Whatever Xie Si said, Shen Qingci felt very comfortable in his heart.

Yes, Shen Qingci is the one who can walk sideways in the capital, and she is alone, no one else has such a privilege, but she walks well, why should she walk sideways?

Therefore, no one really saw her walking sideways. No matter how high her status is, she is still a law-abiding common people. She ran rampant on the street like this. Even if she hit someone, she didn’t blame herself at all. , When did she do such a thing?

And the woman outside the carriage was still talking spittingly.

"Our girl is the cousin of Mrs. Weiguo Gongfu. You are really so brave to eat..."

Shen Qingci closed his eyes, and his temples seemed to follow him.


The little fox seemed to feel something too, so he immediately jumped out and ran to Xie Si's place, and got directly into Xie Si's arms. He knew that if the owner started a fire, only Xie Si was here. It's the safest, so the owner will not burn this beautiful fox fur for a while.

Lin Yunniang's cousin.

Shen Qingci sneered.

"I've only been out for a year. When did Lin Yunniang have a cousin who is older than me?"

"Can't the dignified Shangshufu mention it? Why do we have to mention the Weiguo Gongfu?"

"How can Shangshufu compare with Weiguo Gongfu?"

Bai Mei told the truth.

According to Lin Shangshu, he was a civil official, half-above, inferior to the prime minister, and also inferior to the royal family. Since Lin Shangshu was given a hand by his wife last time, he has been above the court in recent years. There have been no major achievements, and now that, because of the aging, it seems that the talents of the past have also fallen into the sea, and they have become somewhat mediocre.

In addition, he was not very outstanding in terms of heirs, so in the past few years, there was not much development. He was afraid that he had always been thinking about the position of prime minister.

Even that position has never fallen on him.

Even now, he is still a scholar, neither high nor low, nor can he succeed.

Naturally, it is still a mediocre life, and Shangshu Mansion has long lost the scenery of the past years, and in addition, it is the cause of Madame Shangshu’s nephew that even now, Shen Dingshan’s heart has been stabbed. Also somewhat alienated from the Lin family.

When Shen Qingci listened, he felt a little bit sigh. Lin Shangshu was also the one who had eaten some Dongling secret medicine. Although he ate too little, he did not grow old too quickly.

This is generally a question of mentality.

There is no way.

Even if he was stuffed with the secret medicine of Tanglin, he would not be able to live forever. The people of Tanglin live simple and contented, so their longevity seems inevitable.

But the people outside, including Shen Qingci himself, are very clear that they will never live to be less than one hundred and twenty years old. There are too many mundane worlds outside, and too much trouble.

So this is more or less a lot of life.

"That..." She pointed to the outside, "Bring that thing to my sister-in-law, and let her take care of her relatives. A fat man has lost the position of Prime Minister of Lin Shangshu. Don't do it again. Come here with a peacock, and at that time will also pay for the Weiguo Palace."

It doesn’t matter even if the Lin family fell out. Don’t compromise the reputation of Weiguo Gongfu, but she has spent much money and thoughts since she was a child, not for the sake of Harm to others.

Who is it?

Not even Shen Wenhao, let alone Lin Yunniang.

The woman outside is still swearing, one bite by one. Do you know who my lady belongs to? Do you know who you have offended? How dare you take it...

Neither of these sentences has ever left the Weiguo Palace.

And really, this sentence of Weiguo Gongfu is very useful. There are still a few people who can't see it. They want to say a few words of justice, but when I listen to the words Weiguo Gongfu, I sewed my mouth all at once, and I didn't dare to say the next word.

Weiguo Gongfu, Conglong's Gong, the eldest daughter Xiaojun Princess, and the little girl Tang Tangshuo Palace, this is a rare royal family in the Great Zhou Dynasty, who dare to offend?

As long as the people in the capital know that many people in this world can't afford to offend, the first among them must be the defender of the country.

But now people are all taking out the Weiguo government, and none of them dared to step forward. This is not terrible, or they don’t want their own future. If one doesn’t manage it, they may even lose their entire family. Up.

Bai Mei opened the curtain, and her face sank to the extreme. Now the more she looks like a lady from a house.

"Let them be thrown to the Weiguo Palace and tell the truth."

Now Lord Guo is in the mansion, don't ask why she knows that Lord Guo is there, how long has it been for the little princess of their family to be carried away, how could she not be in the mansion?

As for how to deal with it, I believe that Lord Guo will naturally make a conclusion.

And the eldest lady should be grateful that this was sent to Weiguo Mansion, if it arrived at their Shuo Palace, it would not be as simple as throwing it out.

The mother-in-law was still swearing, the more she cursed, the higher her chin was, and the woman sitting inside seemed to enjoy the feeling of being noticed by everyone, and she never came out.

Just when the mother-in-law was still spitting and at a loss, a flash of silver light flashed, and then a long sword crossed her neck.

The mother-in-law just opened her mouth wide, and even her voice was forgotten.

The mother-in-law froze there, she slowly lowered her head, and when she saw the silver sword in front of her, she suddenly felt that her eyes were stabbed, and she did not dare to open her eyes.

At this time, holding the sword and pointing at the woman, it was not someone else, but five guards who wore silver armors and were not angry and mighty. These guards were equally tall, short, fat and thin, and all of them were all. The face was calm and expressionless, and the strength of their clenched fingers could be felt from them.

These guards can be seen at a glance, they are specially trained, not as simple as ordinary guards.

"Mother Cui, what happened?"

The young woman sitting inside couldn't hear the woman's voice for a long time, thinking that something happened? This is when I stretched out my hand to raise the curtain. As a result, I screamed when I saw the scene outside. The man also fell backwards and fell directly into the carriage, with a pale face. Even the powder on the face has fallen off.

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