No matter whether it understood it or not, Li Li was holding his tail with one hand.

Then the contents of the basket were poured inside, and there was even a drumstick at the end.

"I feel like I'm really crazy." When Li Li finished throwing things, carrying the basket and preparing to go back, he really felt like he was crazy. He didn't sleep in the middle of the night and did something like this with a fox.

"Don't find me for such stupid things from now on."

Li Li warned the little fox, but the little fox was lying comfortably in the basket.

The moonlight fell on this person and fox, and a little white fox could still be seen faintly.

And sitting under the vent in March, she kept it for most of the day, until another steamed bun was dropped, and then there was still a pile of it, she ran out happily, still holding a chicken leg in her hand.

"Sister Qing, Sister Huang, look, there is something delicious again."

Xiao Huang screamed and ran over, took San Yue's hand and took a bite.

It's a chicken leg, it's really difficult.

It was so delicious, she was about to cry when it was delicious.

"Sister Qing," March took the chicken leg in front of Xiao Qing.

"No, you guys eat."

Xiaoqing shook her head. She doesn't eat this, just eat steamed buns.

She just wants to know who is helping them secretly?

When she walked to the vent, she could only smell the fresh air from above, but she could not see the sky at this time. It would be great if she could get out from here.

It's a pity that they can't climb out.

At this time, the sky outside was already bright.

Qian Zichen was sitting in the carriage, and then he was about to rush into the house. Now he would rather face a fox than those of Qianjia.

The so-called wall-to-wall grass, he has really seen it when he arrives.

Before Qian Zichen fell, these people had already begun to see the wind at the rudder, and Qian Zihao became more and more proud.

Thousands of newly opened three spice shops have made a lot of money. Is it possible that people shouldn't be proud of it?

But now that you are proud, can you change your life's pride by being straight?

Can something that comes from speculation lasts for a long time, and who can guarantee?

Opening the curtain of the carriage, Qian Zichen looked outside. Those spice shops were not lined up as long as before. Tang Jiaxiang had a taste of Lou Jiaxiang, but it was a pity that some of Lou Jiaxiang was missing. Essence and stunning, so it's like a passing glance, before it blooms, it has been extinguished.

It’s unique, the second one is the most attractive one. This is the opening of six houses. At the beginning, it’s really good business. But now, although it won’t fade away, it’s definitely not as good as the original fragrance. .

Tang Chuxin, should a new fragrance come out?

And now it is indeed the time when new fragrances are being released. These are just a few types of fragrances. They have been sold for nearly half a month. The buyer smells annoying, and the seller smells greasy.

But how could Tang Chuxin know about the new fragrance, she knew it, but now, her side seemed to be the most problematic.

She seemed to be able to make only those kinds of incense, but when she made new incense, she found that her own method of making fragrance was useless.

It's simply not so good.

Where is the problem?

Tang Chu thought for a long time, and also locked herself in this room for several days, but she discovered that she could no longer make incense.

She was unable to fall down on the chair behind her, and she even boasted that she would give them another batch of incense after half a month, but she couldn't make this incense now.

What's more, she picked up her newly made spice, which was plum scent. It was possible to smell a faint plum scent, but it was only outside, not inside.

She smelled it, it was Leng Meixiang, but it was Leng Meixiang that didn't belong to her.

This incense seems to have failed.

But how could it fail, how could it fail

She followed the previous method, and the previous method, only she used it casually, the fragrance rate was almost 100%, but the current fragrance rate.

No, there is no fragrance rate at all.

All the incenses she made were the same as before.

"Miss..." A woman was carefully standing outside.

"what happened?"

Tang Chuxin tried his best to suppress the irritability in his voice.

"Miss, it's from the Yao family, saying that they don't have enough spices to sell. Ask Miss when will you give them spices?"

"I see. Go down first."

Tang Chu's face was calm, and he also pushed the failed spice in his hands.

"Why didn't you get more at the beginning, and now ask me for it. What spices do I have for you, do I owe you the spices?"

The Yao family outside is now waiting anxiously, staying here for a while and earning less money, maybe among these few, he is the first to come, because he didn’t have much money at the beginning, so of course the spices in his hand. It is also the least. Now these spices are selling well, naturally, they have also made some money.

After he had the silver, he came immediately to order the second batch of spices. He thought that half a month had passed. The Tang family should have saved a lot of spices, right?

He came here early in the morning, and of course he also brought the silver, but the more he waited, the less there was no one to greet her, and the more he ignored her.

What is going on, the Yao family don’t understand, so don’t you make money?

Could it be that his money is dirty?

Until the Tang family finally got an answer.

It also made the Yao family's complexion turn pale all at once.

"What, no spices, no spices, then what shop did you let us open? Now that the shop is open, you told me, no?"

When the Yao family came out of the Tang's house, they also left in a curse. At this time, a carriage was parked outside, which was extremely luxurious.

The glazed golden roof, the body of sinking wood, and the small table made of the fine Dalbergia odoratum inside, weigh an inch and a catty.

It can be said that how big the carriage is, then how high the pile of silver is.


King Lu lightly stroked the little fox's head, "If I hadn't promised your master, I really don't want to do this."

But now it seems that even if I don't do it, something is going to happen to the Tang family.

He took out a medicine bottle from his arms, then poured a pill from it, and stuffed it directly into his mouth. It can be said that in the past 20 years, he has only had so much time to take it. Sleep well, just like an ordinary person.

Moreover, his body is getting better day by day. Even the doctors accompanying him are surprised. What happened to him? How could he be so good all at once?

King Lu also absolutely believes that after taking this bottle of medicine, he will definitely get better. If it’s not good, it’s a big deal, he will have a thicker skin, and he will have to worry about it. bottle.

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