"Your instincts seem to be really good."

Xie Si was thinking of what Bai Mei said at the beginning. She always said that his wife was a little strange, but it was not clear where she was to blame. It just felt that her husband was different from before.

Bai Mei has been with his wife for a long time. It can be said that some of the wife’s habits she sees in her eyes and in her heart. No matter how a person pretends to look like a person, it can’t be true. At first, it may be a little flawless, but sometimes Over time, some clues will always be revealed.

No matter how much this pretends to be, it is impossible to become herself. This fake lady has indeed concealed all of them and convinced them all, and even managed everything perfectly, even her He refused to see anyone because he was sick, so that Shen Dingshan and the others would discover something wrong.

She is very confident in her disguise skills, and of course she has reached the point of being fake.

It’s a pity that she is not the Lou’s daughter. She does not have the icy muscles and bones of Shen Qingci, but because of illness, she has some red rashes on her body, even if she really does not have the icy muscles and bones in the end. Lou's Nvxiang, if you want to come, no one will doubt this.

Sure enough, she is thoughtful.

Bai Mei rolled up her sleeves directly, almost crushing her teeth with anger.

"You said where is that counterfeit? I used to slap her twice now. Where is the fat courage from here, dare to pretend to be my wife."

"In the dungeon."

Xie Si warned Baimei, "You'd better not do anything, this matter will be resolved naturally."

And this matter is not something they can take action, even if they want to help, obviously so far they are unable to help.

There is a fake in this mansion, but is it true?

With the fake, there is naturally the truth, so where does the truth go?

This trick of civet cats for princes was really amazing, so unconsciously, he took away Shen Qingci, and then another fake came, and this fake stayed in Shuo Palace for about a month. , But no one noticed.

If it weren't for the son to find out, then this one would be able to use falsehoods in the end, and everyone would regard her as Shen Qingci. Then, where would Shen Qingci go, would he be submerged?

And as long as he thought about it this way, even Xie Si himself was frightened by this possibility, and even the cold sweat on his forehead dropped a drop.

Bai Mei was quiet in an instant due to Xie Si's warning.

"Then what are we going to do?"

Bai Mei was wiping her tears in sadness. How could this happen? Suddenly there was a fake wife. So what about her wife, where did the wife go?

"Are you still a personal guard?" Bai Mei looked for gratitude angrily.

"How can you let that counterfeit take away the madam under your nose?"

"Are you still a close-knit girl," Xie Si's mouth is not just for eating. "You grew up with your wife. The son can tell the truth at a glance. You haven't found anything wrong for a month?"

Bai Mei's mouth is narrow.

"I can't blame it."

Bai Mei felt that she was wronged. She never dreamed that it was a fake, even if it was weird, but she only thought that her wife was in a bad mood because of illness.

But who knows, that is simply a fake.

When Xie Si saw Bai Mei like this, he didn't want to talk about her anymore. What's the use, can anyone come back?

Speaking of it, her guard was indeed at fault. She really did what Bai Mei said, under her nose, she made Shen Qing resign.

She patted her clothes, then tied her hair, and then left.

"What are you going to do?"

Bai Mei hasn't finished blaming herself yet, why Xie Si left as soon as she said, this is ignoring her, isn't it?

"I am the guard."

Xie Si reminded Bai Mei.

"I know."

How could Baimei forget that Xie Si was a guard, just like her elder sister, she was the wife's bodyguard, a female guard.

"I'm dereliction of duty."

Bai Mei twitched the corner of her mouth. This was a crime of negligence.

Then, Bai Mei didn't understand what she was talking about?

"I am going to receive the punishment."

As a guard, it was her fault that she failed to protect her master.

And she must be punished.

"But you didn't mean it."

Bai Mei quickly stopped Xie Si.

"Xie Si, you should know what you are talking about. This punishment may be your half-life."

The crime of negligence of guards can be big or small. If it is really punished, even if he does not die, he will lose half his life. Don't tell her that Xie Si is a woman.

Within the rules, there are no men and women.

As a guard, men and women are equal.

Xie Si pulled away Bai Mei's hand again, "I know," she squeezed her sword tightly. It was precisely because she knew that she would suffer the punishment.

She deserves it when she is dead, but she deserves to be alive.

She strode away from some places, leaving behind a Baimei who wanted to persuade but couldn't persuade, but she wanted to say but didn't know what to say?

Xie Si knelt on the ground, and in front of her, sat a young man, and in the arms of this man was a female doll with crying eyes and red face, and his face was still without A trace of expression flowed out.

"Come here!" Lao Hengsi said in a light voice.

He bowed his head and touched his daughter's little head, there was no trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

"Pull down and hit fifty boards."

Those who guard you who look at me and I look at you, in the end they can only do what they say.

Fifty boards, fifty boards, this is not an ordinary fifty boards.

Not to mention a woman, even a man can't bear the pain of a broken bone. This is a board that adds internal strength and has been soaked in salt water. The tormentors must also be people with deep internal strength. You have a good martial arts, but when you get here, you will also be beaten and broken. Fate.

"Master Xie punished."

Xie Si arched her hand, and then followed the guard to leave. She lowered her head, and she did not plead for herself. The love was not asked by herself, but given by others.

Even if she really died because of this this time, it was only her dereliction of duty and she deserved it.

At this moment, Guoer opened her eyes in Bengsi's arms, and then she stretched out her little hand to pull on Bengsi's clothes.


"What's wrong, Guoer?"

Brando Hengsi touched his daughter's face, "But are you thirsty or hungry?"

Guoer shook her little head, she looked back at Xie Si who had left, and then raised her little head.

"Daddy, okay not to fight Aunt Sisi?"


Pao Hengsi carefully touched his daughter's small forehead, and his crying eyes were swollen. This little pitiful look, if Ah Ning knew about it, how distressed would it be?

"It hurts if you hit it."

Guo'er lowered his eyelashes and sucked on his little nose, "Guo'er doesn't want Aunt Sisi to hurt, Guo'er is afraid of it."

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