Xiaoqing calmly patted her hand

"Let’s go, it’s a blessing or a curse, it’s a curse, but it’s impossible to avoid it. If you can’t run away, it’s dead or alive, so you can only look at fate." In fact, don’t say Xiao Huang herself, even she kind.

Don't look at her being calm on the surface. In fact, her heart is broken and there is a kind of inexplicable fear.

But what about that, not to mention other things, they went to that place again, and the bowls on the table.

Needless to say, they all know what they are doing after experiencing it once. They are going to be bled.

Let's start, the woman in red scanned these people one by one, and the middle of the slightly flat red lips can probably be seen, some unpleasantness in her eyes, and the dissatisfaction on her face.

Several women stepped forward and pulled them up directly, even Xiaoqing’s here was the same. The woman directly pulled one person’s wrist with a face full of flesh, and also picked up a cold and cold knife. , And then heard a scream.

Then the cold light flashed, and Xiao Qing felt a pain in her wrist.

Suddenly, she and her eyes opened in terror, and her voice seemed to be hard in her throat, and she couldn't say a word for life or death. Only her body trembled and trembled slightly, and then she didn't know why.

Even if there is no memory, even if she can't remember anything before, some fears are planted in the depths of her heart and soul. Some things cannot be touched, and some things cannot be hurt.

She could only open her eyes to look at the blood-red color in front of her, and then her wrist tightly grasped...


The little fox suddenly kicked the plate to one side, as if it had been frightened. It ran over quickly and got into the arms of Branding. Two small paws tightly grasped his clothes, and so did the small body. Trembling.

"Do you feel it too?"

Brandon put his palm on the little fox's head.


The little fox called again. What he couldn't help but was his small body shaking into a ball. It felt like he was about to shake off the hair on his body.

Brandon stood up holding the little fox.

This is a very bad feeling.

Feel it every year, and he feels it too

"A Ning, wait for me."

He squeezed his palms firmly, "No matter what, if you want to live, you must live."

He loosened his finger slightly, and then down his fingertips were blood dripping down from time to time.

One drop after another, the **** smell overflowed the room instantly.

Chi, the little fox licked his fingers.

It's okay.

BAO Hengxiu patted its little head gently. Only when people feel pain, can they hold on to something, and only when they feel the most pain, can they remember something?

The little fox didn't understand. It habitually puts its small sharp mouth on the owner's arm, and it makes that kind of awkward sound from time to time.

Soon after, Changqing and the others were all standing outside, waiting for the doctor inside to treat the wounds. At this time, the hand of the brand was almost all bloody, and the injury looked like It was very painful, but as far as Branding was concerned, he didn't seem to feel any pain.

Instead, he took frozen dried fish and fed the little fox. This kind of frozen dried fish is a major feature of Changlin. Before, Miaomiao liked it very much. He wanted to eat it every day. Now the little fox has entered Miaomiao. After following in the footsteps, this kind of frozen fish is also regarded as snacks.

There are not many things here, just this kind of frozen dried fish is the most. Every household has something to do, and Li Qi let people blow a bunch of them, all for the little fox.

I just want it to grow faster, eat more fat, and then see if it can keep its ears and eyes clear, and its nose better, so that you can find your wife sooner.

In the past few days, the wound should not see water at first, it is just a skin trauma, and it will heal soon.

Biao Hengsi seemed to have not heard it, and then took out a dried fish to feed the little fox.

The doctor didn't talk too much when he saw it, and he didn't even dare to say more than the corner of his eye.

Evergreen kicked one side of the pillar.

"Every time at this time, I want to peel off Mo Fei's skin. How come he disappears every time he is used. When he is not used, he runs faster than a rabbit. "

"The mansion really raised him for nothing."

"I want to strip him too."

The same goes for Changgong, but when you peel the skin, wherever you go, the lady is in an accident, and the person who cannot be guaranteed will not be unlucky. Before they have come and peeled his skin, the grass on the grave began to grow taller. Got it.

Both of them looked at each other, and then sighed involuntarily.

At this time, on an official road, a carriage was also heading towards the capital.

Right now, several children were hitting a person. The person was dressed in tatters and shrunk on the ground, his face covered with mud all over, and he was still smiling there.

Children smashed mud on his body, the more he smashed, the more he laughed.

Otherwise, how could you be called a fool, fool, fool, don’t laugh foolishly, just call fool?

A carriage also stopped not far away, and then an old coachman came over.

When the child saw that an adult was coming, everyone ran away, but the fool was still sitting there, holding the mud and putting it in his mouth.

Don't eat don't eat.

The old coachman hurriedly passed by and also pulled down his hand.

"This is mud, you can't eat it, it will kill you!" As he said, he took out a veil from his body and helped the fool wipe the mud from his hands.


The fool still wanted to put mud in his mouth.

Alas, the old coachman sighed, this is all a sinner, it is really too difficult for this person to live in the changing world.

When the old coachman remembered his experience along the way, he couldn't help but feel sad.


The fool was still talking about being hungry.

Seeing him like this, the old coachman couldn't help but sighed again, "Forget it, I met, even if it's because of you, I met a noble man, you can be regarded as the kindness of the noble man, I heard that in Beijing Inside, people who die can get a thin coffin. As long as I can live, I can take care of you. Even if we are gone, at least there will be a dead body. Otherwise, it’s just you, maybe not hungry. If you die, you will be eaten clean by the beasts in the mountains."

"We are also a companion."

The old coachman took out a bun from himself, and then gave one to the fool.

"The little lady in my carriage used to like to eat steamed buns. I don't know why she likes to eat buns so much. She eats them every day. I haven't seen her tired of eating them. I asked her why she didn't eat anything else? She said that when a person is extremely hungry, the first thing she eats will never be forgotten in a lifetime. She said that when she was hungry, it was the buns she ate. Now I know. It turned out to be really."

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