Don't talk about women, even men, they might all die in shame.

And now this woman, no matter who she is, she is in the capital, and she will have no reputation in the future. There are so many eyes in the public, she is pulled forward by people like a dog.

If you have more backbone, you can really jump in the Yellow River.

Bai Mei lowered the curtain.

"Madam, I have already sent people away."

Bai Mei had no sympathy for that woman, she did her own death, and she couldn't blame others.

"Let's go too, by the way, it's also a little play."

Shen Qingci has recently been boring, and it is also a rare drama to watch. He also went to see Guoer by the way. For such a good drama, it is necessary to let Guoer know that bullying is not good.

Although she has the capital to bully others, but the capital can not be used as food.

Her daughter, but absolutely can not develop such a brainless woman.

When the carriage was about to leave, Shen Qingci couldn't help but frowned.

"First stop."

The carriage was also instantaneous, and then stopped.

"Madam, what's the matter?"

Upon seeing this, Bai Mei asked quickly, "But what's wrong?"

"I seem to smell a smell?"

Shen Qingci carefully distinguished the smell.

She is very familiar with it. She smelled it before, can make her smell it in the crowd, and also remember it, it must be someone who is very familiar with her.

This person is not Changqing them, nor is it the person around the eldest sister and dad.

This is a faint medicinal scent. This medicinal scent is just like the fragrance of a perfumer. It is a year-on-year contact. It is the same with it, and it also interacts with it, so it can make oneself have a special one. Kind of fragrance.

Medicine fragrance.

And who has the smell of medicine?

Of those people she knew, only one had the smell of medicine.

"Have you ever found Mo Fei?"

Shen Qingci asked Baimei.

Bai Mei shook her head, "I haven't been looking for it all the time. Just like his wife, he seems to have disappeared suddenly, and he hasn't been seen for more than a year."

And Mo Fei is very likely, just like Shen Qingci, maybe something happened.

Otherwise, it is impossible to never return home for a long time.

Shen Qingci closed his eyes, and then worked hard to find the smell of medicine.

Did she smell it wrong herself, or did she think it was bad?

No, it's still there.

It's the kind of medicinal fragrance, you can't go wrong.

When she opened her eyes, she met the pair of round eyes of the little fox.


The little fox jumped on her lap from time to time, seemingly anxious.

"You can smell it every year, right?"

Seeing the little fox like this, Shen Qingci is already certain that Mo Fei is definitely not far from here. Maybe her nose can only smell a rough idea, or there may be some so-called uncertainty, but it varies from year to year.

It can be said that every year is a treasure hunting fox.

"Go find him out."

Shen Qingci touched the little fox's head.

"Wait, I'll let them cook for you, okay?"


The little fox jumped in place.

He just jumped out of the carriage, and those onlookers were all scattered now, so they didn't notice. A white light flashed out of a carriage that was not too eye-catching.

The little fox jumped up to the big tree on one side, and ran all the way, jumped directly onto the roof, and then ran forward.

In a small alley, the fool ran home holding his head.

He never came out again, it was too dangerous outside, he wanted to go home.


Suddenly, it seemed that there was something more on his head?

He touched this for a long time, hey, hairy?

And he grabbed the hairy thing directly from his head. He thought it was where the rabbit came from. The rabbit he had touched before was like this.

As a result, this one did not seem to be a rabbit.

He put the white dumpling in his hand in front of his eyes.

Then stared at this white thing with big eyes and small eyes for a long time.


Xiao Bai Tuan tilted his little head, and the fool also tilted his head to the other side.

Suddenly, the fool directly threw Xiaobai Tuan aside.

"Father, there are mice, what a big mouse!"

The fur on the little fox's body exploded in an instant. It is not a mouse. It is a fox. It is a fox. Which mouse is as beautiful and cute as it grows, and is it clean?

It still smells good.

Shen Qingci opened his eyes, and when the carriage curtain moved, the little fox ran in, and as soon as it came in, it plunged into the owner's arms, and his mouth kept squeaking.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Mei pointed to the little fox.

"Is this being bullied?"


Shen Qingci touched the little fox's head. This little guy didn't know if he was bullied, so let's talk about it slowly when he gets back.

If it is that person, he is not secretly worried. If he can run to the monk, he can't run to the temple. The smell of a little fox is left on that person.

As long as he is still in the capital, he will be able to find him if he smells like a little fox.

But the premise is.

Someone has to coax this little guy well.

Of course, this difficult task is left to Burn Balance.

"Let's go."

Shen Qingci touched the little fox’s little head again. Sure enough, the fox was wronged. No one wanted to take care of it. A fox was sulking there, and he used his little **** to face everyone. There was still a whining sound.

Just know that this time it was really, just being angry.

When the carriage arrived at the gate of the Weiguo Palace, the guard standing at the gate of the Weiguo Palace also automatically stepped aside, then slightly bent down to let the carriage pass.

Then the coachman took out something from himself and threw it at them.

"Thank you."

One of the guards quickly took it, and the next few people also arched their hands towards the carriage.

When the carriage left, the guard let go, and what he held in his hand was nothing but a golden bead.

But this golden bead is all solid.

The princess in their house has always been a generous person. Every time she comes back, she will give them a golden bead. She is also very good-tempered, humble and polite, and she is also a bodhisattva.

Compared to the lady in their family, their wife was also a magnificent person before. In the past few years, she seemed to be a little stingy. Even the moon silver was given withholding, without saying a word. If it is bad, there will be less.

It's not like when the Lord of the Country was in charge, although he was a bit stricter, he never treated them badly as a guard.

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