But the spices bought from Qianjiaxiang are completely different. What Qianjiaxiang sells are all first-class spices. From the beginning to the end, they are all a wonderful fragrance, and they are still endless aftertaste. On the clothes, even in the house, there will be a slight fragrance.

In comparison, the Tang family’s fragrance is really too bad

And that's not to say, after all, Yipinxiang's spices are well-known in the world, otherwise it would not have been possible for Qianjia to give up such a large capital, and they were all willing to separate large amounts of benefits from Yipinxiang.

It’s just because the fragrance of Yipinxiang is indeed good. The fragrance of Lou's 100 years ago, the first fragrance in the world, and the first fragrance of the past two decades, is it a little known Tangjiaxiang, it can really be used for a while, Destroy the Qixiang of this century.

Who gave the Tang family such courage, and who gave Tang Chuxin such confidence.

However, it turns out that the so-called Tang Jiaxiang is just a joke.

Only half a day's fragrance is nothing more. After using this, some problems will occur more or less, either the whole body is itchy, the red rash can not be afforded, or nightmares overnight.

Regardless of whether it is related to Tang Jiaxiang or not, as long as there is something wrong with someone, they are uncomfortable, people in the family are unwell, even if cats and dogs are sick, chickens and ducks do not lay eggs, it is all to blame on Tang Jiaxiang, not even knowing it is from Where did the news go out? It was said that Tang Jiaxiang was made with human blood, so it violated the natural harmony and was a sinful thing.

Your incense can be unpleasant, your incense can not even smell. It is odorless, but you can’t invite sin karma to others. Everyone is saying that this time it’s because the Tang family did evil. , So these retributions are on the incense they make, and can pass these spices to the people who use incense.

The Tang family has now been sealed off. Naturally, there is no possibility of complaining and debts. These people can only spread their qi on the six spice shops. There is not a day left, the six spice shops, and even pay There is nothing to come and react.

It has been smashed and smashed by others, and everyone in the shop has run away.

When Li Qi came out of the house, he felt that the house was a bit too empty.

Lao Hengsi and Changqing have already rushed to Cangtao's side. I heard that something strange seems to have happened to Cangtao's side. I don't know if it is related to Shen Qingci, regardless of whether there is.

They will not let go of any possibility, any opportunity, may still be returned without success, but at the very least, there is still a place to be found.

"Mo Li."

Qian Zichen called out the name of Li Li, and it happened that he had come to discuss things with Mo Gao.

Sit down, Li Li asked Qian Zichen to sit down, but seeing Qian Zichen's breeze and bright moon all over him, it was obvious that he was in a very good mood, without the frown of a few days ago.

And Qian Zichen was in a good mood. The six spice shops were smashed and cursed. In Baiyun City, now there is nothing but the only spice shop in his Qianjiaxiang.

Yes, his Qianjia Xiangxing, not Qianjia.

This is his own. He bought it for five million taels of silver. Even if he earns tens of millions of taels in the future, it is also his own.

And thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a kind of excitement in his heart. In the future, he will have countless silver, and he can buy his favorite antiques for his father and the jewelry she wants for his mother.

The bigger the family, the more money they have, the more rules they have, and the beauty on the surface is tight, but who knows the hardships that are not human?

Just like him, just like them, in order to raise those silver, his mother almost sold out her dowry, but even so, it only raised a hundred taels worth of silver.

But in the future, with this spice shop, this huge amount of money will be his.

"Mo Li, what do you think we are going to do now, not to move? Or..."

"Soothing fragrance," Li Li faintly folded his arms in thought, "I still have some, by the way, and Yurong ointment, which was sent by the lady before, but it should have arrived by chance. I am for this reason. It was here, who knows that in the end something like this happened, so I didn't tell you."

"You should have heard about Yurong Gao, too?"

Li Qiye didn’t believe him. He didn’t know the fragrance of the first grade and Yurong ointment, but Emperor Wen Yuan gave the envoys of various countries in return, and these return gifts were all taken back to the palace. What is Yurong ointment? What can Shen Qingci use?

Shen Qingci's face that hasn't changed for a long time is not fake, and her perfumery is naturally not fake. Don't take her as a liar like Tang Chuxin.

Just like Tang Chuxin, it's a bit ugly to say, don't say one of her, even if it is ten, she will not learn a little bit of Shen Qingci, otherwise, it is impossible to make such a fake incense.

False is false, and if it is true, it can never become true and replace the true.

So now that the fake incense is in trouble, it's time for the real incense to appear on the scene.

Qian Zichen's eyes seemed to be replaced with stars, and each one was made of silver.

But at this point, Li Li also stood up, when she was about to leave, Qian Zichen was holding her sleeves.

"Where are you going?"

Li Qiye lowered his head and stared at Qian Zichen's paw, with an urge to chop it off.

"That's sorry..."

Qian Zichen quickly let go of his hand, but also put his hand behind him.

Mo Li turned around again and was about to leave the house, but Qian Zichen followed out with perseverance.

The more Li Li left, the heavier Qian Zichen's heart became.

Because the place that Li Qi was going to was not elsewhere, but the Tang family.

It's also a burial place for so many Da Zhou people.

The king of Lu had promised to send these people back to the territory of Dazhou, so that their souls would return to their hometowns. He also promised that they would be prepared for them, and they would be buried well. Those with a family would send a fixed amount of money. For them, the homeless will also give them a place to live.

Today is when these people go home.

By the time they arrived, there were already quite a few people there, and some of the mages were doing rituals, and they were smoky inside. Apart from these, all that could be heard was the sound of chanting.

Soul come, come back.

These people who were buried in a foreign country can finally go home.

In the yard of the Tang family, many people have already dug on the ground. It was about half a meter before they revealed the dense bones inside. These bones were piled up without knowing when they were buried. Together, they shocked countless people.

Various spices are planted here, and they are all very good. I heard that the woman Tang Chuxin actually used the bodies of these people as flower fertilizer.

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