the herbs on it. It was a prescription for typhoid fever.

She handed the prescription to Daxiang and let Daxiang go to grab the medicine in person. This is for Shen Qingci, and it is absolutely impossible to make any mistakes. If there is a mistake, even if they die, they can't afford Shen Qingci's life.

Daxiang took the prescription and went to the pharmacy in the mansion. Because Mo Fei was there, there was a huge pharmacy in the mansion, and the medicines used by the people in their mansion were also caught from then on. The medicinal materials here are changed every season to ensure the freshness of the medicinal materials.

Daxiang gave the prescription to Yaotong.

"This is for the princess, remember to catch it carefully, there must be no mistake."

When Yaotong heard that it was Shen Qingci's medicine, his nervous hands shook a bit. This is not the case. After speaking, the trembling hands didn't know how to grasp it.

Yaotong's eyes stared at the prescription for a long time, and he really wished to stare out a hole in the prescription.

And he was the same with the same careful grasping, even the grams written on it did not dare to be a little negligent, and when he finished grasping this piece of medicine, his entire back was sweaty and his clothes were all required Soaked.

Of course, he was not relieved. He had read the prescription several times, and he was relieved when he was sure that there was nothing wrong.

A bowl of medicine was taken out again, and this time it seemed that the taste was even more rushed.

A hand was stretched out from the veil curtain. This hand was still white and green and beautiful, as if the skin had lost some moisture, began to dry and crack, and began to wither.

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