His A Ning is a child without a mother, is it possible that Xiao Guoer is like her mother?

Brandon put his hand on the little head of the white fox.

"We may not find it, but it will."

Branding knows the little fox's ability, and Xuehu is good at hunting treasures, and of course he can also find people.

The little fox squeaked, which also caused Shen Dingshan to move his eyes to it, and then he stretched out his big palm and touched the little fox's head.

This small one is not as big as his hand. Is it really useful?

"I will bring the wind and the years to pass. This little thing is not small in finding people. The speed of the wind is faster, and it is better than us, like a headless fly, looking randomly."

"It's just," Luo Hengsi touched Guo'er's little face, "Guo'er will ask his father-in-law to take care of him in the future." The other three children are in Sixiu College. They don't know that his mother is gone, he If you don’t have to worry too much, there is only Guoer. Witnessing all this is also going through these things. He really hopes that by tomorrow, she can forget all this, remember the good things, and don’t cut the pain. .

"My granddaughter, I will naturally take care of myself."

Shen Dingshan snorted, no need to worry and say, he will take care of his granddaughter, regardless of whether his granddaughter has no father or mother to take care of, but with this granddaughter, who dares to touch his granddaughter's hair .

However, he was afraid.

"Guoer's temperament is exactly the same as when A Ning was a child."

Shen Dingshan touched his grandson's small forehead, "I am not afraid of anything else, but she wants a mother. What should I do?"

Yes, what should I do if my mother is going to come back to one of my granddaughter’s mothers, he can’t say, your mother is not here now, your father went to look for your mother, I don’t know when and what month will he return, so now Of you, you can only be a child without a father or a mother. Isn't that too cruel for Guoer?

She is just a two-year-old child.

"I'm going to think of something."

Brandon stood up, and he shook his daughter's little hand reluctantly. The little girl who fell asleep still frowned, as if she was not sleeping very peacefully.

"Not afraid, Daddy is here."

"Daddy will definitely find your mother back, otherwise Xiao Guoer will become the second Shen Qingci," and he didn't want to be Shen Dingshan.

It is really enough to have one Shen Dingshan in this world, there cannot be a second one.

He turned and walked out.

At this time, in a room, Xie Si was lying on the collapsed, not moving. Daxiang was applying medicine to her injured area. Fortunately, she was only hitting the three boards. The doctor said it was just a bruise. Some skins and flesh have not hurt the bones, and after a few days, they will return to their original condition.

And Xie Si was originally a martial artist, and compared to the average person's body, he was much better, so naturally, these injuries to her can be said to be minor injuries.

"You are really fate."

When Daxiang saw Xie Si's many injuries, his scalp was numb, and of course he couldn't imagine what would happen if these injuries were on his body?

Such a big piece of flesh was rotten, but Xie Si didn't even say a word.


Xie Si twitched his mouth, "It has nothing to do with fate."

If not...

Xie Si moved slightly, and he could still feel the pain of the flesh and skin behind him, but it only hurt the skin and flesh, but there was no pain of broken bones.

As far as she is concerned, such skin and flesh wounds can be healed within a few days. If it is the pain of broken bones, she can only be a useless person in this life.

Rather than being a useless person, she might as well cut herself clean.

The reason why she is only hurting her skin and flesh now is not because her life is good, nor is it because the executioners are merciful, but because the little princess saved her.

The two-year-old child used her still childish voice to intercede for her, but for her, she lost her mother.

With force, she clenched her fist, and if she let her know who had taken the wife away, she would definitely cut that person away.

"You'd better rest well," Daxiang put on the quilt for Xie Si again, "You can't do anything like this now. You should take care of your injury and stop moving."

A girl’s family, Daxiang felt this hurt Xie Si no matter what, even she herself was hurt, and it was inevitable that she felt a bit of tragic tragic feeling.

She still needs to find a place to comfort herself. She used to feel that people are nothing more than that. With clothes to wear and moon silver to take, it’s just delicious snacks. Sometimes if things are done well, the master still has something to do. There are few rewards, and the few people who follow the master do not worry about eating and drinking, and no one in the house will bully, and it is also possible for the family to live an excellent life.

But now, when the board is falling on Xie Si, the sound of the board hitting the flesh seems to be able to see the flesh of Xie Si flying.

It's just that Xie Si has been beaten with blood and blood after going down three boards, and he can't find a good skin. If it is ten boards or fifty boards, even the bones will be broken, and the flesh will be broken. No more fights.

It is difficult to say whether Xie Si has life or not.

She couldn't help but touched her arm, and suddenly she was a little bit cold and whistling, but it was clear that this winter had passed, so it was an anti-winter.

They have passed a very cold winter, it is impossible for them to have another winter.

It will be colder, more ice, and even more cold inside the bones.

She is cold.

How did she feel, even the breath she exhaled seemed to be cold.

Everything here seems to be freezing, and even the world in the eyes of the master has begun to turn into a snowy sky.

In a courtyard, the curtain was also put down. There was no fragrance in it, but there was a sweet milk fragrance, and a honey fragrance, a milk fragrance with honey.

The scent of milk here is really like honey, with a little bit of floral scent. When mixed together, it makes people feel happy.

Good fragrance can affect people’s mood. If in the past, Shen Dingshan would definitely praise his little fruit. It’s good to have little fruit. You don’t need to smoke the house, and his favorite is to hold himself. His granddaughter went to each house for a walk, and let them leave some fragrance in the house, and then brought the envy and jealousy in their eyes, and his heart was always proud of this.

But now, he just feels distressed and wants to cry. He doesn't understand why there are so many injustices in this world. His daughter has lost her mother since she was a child, and now Guo'er has lost her mother?

At this time, the small hand he held in his palm gave a click.

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