"There are so many colorful stones, not many, daddy."

She also felt that she was not doing enough to beat her own father, "Next year, A Ning will make money and buy it again."

"Buy more?" Shen Dingshan still remembered that this was his own daughter. If the person sitting in front of him now was replaced by Shen Wenhao, trust him, he would have slapped it out.

I have seen a prodigal, I have never seen such a prodigal, a prodigal...female.

And he told himself not to be angry, absolutely not to be angry, his little daughter, a little girl like snow dumplings, could not stand his slap.

He made himself laugh, but it was too ugly.

"Daddy, you laugh so ugly."

Shen Qingci stretched out his little finger to poke Shen Dingshan's old face, and the flesh on Shen Dingshan's face followed tightly.

Well, what's the matter with ugliness, no matter how ugly he is, he can give birth to such a beautiful little Ah Ning.

"You come and tell daddy, what are you doing with those things, eh?"

He didn’t think that his daughter spent money. The money itself was earned by her accidentally. She was responsible for how much she wanted to spend. It was just that she was too young. She still doesn’t have the basic ability to distinguish between wrong and wrong. He was just afraid that she would be caught. You cheated, or you have developed bad habits.

"A Ning is going to keep a dowry for her sister," Shen Qingci looked like you are stupid, "A Ning sold all her mother's dowry. A Ning is going to marry her sister. There is no dowry. How will her sister marry in the future? "

Suddenly, Shen Dingshan’s throat was blocked, and he was a little bit embarrassed in his daughter’s face. He had always been taking care of his soldiers on the expedition, taking care of his soldiers, and supplementing the income of the family, but it was the house. There is also a daughter who is about to marry in the house, a son who is also about to marry, and his young Xiao A Ning.

His family has a small family and a weak foundation. Now it can be said that he is stretched, but his official position is relatively high. No matter how his eldest daughter is, it is impossible for him to marry a poor family. Will wrong my daughter.

But how did he forget that he can no longer afford a dowry. He may really be the poorest country father. If it weren’t for the younger daughter to mention, if he really wants to marry his daughter and can’t get a dowry, what else would he do? Standing in the middle of the DPRK, how to pick up a daughter correctly, and a woman who has not been grafted, or a woman with a poor dowry, will not be able to lift her head in front of her in-laws in the future.

Not to mention, he also has two daughters.

Sorry, he suddenly felt sore and sore in his nose, and his eyes were hot and sore. He turned his face quickly and wiped away his tears. It was only in front of this little daughter that he had cried. too many times.

"I'm sorry..." He hugged his daughter's small body tightly, "Daddy is not good, Daddy is useless, Daddy has to make you work hard for Daddy, and you have to make plans for your sister, you say, you What do you want my dad to do, even a few dowries are missing for you."

"Daddy is the best dad."

Shen Qingci patted Shen Dingshan's back with his little hand.

"Daddy is going to fight, he has to protect us, he can't eat enough, he doesn't wear warm clothes, and he has to fight to protect us. Daddy is a good dad, Daddy is not afraid, you have A Ning."

"A Ning helps her father earn military expenses so that her father can eat at the border. A Ning saves ten miles of red makeup for her sister. A Ning helps her father marry her sister. A Ning will also save her eldest brother's betrothal gift. In the future, she will marry her elder brother. Good daddy, A Ning loves daddy the most."

Yes, you are a good daddy. You lost everything for me in your last life, even your own life. I think you must have been insatiable in your last life, because even if it is me, you can’t rest assured.

The eldest brother and eldest sister died in the end, and I didn’t have a bad end. I was thinking at the time, if you knew that my fingers were chopped off one by one, and my hands were cut off, how much you love me, Are you scolding me, hitting me, or killing me, I am the daughter you grew up holding in the palm of your hand, but I am so bad at myself.

In fact, it’s me who says I’m sorry, it’s me who is an unfilial daughter. I’m not a good daughter, and I’m not a good sister, so I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid, A Ning will carry all of this for you, and A Ning will do it for you. Carry.

Even if the bones are broken again, the body is broken.

While standing outside, Shen Qingrong had already burst into tears.

A Ning, A Ning.

Sister I am sorry for you.

She remembered that in the past two years, it was her sister who had done everything for her, found Xiuniang for her, asked her for her secret recipe in the palace, and now she still has to save her dowry. All the sisters are taking care of her sister, but they At home, my sister will take care of everything.

"Daddy, do you want to see the marriage that A Ning prepared for her sister, it will look good."

Shen Qingci pulled Shen Dingshan's sleeve, but she picked out all those things.

"You..." Shen Dingshan squeezed his daughter's face, "If your sister really marries, see who will make something for you in the future."

"Yeah," Shen Qingci seemed to have realized it suddenly. If his sister gets married, no one will make a delicious snack for him in the future. "No," she shook her head, "That's not going to let her get married. "

"What should I do if I don't let my sister marry? When an old girl accompanies you?" Shen Dingshan was also happy, this is really childish, it really means that wind is rain.

"Let my sister marry a brother-in-law," Shen Qingci thought about it. It would be fine to find a son-in-law for the eldest sister, and no one would dare to bully her sister in the future.

"These are your sister's business, and have nothing to do with you, little fellow," Shen Dingshan squeezed her daughter's face again, "Let's go, let Daddy see where you spent eight hundred thousand taels of silver?"

And he thought of those eight hundred thousand taels, how could he feel that his heart hurts so much, eight hundred thousand taels, the emperor’s military expenditure for a year is only one million taels, but his family’s Xiao A Ning spent 200,000 taels at a time, and still didn't change his face.

When he walked out, he also happened to see Shen Qingrong.

"Daughter has seen her father," Shen Qingrong hurriedly lowered her head slightly, not wanting people to know the traces of her crying at this time.

"Well, get up." Shen Dingshan actually doesn't like these etiquettes, and he can't be casual in his own family, but I have to say that his eldest daughter will learn the rules very well. She is all twelve years old. The big girl, you really should think about it.

"We are going out to see some things, do you want to go?" Shen Dingshan knew that Shen Qingrong was outside, but the one who was biased wanted to ask her this question. I have to say that Shen Dingshan is actually a father who likes to watch children joke... …

So this is the real father, the real father.

"Father..." Shen Qingrong's face was flushed to the extreme.

This is really shameful.

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