San Yuekou stared at these people dumbfounded, throwing the things from Xiao Huang's house across the wall, and pointing her fingers from time to time.

"They have someone in the government."

She squashed her mouth.


Daxiang sneered, "No matter which government it is, you have to kneel when you see our master."


San Yue blinked. It wasn't that she was a liar, but because she believed in Shen Qingci and always believed it.

"Of course," Daxiang patted San Yue on the shoulder. "Don't worry, if something happens, our master can stand it up."

"Oh," San Yue understood.


She asked Daxiang again.

"What do my sister and brother-in-law do?"

Daxiang listened to March's elder sister and brother-in-law, why was she so heartbroken?

This person is so different from person to person.

They are all called masters, and they are called sisters.

Seeing that this sister and brother-in-law are all screaming, and then they will be the master.

"You will know later."

Daxiang patted San Yue's shoulder again, "It's better not to know now."

Sanyue still has round eyes open, but it seems that she is very happy watching these people lose the things in Xiaohuang's house, is it possible that she has changed?

But she just feels very happy,

"Let's go," Daxiang rolled up his sleeves, "Let's go and help together, which can be considered revenge for you."

"En," Sanyue also followed Daxiang and threw things together, and the little fox inside also raised his ears and insisted on going out, but in the end one hand pinched its tail.


The little fox looked at his master strangely, why should he look at his tail?


Shen Qingci squeezed the little fox's paw.

The little fox retracted his paws, happily jumped to the top of the bed inside, rolled up, and grabbed the quilt.

Shen Qingci was also caught by it, anyway, she didn't think about taking this quilt back, and she would just buy another bed when she arrived in town.

The noise outside also shocked the villagers once again, but they were all driven back by Li Zheng.

Lizheng came out of the house and saw things that were thrown out of the house from time to time outside the house. This head didn't stop shaking.

This is all thrown out.

Mrs. Rizheng also took a peek outside.

"Where do you live here?"

"Go back to live wherever you come from."

I don’t feel like there is something wrong with what they did? It is said that borrowing is borrowing, and there are still people who have been living and not leaving. The current owner's house has returned. It is natural that the house must be taken back.

"But they didn't build half of it, and they didn't build it. They didn't even have the roof."

How could Mrs. Lizheng not know that the family of Chen’s family did not build half of their house because they had this house, and now they still have the roof, and they are all responsible The house belongs to my own. I heard that I have to re-apply the lease of the house.

"Who is the person in there?" Mrs. Lizheng asked Lizheng carefully, where on earth is this big man from, such a big posture.


Li is putting her finger to her mouth.

"It's too much wrong."

Mrs. Lizheng understands, then she won't ask, let someone throw it away.

As for the members of the Chen family, they also got a report from someone in the village. They were all those who ate the running water table. They didn't expect that just as soon as they left, something happened at home.

But now the whole family is holding a sigh of breath, and they want to know, who is so courageous to do it in front of Tai Sui? Is it possible that there is no king's law in this world, and they are not afraid of death?

But only Xiao Huang felt a very bad feeling in her heart.

After all, she knew, what did she do?

She lied to San Yue’s silver, and also wanted to take this house for the existing. Of course, she couldn’t be guilty in her heart, and she didn’t mean it in the first place. She never thought of cheating San Yue’s silver. , It’s just that after her mother got her silver, she gave it to her eldest brother, and she gave her a shop outside, and she had to come over and ask her for silver. The last time she got dizzy, she gave her the rest. She gave her all the silver, and her mother also gave the silver to her elder brother. She wanted to make a dress for herself, but her mother was unwilling. She asked her mother for the silver, those In the silver, there is also the dowry she left for herself.

But her mother always finds all kinds of reasons for not giving her money. She also knew then that these money might not be returned, and otherwise, she would not have a dowry, and in the future I don't know where her mother will be married yet, and it is more likely to be sold by them again.

She couldn't help but cheated San Yue's silver, anyway, she didn't have that much silver, so what if she gave her some?

It’s just that she didn’t expect that San Yue had so much silver. It turned out that Xiaoqing had given all of her share to San Yue, and she felt a bit hatred in her heart. Everyone came from there. What is only given to San Yue, but not to her, is it possible that they have not survived together, and they have never come back together?

But why was it given to San Yue, but not even a copper plate was given to her.

And she also thought that there must be her in these silver, that is, it is not ignorant of March, even this house has her share, naturally it is hers.

I have to say that she knows about San Yue and also knows how to let San Yue vomit all the money to her, and she has indeed succeeded. She has grasped San Yue's weakness.

This was also a requirement, and finally he successfully drove March out of the house.

After this house is about to come back, she is not happy again. This house is clearly hers and will be her dowry in the future. Why should the elder brother and sister-in-law still live here, and finally want to occupy her house, if not She was tough at the beginning, but now she has been rushed to the mouse hole where she has gone.

So since then, she has also become smarter, and she will not give any of the talents in the future.

"Little Huang..." Little Huang Niang carefully hugged her grandson, and she was looking for a chance to talk to Xiao Huang about what she had been talking about. "You see, our baby is now two months old. , You aunt, do you want to show it too?"

"Didn't I give it?"

Xiao Huang didn't even look at that child, and she didn't give birth to her. What did she look at? Her mother was ignorant of her talent because of this bastard.

Little Huang Niang was also choked, but she was still a little unwilling to give up, "I think the gold lock pieces sold outside are pretty good, can you buy one for our Baoer?"

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