As long as they remembered, the flesh and blood around them, and the broken limbs of a place, were shocked and scared, scared and disgusting.

This will also become their lifetime nightmare, and it will also make it possible for them to no longer be able to hold weapons.

King Fenglun was squeezed into the prison car and sent back to Da Zhou. If he wanted to return to the queen, then it was up to Cang Tao to surrender or continue?

It depends on their thoughts.

If it continues, then for the current Da Zhou, it can't be simpler, bombing all the way to Cang Tao's capital.

In this event, Da Zhou’s firearms became famous all over the world, and several firearms caused Cang Tao’s army of nearly 200,000 to be wiped out. Even the number of elite soldiers could not be exploded with a single round of firearms. Will be bombed to the point that there is no bone left.

The name of the firearms of the Great Zhou Dynasty is now well known, and even mentioning this is awe in awe. Of course, it is even more creepy and numb.

At this time in Cang Tao's palace, Cang Tao's emperor couldn't believe it even now.

"This is real?"

He didn't believe that the hardest fine iron in this world was owned by Cang Tao, and he also thought that their army would surely be all right.

Da Zhou must be all in their pockets. Then they will have what they want, and what they want will be what they want, but what did he hear?

His 200,000 army, even King Fenglun was captured alive.

"Yes," the messenger also looked sad, "Holy Lord, they have magical soldiers. As long as you click, the mountain can be blown through, not to mention our flesh and blood."

An army of two hundred thousand, an army of two hundred thousand, this is how many years Cang Tao has cultivated elite soldiers and strong generals who are elite soldiers who can defeat one hundred against one hundred. Even with one enemy and five, they will not lose like this.

But now they didn't even make any shots, but they had been blown up by Da Zhou to become **** and torn apart, and even a corpse could not be found.

How frustrated this way of death is.

"Holy, what are we going to do now?"

The minister on one side also asked Liushen Wuzhu.

The emperor of Cang Tao didn't know that he had never experienced this, nor had he tasted such a terrible failure, and such a failure was enough to destroy the country.

Emperor Cangtao finally weakened his legs and fell onto his dragon chair.

Internal and external troubles, this is Cang Tao's most serious one in more than 100 years, and no one will doubt how Cang Tao will change after this defeat.

Will it be the same as before?

No, never again.

The current Cang Tao is no longer the Cang Tao of the past. They also have something to fear, and such a thing is called fear.

A few days later, Da Zhou finally received a letter from Cang Tao. As long as Da Zhou stopped sending troops to Cang Tao, Cang Tao would like to compensate Da Zhou for all his losses. In return, he was even willing to send a princess Cang Tao to marry her, and she even had tens of millions of silver to wear countless treasures, as long as Da Zhou no longer sent troops to Cang Tao.

Emperor Wenyuan never thought of going on. This is not the time of the war. If the two countries go to war, not to mention the labor and the money, they will be able to produce fine iron after all. After all, they will wait until the Great Zhou Dynasty. With the armor made of fine iron, why not worry about the increase in military strength, and why do you fear the provocation of others.

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Wen Yuan generously put away all these things. Of course, he also had a suggestion that Prince Fenglun would not return to Cang Tao, and even blast Fenglun Prince's Mansion to the ground.

Just a few packets of explosives were thrown over, and then there was a bang, and the century-old Fenglun Palace was finally in ruins.

As for the reason, let Emperor Cangtao investigate it himself.

The current Emperor Wen Yuan is really confident, and it is the firearms and fine iron skills that give him the confidence that he is now. Everyone used to be afraid of Cangtao and the emperor of the Canggang. He is also worried, day by day. Frightened, and now that Feng Shui is finally turning around, if the Emperor Father knows, he will definitely be very pleased. He has managed the great Zhou Dynasty so powerfully, right?

When Emperor Cangtao received Shen Dingshan’s reply, he directly sought out counsellors from the Fenglun Palace. Emperor Wenyuan would not have enough to leave a King Fenglun behind. He leveled Fenglun Palace.

Even if it were to be elected, there would still be a young and beautiful one, the current King Fenglun, who said something ugly, could be the mother of Emperor Wen Yuan.

Emperor Wen Yuan is no longer normal, and it is impossible to have any interest in an old woman like King Fenglun, so it must be that woman who did something, and that also annoyed Emperor Wen Yuan.

The counselor didn't dare to conceal it, and he said everything about the cause and effect. The emperor Cang Tao's face turned blue on the spot, and he spouted a breath of blood.

Because the brave King Fenglun actually arrested Princess Shuo of Da Zhou and what he was going to do. This counselor didn't know what he was doing. The other might know, but he was rejected by King Fenglun.

But now even if you don't check the reason, Emperor Cang Tao knows, there is no good thing.

It's no wonder that the last time King Fenglun fancied and sealed the city gate, only allowing entry and no exit. It was also the complaint of the common people. It seems that what he was looking for was not someone else but the Princess Shuo.

But it was because her mind was kicked by a donkey. Did she actually do such a thing? If King Fenglun took the initiative to invite soldiers to fight, it would be difficult to inquire about the fact that the enemy is false, or even what they have. The method is unknown.

The arrogant soldier will lose, and what she loses is above the arrogant word.

Not only was he captured, but even his 200,000 elite soldiers died.

Even if the Emperor of the Great Zhou didn't say anything, he would definitely not let the woman go. This was a damaging spirit, and even worse, it harmed the entire Cang Tao people, as well as the ancestor's century-old heritage.

And now that Emperor Wen Yuan wanted this woman, yes, he wanted it, he would give it, anyway, Feng Lun knew nothing about Cang Tao's secrets, and he was not afraid that she would shake something out.

As for the Fenglun Palace, he also pushed it directly according to Emperor Wen Yuan's intention. He didn't even think about keeping it, and keeping it would be unfavorable.

A few months later, an official of Cang Tao also walked in.

"But did it pass?"

Emperor Cang Tao kept his hand on one side, these internal and external troubles also caused him to be overwhelmed, and even his black hair seemed to be frosty white.

The officials saluted Emperor Cangtao.

"Your Majesty, they have already been delivered."

"En," Emperor Cang Tao didn't move even when he moved, and he just raised his eyelids lightly. In the past, others handed him down the book, but now it is the other way around, and it also makes his heart feel real. It's a little unaccustomed.

"How about King Fenglun?"

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