No, she shook her head. No, she won't.

If something happened to the wife, the son would not look like this, and now the biggest possibility is that the wife did not find it, and they did not have any news from the wife. Then the son just said that the little master’s mother is again what?

"Daddy, Guoer is finished."

Guo'er put down the small spoon in her hand and sat there obediently, well, she has finished eating, can she go to see her mother?

Pao Hengsi stretched out his hand to Guo'er, "Go, go to see your mother and father."

"Okay," Guo'er climbed down from the chair, then grabbed a finger of Branding, still holding the cloth tiger in his arms.

Lao Hengsi took her to the courtyard. When the door opened, there was an additional name inside, and the woman turned her head back. She was fourteen or five years old, with delicate and beautiful features, and her lips were like a bead. The posture of birth is also slightly up, and the body of densely slenderness is much better than that of a 14 or 15-year-old girl.

This is the body of an adult woman, but she has a girlish face again, and God has really treated her favorably.

She gave her a rare look in this world, and she also gave her a good body for women, not to mention men, even women, they might just be stunned by it.

And who is the woman with such a color who is not Shen Qingci?

However, Shen Qingci in front of him, for some unknown reason, was actually a little unreasonable. In those eyes, there was not the charm that belonged to her in the past, but a little more anxiety and tension.

"Why, don't you know your mother?"

Brando Hengsi touched his daughter's head.

Guo'er looked up at Brandon.

"She's not a mother."

Branding squatted down and cupped her daughter's face with both hands, "She is a mother, but her mother is sick, so Guoer can't smell her body, so she thought it was not her mother, but father It can be guaranteed that it belongs to Guo'er's mother."

Guo'er looked at Lu Wei, then at the woman, and then she tilted her little head.

"Daddy doesn't lie to Guo'er?"

"I don't cheat myself."

Lao Hengshi stood up and held her daughter's little hand. When she walked to the front of Shen Qingci, this was the moment she let go of her daughter's hand, "Guoer, go to my mother."


Guo'er nodded her little head vigorously, then ran towards Shen Qingci and hugged her legs with a pair of little hands.

"Mother, mother, Guo'er finally found her mother, mother, Guoer just misses her mother."

The woman was a little cramped, she didn't know where to put her hands, she could only bend down and hugged Guo'er, and in the place no one saw, she finally let out a sigh of relief, and then lit Guo'er. The child's little face said.

"My mother misses Guoer too, well, my mother's Guoer seems to have grown up."

"The meal fed by my grandfather."

Guo'er was proud of this. Every time her grandfather had to feed her a lot of good meals, she grew very quickly.

Branding and worrying let the nanny come in, you are waiting for you here, and then he walked out and put one of his hands behind his back, standing still for a long time without moving.

The face that was still warm because of her daughter's face suddenly became cold.

In the lower room, Da Xiang again applied medicine to Xie Si's wound. Fortunately, it only hurt the flesh, but the inner abdomen and bones were nothing serious.

But it was only three days, and the wound had already scabbed. At this rate of recovery, at most three or five days later, people should be fine.

People who practice martial arts have a good physical foundation. If they meet ordinary people, 80% of them are still lying on their stomachs, but Xie Si can already walk around. The wounds on the body are only beginning to grow, and so does the new flesh. It's very tender and can't do too heavy a thing. It takes time to fully recover and let the wound heal completely.

Xie Si stood up and put her clothes in order. If it wasn't for the clothes to block her, and if her face didn't change much, Daxiang really thought she was not injured, and she didn't know it was hurt.

This Xie Si, is it true that I don’t know the pain is the same, such a serious injury, but I have not even shouted a word of pain, when the medicine was spilled on the wound, I did not see her move, this iron bone The average body is beyond the reach of men.

Anyway, Daxiang knew that she couldn't do it. Even if she was stabbed with a needle, it would take a long time to hurt her, not to mention the blood and blood of the beating.

"What's going on outside?"

Xie Si asked Daxiang, but Daxiang was in a daze, so he really didn't know what Xie Si asked just now?

"How is it outside?"

Xie Si asked again, and it was this sentence that made Daxiang react.

"Outside?" Daxiang hadn't organized the language for a while?

"They said Madam is back."


Xie Si grabbed one side of the table, "Really Madam is back?"

"That's what they said."

Daxiang actually doesn’t know what’s going on. She hasn’t been to the wife’s for a long time. Her wife had an accident. Not only did Xie Si get a board, she was also punished, so now she didn’t dare to go to the front yard. Just staying with Xie Si here.

In fact, she was quite scared at the beginning, because she was afraid that she could no longer stay in the palace, so she always prepared her own softness.

Just waiting for someone to notify that she can roll, then she will take the burden she has prepared and get out of the palace.

As a result, no one came to cure her. Of course, she was really not kicked out of the palace, and when she was giving thanks for thinking about taking medicine, the little medicine boy in the pharmacy did not push back. Xie Si's injuries were relatively large, and the injuries were also severe, so she had to take several boxes at a time.

However, those medicine boys didn't even say a word. As long as she passed, as long as she needed, she would take it away without saying anything.

Therefore, she wondered if the son forgave Xie Si, and even she forgave them along with her, and she was not guilty of them. In this case, could they stay.

While she was still thinking about it, a guard came in and shouted.

"Xie Si, son let you pass."


Xie Si knew it, and she lowered her head and took care of her clothes, without asking why, as long as the son told her, she would unconditionally follow Cong.

And Xie Si was taken away, making Daxiang's heart very nervous, and she didn't know what these people were going to do with Xie Si. The injury on Xie Si's body is still not completely healed, and she really can't be beaten anymore. If you fight again, your life is going to get in.

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