Branding set aside the strip of cloth, and the little fox seemed to be struggling to get up.

"My son, it seems to care about this cloth."

Evergreen was afraid of branding and hesitating to lose the cloth. Then where would he go to give the little fox, and then find the same cloth back?

Branding tore some of the cloth, and then tied the little fox around his neck. With the cloth strip, the little thing calmed down, but it was weak.

A small group of black whistling, it is also a bad brand, not feeling ugly.

"Let Qian Zichen find a doctor over."

Luo Hengxu gave Changqing's order.

"Yes," Changqing answered, and didn't dare to delay, so she went to Qian Zichen.

It's not their Da Zhou. It's really not very convenient. Of course, there is also that Mo Fei. The son has really raised him for so many years. When he needs him most, he doesn't know where he died?

It is also inconvenient for them everywhere, and they are always restricted.

"Is it all right?"

Qian Zichen asked the doctor, how is Xiao Hei in my family, and how bad is it?

The name Xiaohei is also very unwilling to the little fox. It does not have such an unpleasant name. Its name is so nice. It is called Niannian. It was taken by the owner. The owner of the family is not so unlearned. People would give it such an ugly name

The doctor helped the little fox with medicine and then bandaged it up.

"Don't worry, this black fox in your family has nothing to do with it, nor has it hurt its abdomen. It just bleeds more and is weaker now, and..."

The doctor looked at the fox for a long time.

"The old man has been a doctor for more than 40 years. This is the first time I have seen this black fox. What kind of breed is this?"

Qian Zichen touched his nose.

"Actually, I don't know, but it was given by a friend. It feels fun and I raised it. In the end, I was greedy. When I went to the kitchen to steal chicken, I was accidentally chopped by the kitchen knife."

"It's really greedy."

The doctor couldn't help but laugh. "Fortunately, I didn't lose my life. This kitchen knife has to be cut harder, and 80% of my life is going to be sent."

"What else needs attention?"

Qian Zichen asked the doctor again, he was afraid that he could not take care of him well, but what should he do if he has to punish him when he is worried about it?

Just like that kind of temperament, even if branding and worrying really won't cure her of any crime, but 80% of them, she will kill herself by wiping her neck.

The doctor took out a bottle of medicine from his medicine box. This medicine was applied once a day. This medicine was handed down from my family's ancestors. It is very effective in treating redness.

Qian Zichen took it and held it tightly.

The medicine bottle is not too big, and there is not much powder in it, but it is enough to cure this little fox, and he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief now, it's all right, yes, it's all right, Li's My life was finally saved.

He sent the doctor out, and quickly took the little fox into his arms, ready to send it to Brandon.

This fox is too important for branding. He doesn't worry about others, so he can only run once himself.

When he put the little fox in the hands of Brando Hengsi, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, this can be regarded as the real thing returned to the original owner.

"The doctor said it's nothing serious, but the blood loss is a little bit more, so you can feed some good stuff to a good one."

"Also," he took out a bottle of medicine from himself again, put it on the table, sprinkle some on it a day, and it will grow up in five days at most.

Can't help but tut.

"Tsk what?"

Evergreen asked Evergreen in a low voice.

"Don't you remember?" Chang Yi was distressed, "Nian Nian is a snow fox. What kind of species is a snow fox? Its blood is a great tonic. The son was to hide the breed of Nian. Let me dye its ears."

"And how much blood it shed now, it's really violent!"

Evergreen also feels.

But is there any way, I can't just give the little fox a knife, let it bleed some blood on them, he dare to say, if they really did this, the son must peel off their skins.

It was the little fox that was really wronged this time.

It has grown so big and has not suffered such pain. This little thing is usually very squeamish. Even if it loses a hair, it will be coaxed for a long time. Now it has such a big hole. A lot of fox blood was shed again. If Mo Fei knew about it, Bacheng would really cry for a lifetime holding his Yurong Ointment.

He dreams of a few drops of the little fox's blood, but the little fox refuses to give it life or death.

Now there is so much in vain.

Brando balance gently stroked the little fox's head.

The little fox may feel better now, he also licked his master's finger.

"Can anyone tell me what is going on?"

Brando held the black tail of the little fox.

When did this little white fox become a black charcoal?

"This one……"

Qian Zichen didn't know how to answer? It seems that he can't betray Mo Li, but he has the temperament of Mo Li and he doesn't conceal it, so let him say it, at least, he can explain a thing or two for her.

Li Li will only say yes or no, and he will be cut to death by the brand.

"This is what I made Liran."

In the end, Qian Zichen's **** was all on himself, anyway, he was not worried about his debts, and he would roll his eyes at most, but he would not do anything to him.

"This little fox shines at night," Qian Zichen touched his chin, "just like a night pearl, it will shine wherever you go, anyone with eyes can see it."

"In some places in the Tang family, only it can go, and if you want to bring it in, you only dye it with black hair so that no one will find it. However, it will be washed away and will not be black for a lifetime. of."

Qian Zichen hurriedly explained again, "This is like the black hair you dyed in Da Zhou, and it can be washed away."

"It's simple," Long Yi muttered, "Is there any injury on my body, can I still wash it?"

"It's so dark, so disgusting."


The little fox was directly sad, and maybe he understood it. He longed to dislike it and scolded it. It was obviously so cute. It was beautiful. It looked like black charcoal, and it glowed white.

And it was also depressed instantly.

It bit the small strip of cloth tied to its neck, still whining in its mouth.

There is a master's breath here.

"I'll change it back for you in a few days."

Branding calmed the little fox, but the little fox was still very depressed.

If he didn't call and didn't move, he was just lying lazily in his arms.

Again, Li Li knelt in front of Brando Hengsi again.

"The subordinate knew it was wrong."

"Get up."

Brando Hengsi gently stroked the little fox's head, this one was definitely depressed now, and no one would pay attention, including him, unless it turned back into white hair.

Li Li stood up, and at a glance, she noticed that the black fox lying on the legs of the brand was finally relieved. It was really worse. She did not pay for a fox. .

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