Qi Yuan opened the door and walked out.

When he went out, Shen Qingci closed her eyes, and then let out a sigh of relief. She put her hand on her chest, both of them were irritable and boring, and finally one by one. The point was put down.

And she also believed in that person inexplicably.

If so, if he can really save her, she will be grateful to him for the past, she will be grateful for her life.

Perhaps this is also the so-called old-fashioned knowledge, even if they are enemies once and now, but as long as they encounter them, even if they are enemies, they are always better than Cang Tao.

What's more, they are not enemies yet.


The outside door rang again, and Shen Qingci walked to the table, and when she sat down, a bearded girl also came out.

Let’s not mention the body shape, but from the walking posture, this is definitely a woman.

Until the door was closed, the girl also straightened up, and she swiftly got up.

I'm afraid I didn't see this kind of contrast with my own eyes. I really can't believe it.

"You look like a woman.

Shen Qingci propped up his face on the table, and never thought that one day, he could sit on the same table with his former enemies, and he could also make such innocuous jokes.

"This King Fenglun is pretty good to you."

Qi Yuan put the food one by one, and also put the chopsticks on the table, eat, eat, eat, and maintain the body, so that he can run away.

Shen Qingci took the chopsticks and never said that King Fenglun had been hungry for two days and two nights, and even used a needle to **** her. Even if her body was full of holes, she could bear it.

If she doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that she will forget it. If she doesn't say it, it doesn't mean that she will not hold grudges.

She will avenge this grudge one day, and she will repay it multiple times.

And what did Qi Yuan look for when she was eating?

He tapped the wall from time to time, and also pressed his ear to the wall.

"We want to get out of this mansion, it's very difficult," Qi Yuanbian said while knocking on these walls, "there are heavy guards outside, so the gate can't be walked through, we can only avoid another way."

"Shen Qingci, do you still remember?"

Qi Yuantu turned around and asked Shen Qingci.

"When your memory was sealed by me, and I was arrested by me, how did you find him?"

At that time, he was indeed combing one hundred secrets, everything was just as he thought, and he also properly calculated everything, but he didn't expect that all his calculations would eventually fall to nothing, Shen Qingci Body.

"Dug a hole."

Shen Qingci always remembered.

She took another bite of the meal, then put down her chopsticks, and walked over, also squatting on the corner of the wall, reaching out and placing her hand on the wall.

"You mean, we are going to dig a hole here?"

Shen Qingci asked uncertainly.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Qi Yuan nodded, "This can be considered our first line of life, maybe it is the life left to us by God, behind this wall."

Qi Guo pressed his hand on the wall and knocked, "There is a back mountain next to this. If we pass by, we should probably escape. This is our only chance."

"It's just..." Qi Yuan also sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Can you sue me, she tried her best to get you over, what on earth did she want to do? What is there on your body that she wants?"

"En?" Shen Qingci turned his head and said helplessly, "She thought I had the technique of longevity."

"The art of longevity?" Brandon smiled suddenly.

"The growth technique in your body is simply a short-lived technique. Even the three princes of Zeng and Jin and the Taihuang now have suffered a stroke because of this. Why is she not afraid? Not only did she not get any longevity. Shushu, will you become a short-lived ghost?

If you want to fight Shen Qingci's idea, you also have to see if you are going to fight.

This woman's fate is very strange. In fact, he didn't believe in fate. After all, he still believes in himself more in this world. My fate is my fate.

But in Shen Qingci's body, whether it was him or the third prince, he suffered a big loss. He made homelessness, and the third prince was even more miserable. He went directly from the upper emperor to that A rich pig in the Royal Palace of Notre Dame.

Those who eat and drink Lazard are all to be served. Such days are more than just a head, at least the pig will be out of the slaughter day, but Emperor Wen Yuan simply can't let him die.

He will continue to be a pig until he turns himself into an old pig.

That King Fenglun dared to fight Shen Qingci's idea.

I'm afraid the idea is good, but there is no life to see the result.

He didn’t say much any more, and then he banged on the wall and found a suitable place to dig a hole. What he was most afraid of was that the house was not close to other places, but stones. In the case of stones, then they want to dig a hole in the stone, and they don't know that they have to dig until the year of the monkey, and the longer they are, the more dangerous they are.

That King Fenglun was a lunatic at all, and how could a lunatic still listen to people's words.

Qi Yuan was afraid. If she was really crazy one day, she would treat Shen Qingci’s meat as Tang Seng’s meat, steam her and stir-fry her, then what should she do?

So they'd better take advantage of these days to leave this place, as long as they leave this place, leave Cang Tao, and arrive in the territory of the Great Zhou, they will have real safety.

Qi Yuan can guarantee that he is only letting him out of the Fenglun Palace, then he will leave with Shen Qingci no matter what, even if the price is his life.

He has never been a good person, and it is impossible to be a good person.

He has always regarded shame as his inscription.

Of course, everyone scolded him shamelessly.

And he is so shameless, so shameless, that he can actually do this kind of thing about giving up oneself, if he knew about it before, he would definitely sneer at it.

But speaking of it, the feeling of being a good person doesn't seem too bad.

"do not worry."

Qi Yuan has always been knocking on the wall, just like guaranteeing, and then promised word by word, "I will definitely take you back to Dazhou, back to Beijing, and take you home."

Shen Qingci paused with his fingers on the wall.

"That's also your home."

Qi Yuantu smiled, "Yeah, how come I have forgotten, that is my home."

In the past few years, he has been walking around everywhere and wandering around indefinitely. It is during these days that he understands that, indeed, he still wants to return to Da Zhou.

Just returned to Da Zhou, what is he going to do?

But no matter what?

Da Zhou will always be his country.

It will always be his home.

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