She threw her baggage away and threw herself on the bed. This quilt was very soft, just like the quilt they had been rescued from Baichu. .

It's thick and soft. It's so cold outside now. She wants to live in the old house without freezing to death, even in places with doors and windows.

Not to mention it's a wood house. The wood house doesn't even have a door. Who can stand the wind blowing in?

This place is really great, and how could she not feel high in her heart when she thinks that she will live here in the future?

"Sister Huang," March rushed over, trying to pull Xiao Huang up.

"This is Sister Qing's house."

"Huh, Xiaoqing's."

Xiao Huang said that, but he didn't seem to want to move. Anyway, I have lived together for a long time, and I don't despise you.

There was something to be said by March, but Xiaoqing reached out and put her hand on her shoulder.

Then he shook his head at her.

"Give you this place, I'll find another one." She opened the cabinet on one side and took out her belongings. Anyway, there are many houses here, so she can just pick one.

It’s nothing more than a place to sleep, anywhere, and it’s not that without this one, she really wants to sleep at the gate. She walked out with her baggage in her arms, and she also randomly found one beside the house in March. It is a bit smaller than the original one, but it can be used for tidying up.

"Sister Qing, haven't you noticed that Sister Huang has changed?"

March helped Xiaoqing clean up the house, and her mouth was very slumped.

"She hasn't changed."

Xiaoqing never thought that a person can change so fast.

"But she..."

March really feels that Xiao Huang is not the same as before.

"This is her nature."

Xiao Biao patted the quilt. Fortunately, the quilt was clean. She even washed the bed, and it would be fine when she changed it tomorrow.

"But is ours really going to let her stay?"

San Yue just didn't want Xiao Huang to live here. She took away Sister Qing's house when she came, so she didn't like it.

"Let her live in," Xiaoqing stood up, and patted San Yue's head again, "could you really let her sleep in the wood room?"

San Yue shook her head like a wavy drum. Of course, she had never thought of asking Xiao Huang to sleep on firewood. What if she freezes to death?

"Then leave her alone, let her stay as long as she wants to live, the place in the mystery is huge, is it not enough for you and me?"

Xiaoqing walked to the window again, and reached out to close the window. The sky outside was getting colder, and it was now winter.

"We will check the firewood tomorrow and go to bed earlier."

Xiaoqing turned around and smiled at Xiao Sanyue too, and then she lightly punched her shoulder. Today has been busy for a long time, and she really feels a little tired.

At the end of March, he could only leave in one step and three backs.

But after a while, she turned back again.

"Sister Qing, can I sleep with you."

"Okay." Xiaoqing moved a little inside, "you can find a place to sleep."

Every room in this house has a fire kang, and the fire kang is also very big, enough to sleep several people, a place where she can sleep in March, not to mention, she is also used to shrinking herself in the corner. There, so it's her.

She is just a child.

That is, Xiaoqing couldn't help but touched her face. How old is she?

March was happy to go out to hug her own things, and when she came back, she also hugged her pillow and quilt.

"Is your things hidden?" Xiaoqing asked Sanyue. She actually didn't know why she asked like this, but she felt that some things still need to be hidden. It's best only to know it, and everyone else does not.

"I hid it." Although San Yue is innocent, she is not stupid. Of course, hiding something can't be easier for her.

"I'm hiding..."

"Just know it yourself."

Xiaoqing interrupted San Yue, and then she touched San Yue's head again.

"In March, everyone has to have some little secrets, which are yours and unknown, so you have to hide your little secrets so that no one can know them, understand?"

"Don't let Sister Qing know?"

Didn't Sanyue understand what Xiaoqing meant too much, she could say that her life was saved by Xiaoqing, and Xiaoqing was the most trusted person in this world, couldn't she tell anyone that little secret?

"Yes," Xiaoqing answered her seriously, "No."

"And..." She shook her head again and chuckled, "I don't want to know."

Some things are annoying if you know too much. If you know that these are all annoying things, why do you have to know?

"Go to sleep," Xiaoqing pulled on the quilt.

The quilt smelled a little bit, not as good as the bed Xiao Huang was currently covering. The quilt she had taken outside to dry, was also wiped with a soft cloth, because it was urgently needed, so she didn't wash it.

Of course, it’s also because it has been tanned a bit, so there is not much taste, but no taste. For her, it is really too important. Who makes her have a better nose than others, that is why she I will also smell things that others can't.

The San Yue next to her was already asleep. Really, she was still in the same place as before, she just shrank in the collapsed house, not taking up much space.

Xiaoqing sat up, pulled up a corner of the quilt, and sometimes covered her, and she also lay down with it. She was obviously tired all night, but she didn't know why, but she was too late. Fall asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, the sky outside was bright, and March was very early, and the fallen leaves in the courtyard were almost swept away.

After the two of them cleaned the entire yard, they went to the stove to make some things in March. They used the things that Lizheng sent yesterday, and there were plenty of them, enough for them to eat for several days.

When the dishes were brought out in March, Xiao Huang walked out.

I don't know whether this is waking up, or that she was waiting for this time.

And she eats as much as she wants. Xiaoqing is not stingy enough to not let people eat. No matter what, they take care of each other along the way, and they all have different relationships with other people.

Besides, in this village, they knew only one Xiao Huang.

"We are going to collect some firewood, are you going?"

Xiaoqing asked Xiaohuang, if you don't pick it up now, it won't be too easy to pick it up when it snows.

"I'm not going anymore," Xiao Huang waved his hand, "I will go home later, there are still a lot of things at home waiting for me to do."

In fact, Xiao Qing just asked casually. It doesn't matter if Xiao Huang goes or not. She and San Yue can pick it up. If it doesn't, they can buy a few bundles.

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