Suddenly, Bing Hengsi felt that the corner of his sleeve was slightly pulled.

When he lowered his head, he looked at a small dumpling-like face, big round eyes, like fine black pearls, a small nose, and the corners of the lips with small steps, like a beloved wife. Zhang Xiaolian, but this expression is also similar to his own childhood.

Shen Qingci also found Guo'er, and she quickly wiped away her tears, squatted down in front of her daughter, and then touched her daughter's face.

"Does Guo'er want to drink water?"

Guo'er nodded her small head, but kept her big eyes open all the time, and then she stretched out her little arm for her father to hug.

Really, as Shen Dingshan said, Guoer, who has the blood of the Lou family, never used eyes when recognizing people. She used smell, even if she hadn’t seen her father for a year, she still recognized herself. S daddy.

Brandon picked up his daughter with one hand.

"Why is it so slow?"

The little girl is still so light, is there no food or something?

The little girl flattened her mouth and her eyes were red.

"Why don't you speak anymore?"

Brando Hengsi hugged her and sat down, and then faced her eyes.

Guoer turned her head, Shen Qingci brought the cup over, and put it in front of her daughter.

Guo'er took it with her two small hands, and then drank obediently.

"She doesn't like to talk now," Shen Qingci gently stroked her daughter's soft hair, "I don't know what happened in the Fuzhong. She was like that when I saw her."

"What the **** is going on?" Brando Hengsi sat down with his daughter in his arms. When he left, the little girl was still very good and talkative, especially when she said to her grandparents that in her grandparents' house, they were all There are endless words, what is it, now it is like this.

Shen Qingci actually doesn't know what to say?

"Is this to ask the counterfeit in the lower house?" And every time the word counterfeit was mentioned, Shen Qingci was completely uncontrollable hatred.

"That counterfeit?"

"Who is she?" Shen Qingci raised his face. With this slightly beautiful face, he couldn't find any shadow of the past. Her only eyes were always like a fourteen-year-old girl.

At this time Guo'er had already slept in his father's arms. The little child, indeed, hadn't grown up, and was three years old, but it was like two years old.

Bro Hengsi stood up, and then put his daughter on the collapse, without paying any attention to the person who was still lying on the ground. When he came back, he was also sitting in front of Shen Qingci.

Certain things must be made clear.

And the thing is to start from his discovery of the jade-faced fox, the unique imitation, the meticulous and even the layout without a trace, and the seamless integration.

Could it have been recognized by the brand, now she is Shen Qingci, and she will truly be Shen Qingci, as for the one in the mansion, it's just because of Guo'er.

Guo'er was too young at that time. Maybe it was because the mother and daughter were clamoring for their mothers. He had no choice but to find a mother for his daughter. It was also that Ling Changyi used the best human skin mask , Enough to keep that face for about a year.

This is the reason that Fuzhong has that counterfeit.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that so many things would happen in Beijing. First, Shen Dingshan made a film, King Jun’s Mansion was an ancestor worshipper, and even Lin Shangshu left the capital with Madam Shangshu.

In addition, Baimei and Mo Li were also dismissed by the counterfeit on various excuses. Since then, no one knows the authenticity of the counterfeit in Beijing.

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