The people in the Murakami persuaded Sanyue to stop messing with the Chen family. Otherwise, with the current power of the Chen family, if she were really ruthless, she might not even be able to stay in this village. Up.

At the end of March, she could only swallow her tears into her stomach, but no matter how bitter and tired she was, she never left. She had to wait here for her little green sister.

But this wait is more than a year, this has passed the time Xiaoqing said, but March is still stubbornly waiting.

She believed that Xiaoqing would definitely come back when she said she would come back. She might have been delayed on the road, so it was too late, but then she would definitely come back and pick her up and leave here.

Shen Qingci still did not move while sitting on the carriage.

In this way, Daxiang hid her hands behind her inexplicably. Of course she didn't know what happened. She was sweating coldly on her hands. She wiped the sweat on her clothes from time to time.

Although she didn't follow the wife for a long time, she knew it.

Shen Qingci was angry.

Still really angry.

There are not many people in this world who can make Shen Qingci angry, and how sacred is this Xiao Huang, who is so capable, so that people who have always been in peace of mind, are so angry.

You know, Shen Qingci doesn't care about people usually, just because she doesn't have so much time, but if she really cares about it, then she will blow the mountain and the sea.

Throw gunpowder if this is inconsistent, but Shen Qingci only learned recently. She even bombed the Fenglun Palace. What else can't?

Shen Qingci stroked the gauze hat in front of him, and asked Daxiang.

"Do you know where March is?"

Daxiang nodded hurriedly, she had asked about this.

"Bring her."

As Shen Qingci said, he closed his eyes, leaning there and fell into a false sleep.

And Daxiang jumped out of the carriage quickly, almost always crawling to find someone.


Shen Qingci called Chang Geng's name.

Chang Geng walked over, also standing in front of the carriage, and saluting.

"Madam, it belongs."

"Smash the door open."

Shen Qingci was still leaning on one side, and under her veil, she hadn't even opened her eyes.

"I'm tired, so I packed a room out."


The Changgong once again arched his hand, and the person had reached the door, and then kicked the door open with a kick. How could such a loud noise not disturb the villagers, who were originally villagers who had gone back, they ran out again As a result, when the door of the Chen family was smashed open, everyone was shocked and couldn't say anything.

Who are these people, aren't they all from the Chen family?

But what happened now, before the owner came back, he smashed his door.

When Chang Geng turned and came out, he also lightly swept the people not far away.

How could these ordinary villagers see the murderousness of this body, even without speaking, they would scare the child in their arms and cry.

"Excuse me, what do you mean?"

Li Zheng hesitated for a long time before he walked out. In fact, his forehead was frightened and he was sweating coldly.

"Are you a maestro in this village?"

Shen Qingci opened his eyes, she couldn't remember clearly, and she couldn't remember her voice, but probably there were some impressions. Of course, he could still speak at this time, except for Li Zheng, it seems that there is no one else.

"Yes," the sweat above Lizheng's forehead dripped down, "I am the Lizheng of Huangyang Village."

It really is.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand, and then leaned on Xie Si's arm and walked out. It was a veil covering her face. Although simple, it can be seen that the clothes on this body are not ordinary clothes. The silk threads on them actually have light. There are several colors in the conversion, and they are all indistinguishable. What kind of fabric is this?

This voice seemed to have been heard somewhere before. He didn't dare to look directly at the person in front of him. For some reason, he was scared.

Until Lizheng saw Shen Qingci's purse hanging around his waist.

"You are the one..."

Li is pointing at Shen Qingci.

"It's fine if you know," Shen Qingci interrupted him, "this is a private matter, and Laofanli is leaving with your villagers."

Sisi, she called out Xie Si again.

Xie Si understood, walked to the front of the li, and then took out an ingot of silver and placed it in front of the li.

"Take it, share it with them, it's a curiosity buying them."

Xie Si directly threw the silver to Lizheng, and Lizheng hurriedly caught it. He was holding the silver, but he didn’t react for a long time. He hurriedly rushed until the silver seemed to burn his hands. People in the village.

I'm not going back soon, people say it's a private matter, what are you still looking at here?

While he was driving the villagers, he also winked at the villagers.

This one is obviously not easy to provoke. Although he still doesn’t know what the identity of this person is, he can feel it, whether it is rich or expensive. If you give so much money, you can give so much, even your eyes. Dare to never blink.

"Lizheng..." A young offspring asked in a low voice with caution, "Shall we ask someone to tell the Chen family?"

"Say what?"

Li Zhengbai gave a glance afterwards, "Don't you want to divide the money?"

The younger generation hurriedly covered his mouth. Who wouldn't ask for silver, there were dozens of silver in that coin. If you divide the household, you can get a lot of it. So don't be a fool.

"Then go home and stay honestly."

The chief warned the younger generation, "Keep your mouth shut. No one can say anything about today. If you want to blame it, you can blame the Chen family for doing so absolutely."

Everyone is watching.

It's easy for them.

This is not the reason for the younger generation. After the Chen family got the money, the people have changed. It seems that they are better than others, but there are only a few bad money. I really think that he is the emperor of the village. The people in this group were all offended by him one by one, and besides, some of these things were too unnatural.

There are only a lot of people who want to come to the village and want to see their jokes, and there is no need to talk about them. There are quite a few people waiting to see the theater.

But there is something inside, and sure enough, all the villagers onlookers outside are gone, not to mention people, not even a dog.

Shen Qingci walked in, and still had some impressions of this place in general, and that the well in the courtyard was still there. This well was also the reason why she liked this house in the first place.

It's just that when she left, she was Xiaoqing, but when she came back, she became Shen Qingci.

She looked around again. As expected, all people lived here, and it was still full. There were still many children's clothes hanging in the courtyard.

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