"As long as there are women in this world, there will be these."

Shen Qingci propped up his face on one side, an ordinary face, but at this time there was a unique brilliance, as if all the light was concentrated in her alone.

"Women are good at comparisons, life is like this. Once they turn their heads, they will last a hundred years. No matter how beautiful their faces are, they are always old days. These spices can't keep all that they have lost, but they are enough for them. Make up for the others, even if it is fake again, but they still want it."

Su Yu fought a cold war.

"Can't figure it out."

"I'll know when you get married."

Shen Qingci closed her eyes again and walked nervously along the way. She was actually very afraid that she would be left behind. Fortunately, she finally arrived in the capital. She finally returned home and had a safe journey.

"Why do you still know this? Could it be that you were married?"

Su Yu rolled her eyes, this is really fifty steps and a hundred steps of laughter.

"Well, I've been married." Not only did she marry, she was married twice, no, she was married three times, including her previous life.

Shen Qingci leaned aside, and there was no reluctance to part with when he was separated. In fact, where the reluctance came, only then, they could return home separately.

"can not tell."

Su Yudao didn't believe it very much, "The fourteen or five-year-old women in our place are all at the time of harvest."

"Fourteen or five?" Shen Qingci opened his eyes and sat up again.

"Su Yu, guess how old I am?"

On the way, what Shen Qingci heard most was to call her a girl, and even the little lady was saved.


Su Yu took a look at Shen Qingci, and at a glance, she could see that she was younger than her. She is seventeen. The children of the rivers and lakes are not small, and naturally they do not have so many rules. Even if they are 17 or 18 years old, they are not married. Is commonplace

Shen Qingci laughed suddenly, and even a drop of warm tears rolled out of laughter.

"Plus ten years old."

Her eyes were clear, and her tone seemed to be a joke, but it was a bit true and false, and it also depends on how others looked.

"twenty four?"

Su Yu glanced at Shen Qingci again.

"Do you think I am blind?"


Shen Qingci would not say that people's eyes are blind. "It's just that sometimes, people's eyes can easily fool themselves."

The carriage outside finally stopped.

"It's already here."

Shen Qing resigned from the carriage and stared at the scene and things in front of him in a daze. Suddenly, he was a little bit emotional. When she turned her head, even the coachman was standing in front of her with an honest face. Looks nervous and scared

Is this because she is afraid that she won't pay the money?

Shen Qingci took out the silver from his body and gave it to the coachman by counting fifty taels.

"Girl, too much."

The coachman didn't know where to put his silver hand, the silver in his hand was so heavy that he almost couldn't hold it.

If you say thirty taels, why are you giving twenty taels?

"Take it," Shen Qingci turned around, putting his hand on the horse too.

"It's tired this way. Go back and buy a new one. Don't use it again."

Ma snorted, and then lightly bumped Shen Qingci's hand with his head.

"I will, I will."

The coachman quickly received the silver in his arms. In fact, even if Shen Qing didn't say anything, he didn't plan to let the horse continue on the road. This horse is also old, so he will treat it as an ordinary foot strength in the future. He got twenty taels more at one time, which is enough to buy a few more young and handsome horses.

And now I didn't expect that this recovery was such a woman, and she gave thirty taels more, totaling fifty taels, which was enough for him to buy three horses.

"Do you want to go back with you?" Shen Xiaoci turned around and asked Su Yu. In fact, she felt that Su Yu should not be able to. She didn't like coachmen too much, and Shen Qingci really couldn't think of it. If they went back together, Su Yu Will there be any disagreement, just kick the coachman off the carriage.

"No, I ride a horse, it's too slow."

Su Yu disliked the carriage very much. If there were horses, it would be impossible for them to get there until March, and it would take her a month to go back.

Shen Qingci touched his body for a long time before he found out some silver and placed it in front of Su Yu.

"give me?"

Su Yu sacked the money bag, these were a lot.

"Well, for you."

Shen Qingci touched it again, and then took out a small piece of silver, "I only have these. I will buy a few buns and eat them later."

Su Yu glanced at the piece of silver, "The buns you bought are made of silver, so expensive?"

"The capital is expensive."

Shen Qingci put the silver back into her arms again. This was at the feet of the emperor. Nowhere else, she really wanted to leave some silver for herself, which could be used as a memory.

And she really only has this little silver in her body.

The rest is given to them.

"thank you."

Shen Qingci smiled, his pupils reflected in the blue sky, as if to remove the cloud and fog, and finally became clean.

"Silver goods are cleared."

Su Yu generously collected the money.

"Well, both cash and cash are cleared."

Shen Qingci put her hand on her chest, and she also placed something in the past. All her hard work for several months was for it. In fact, she is the one who has gained the most.

Thank them for walking this way with her.

Thank her for protecting her.

Thank you too, for her company these days.

There is always a banquet in the world, and we will say goodbye to each other in the end, and I wonder if there will be another day to meet each other.

Shen Qingci turned around, Su Yu's steps stayed here for a long time, and then turned around and left.

I don't know how long after that, Shen Qingci finally couldn't see that person.

Well, take care.

She put her hand on her chest again, and then walked forward. The capital is still the former capital. It seems that everything has not changed. Whether it is the past and the present, she has walked again and again this time. Here, every alley here, she has walked, passed by, and been familiar with.

Taking out a piece of silver, she bought a steamed bun, but did not leave.

"Guest, is there a problem with the buns?"

The owner of the bun shop rubs his hands from time to time. What's the matter, the buns are all eaten, but why doesn't they leave?

Shen Qingci shook his head, "The buns are not bad." It's just a bit of cutting corners. It doesn't have the same taste as before. Unfortunately, this is also a century-old bun shop, which has passed down to this generation.

Without the previous taste, there is also no previous favor

"The guest, please use it slowly."

The Baozipu boss went to work on other things, but at this moment, a hand was stretched out, and it happened to be placed in front of him.

"Guest what do you mean?"

The face of the owner of the bun shop became dark, what's the matter, this bun is in her hand, what else does she want to do?

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