Li Li took out his sword and also lifted his strength, and then heard a creak, and a wooden cabinet was split into two.

When she was about to go in, Qian Zichen's voice came from behind.

"Mo Li..."

"What's the matter?" Mo said, returning his sword to the scabbard, turning around and asked.

Qian Zichen saluted King Lu first, and King Lu waved his hand.

It means to let them freely. He is very uncomfortable now, and he doesn't care about them.

Qian Zichen only stepped forward in three and two steps, and was also standing in front of Li Li.

"We went back once, something happened to Xiangxing."

Li Qiye understood that this had followed Qian Zichen back, but she couldn't help but looked back at the cabinet that was split in half by herself. She didn't know what the place where she had lost the steamed buns for half a month was there. people?

"I will let people watch here."

Qian Zichen hurriedly said again.

"The matter is urgent, let's pass it first."

"I know," Mo Li turned around, and also left here with Qian Zichen, and she didn't know, just as her front foot left the hole, three people came out of the broken wooden cabinet. .

The people outside don’t know how to survive. Every thin one is just like a living ghost, but three of them are not bad. They are not hungry, nor are they hungry. Except that they have not seen the sun for a long time, the white ones seem to have none Scarlet, it seems that there is no big problem.

These three were raised by Mo Li's steamed buns for half a month. They had never suffered, nor were they hungry. They had a basket of steamed buns every day.

And even if they die, they can't finish eating. At this time, no matter how they are not locked up with others, no one wants to ask, and they don't want to say.

As long as we can live, it is more important than anything else.

Yes, as long as you can live, it is more important than anything else, and these people are people who can live and go out alive.

"Xiaoqing, we can go home." Xiaohuang pulled Xiaoqing and cried and laughed, "I thought we were all going to die here, but I didn't expect that one day we could not only come out, but also go home, and more Yes, everyone got one hundred taels of silver."

With this hundred taels of silver, when she returned to the village, she was able to build a house for her family and save herself a lot of dowry. Of course, even if the family is poor in the future, no one will be sold. .

Several carriages headed towards the city gate of Baiyun City. When Xiaoqing opened the curtain of the carriage, she saw a lot of people standing at the gate of the city. They were all holding joss stick paper money and sending these big weeks. Coming undead.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many good people in Baichu."

Xiao Huang wiped her tears, and March was also moved by tears.

"You think too much."

Shen Qingci really didn't want to say this, but he wanted to tell the truth.

"They are just buying a peace of mind, because they have used those spices, those who have been tainted with the blood of the people of Da Zhou, and the fragrance of life, although people are not killed by them, they are still stained with these causes and effects."

In order to restore a kind of cause and effect, but also for the peace of mind.

It is good for each of them to send away these undead who do not belong to Baichu.

Xiao Huang and San Yue stopped talking. The atmosphere at this time was so heavy that even the one hundred taels of silver that each of them had in their arms was too heavy to hold.

The silver they took, it is hard to achieve that those people are not dead.

I don’t know when to come, nor when to return?

Their lives were eventually picked up and sent back.

"Xiaoqing, where are you going?"

Xiao Huang asked Xiao Qing, she was going home, but she remembered Xiao Qing did not remember the past, so where would she go?


Xiaoqing leaned his head on the carriage behind him, and made his head hit the carriage again and again, causing some pain that was almost unnoticeable.

As for asking where she is going?

She still doesn't know, just take one step and count one step. Perhaps along the way, she can think of something and who she is?

March lean against Xiaoqing's.

"Sister Qing, is San Yue following you, OK?"

San Yue touched her chest, "I have money, and I can raise sister Qing in the future."

Xiao Qing rubbed San Yue's hair.

"March, I told you how many times did you not reveal the matter, but I still can't remember it?"

San Yue was embarrassed, grinning her mouth and grinning, "I forgot. Besides, Sister Qing and Sister Huang are not outsiders."

Xiao Huang took out her own banknotes and looked openly. She will have silver in the future. One hundred taels of silver. Farmers can't earn one or two by two all the year round. This is one hundred and two. People who do not earn money in their lifetime.

Xiaoqing closed his eyes, his head still bumped back and forth with the bumps of the carriage.

As the carriage bumped, they had already left Baichu territory, as if they were feeling in their hearts.

When Xiaoqing opened the curtain of the carriage, he could already see the gate of Da Zhou.

"We are back to Dazhou."

Xiao Huang stretched out his head and looked at the tower not far away. They all recognize this, because they left from here not long ago, and now they are back again. .

At this time, the city gate was wide open, and there was a white cloth hanging at the gate. Many people were squatting on the ground and burning paper money to see off those souls who had never known them but died outside.

There were paper money all the way, and the soul-seeking fan ended up here.

"We have arrived at Changlin."

Xiao Huang said excitedly.

"How do you know, have you been here?"

Xiaoqing was strange when he arrived. Xiao Huang actually knew where this place was. It was not that Xiao Huang had never been out of the village. How could he know Changlin this place?

"That..." Xiao Huang stretched out his finger and pointed forward.

"There is the word "Chang Lin"."

"Sister Huang, you are amazing!"

Sanyue's eyes lighted up, "So, are you literate?"

"Where is it?" Xiao Huang was embarrassed. "There is a scholar in our village named Changlin. He reads very well. He taught me to write his name."

At this point, her voice also became smaller.

"In fact, I only know these two words."

"Then can you see Brother Scholar when you go back?"

March held up her face as if she was listening to a story. She was still young. Of course she didn’t know about these loves. This time she had experienced a lot of suffering in the world, but there were some things before she had experienced it. It will never be understood.

For example, Xiao Huang is currently suffering from gains and losses, such as some have been lost, and some cannot be obtained.

"Brother scholar..."

Xiao Huang didn't know, "Maybe I went to the capital to rush for the exam," regardless of whether he went or not, Xiao Huang knew that it was impossible for her and the scholar brother.

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