Xiao Huang just let Xiao Huang Niang curse like this, not like she used to be fair to herself, but staring at her with a pair of quiet eyes.

And Xiao Huang Niang suddenly fought a cold war. Maybe in her life, she would never forget the look in Xiao Huang's eyes at this time. Even when she was sleeping at night, she might be scared as long as she remembered it. Stay up all night.

"Not going yet?"

"You dead girl," Xiao Huang Niang pushed Xiao Huang again, "If you don't want the house back, you won't come back."

Xiao Huang turned around and walked towards his house.

"Mother, look at her."

When the eldest wife saw Xiao Huang doing this, she stomped her foot directly, "If she doesn't ask for the house back, what shall we do in the future, mother, don't I feel sorry for you, do I still have Xiaobao?"

"You see that you are all such a big age, and Xiaobao is a young man. This is a place where you live and sleep. What should you do if you get cold? Everything in our family now depends on you to give Zhang Luo. "

When Xiao Huangniang heard this, she thought of her grandson and wanted to kill Xiao Huang. She stepped forward and pinched the meat on Xiao Huang's waist.

"You will ask the old lady to go to the house immediately!"

Xiao Huang touched his arm, and turned to face, still with those faint cold eyes.

"The Sanniangzi family is out, who am I looking for now? Are you looking for Li Zheng?"

Little Huangniang was choked all of a sudden, and she was still looking for Lizheng. The father who was looking for Lizheng failed. Lizheng didn't care about this. Now they can only find the Sanniangzi family.

And this house they will definitely have to come back, otherwise such a big family, old and small, how can they live in a house without a roof, fortunately it is not raining and snowing, otherwise, , They just don’t have a place to live.

"When someone comes back, you'll get it right away," Xiao Huang Niang pinched the meat on Xiao Huang's arm again.

"You dead girl, if you don't come back, you just wait to be sold."

Little Huang Niang looked at her mother and swallowed the sourness, she walked into the house that she had blocked with cloth.

As a result, after entering this, she found that her clothes were all gone. She obviously kept them here. She walked out and happened to see her sister-in-law holding the clothes, still swaggering, even if they were. What does it feel like to be discovered?

She gave birth to a golden grandson to the Chen family. This Chen family is only the eldest. These clothes are naturally worn by her. This Chen family does not have much money now. If she doesn't prepare more for herself, who else can she prepare for?

Xiao Huang went back to where she slept again, and then tore off a piece of cloth, took the clothes that were not used and not old, that was also his sister-in-law, folded them, and put them inside. There were two or three sets of appearances, and then she took out something from her body, which was the silver ticket that March gave her.

Four pieces of fifty, two hundred taels of silver.

She put the bank note back on her body again. She thought, the worst thing she did in her life was probably going back here. Since she was sold, she wouldn’t have any feelings anymore. She died forever. When they came back, they didn't make them treat her better, so what is she still doing here?

And there is some money. It is not good for her to go. Two hundred and two hundred taels are enough for her to live a lifetime. It is enough to find a new village and find a man who doesn't have much confinement.

This night, they are here and will pass by, and every day is like this. From time to time, you can hear Xiaohuangniang's cursing. As for the man in the Chen family, the man said that there will be nothing wrong, just Nothing will happen, it will be released in three days.

But how could the Chen family still fall asleep and eat?

Before dawn outside, Xiao Huang walked away. Carrying her burden on her back, she was also in the ox cart that must go every day in the village. When she turned around, she couldn’t see anything behind her, probably because It was so familiar, some things started to turn gray in her mind little by little, until they became strange, until they forgot.

But before dawn, she was already above the town. She wanted to leave here, but when she left, she saw a horse painting and the carriage was parked in the house. At the entrance of the inn, when the carriage had left, there were no people sitting on the carriage.

this is.

Xiaoqing's carriage, are they still here?

And she used her feet to move forward, then she took it back, and then she also walked into the inn.

"The shopkeeper, is there a young woman with a veil and hat here who looks very expensive?" She asked the shopkeeper carefully. The car on behalf of Xiaoqing just now belongs to her, and she will not admit it.

The shopkeeper glanced at her, then lowered his head again.

"If you stay in a store, stay in a store. Don't ask too much if you are okay. Some people are not something you can ask.

When Xiao Huang heard this, he knew in his heart that that person was hers.

"I live."

Xiao Huang took out a few pieces of silver from her body and placed them in front of the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper roughly counted.

"The normal one can stay for five days, the more expensive one can stay for two days, which one do you want?"

"Ordinary is fine."

Xiao Huang also counts the post. She naturally knows how to spend the money. In fact, she can't live for five days. If she is lucky, she may just live for one day.

The shopkeeper glanced at her again, and then asked Xiao Er to take her to an ordinary guest room, but when Xiao Huang was about to go in, he seemed to feel something?

Turning back, I saw a woman wearing a veil and hat stepped downstairs. The veil and hat blocked the woman's face, but she could still vaguely see her bright eyes from the yarn.

She walked step by step, and two guards followed by a man and a woman behind her. These two guards also followed closely. No matter which one, you can see that they are real practitioners, and of course there is no one. Dare to be close to one point, and when they encounter it, they automatically retreat.

"Little Qing..."

Xiao Huang murmured to himself.

This is like Xiaoqing, but not Xiaoqing.

No, she is indeed not Xiaoqing's, because she hasn't stopped a step, hasn't stopped a step towards her.

"Madam, that person."

Xie Si said beside Shen Qingci.

"She's quite clever."

Shen Qingci stroked his wallet around his waist, "People always have to plan for themselves, it's always been the case."

"Don't bother her."

Shen Qingci only recognized March. As for this Xiaohuang, it doesn't matter if he doesn't recognize it.

In fact, she has done her best to her.

After all, the two hundred taels of silver was enough for her to live this life safely.

As for the others, forget it.

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