And she can only smile bitterly. Now she doesn’t know whether to blame her mother, herself, or both, because she was born to her mother. With such a selfish mother, how good is she go with?

So she and her shamelessness and selfishness came out of their bones.

So no matter if it is Xiaoqing or San Yue, they are all the same, but she is not.

So no matter how they go, they can't go anywhere, and it's impossible to go the same way.

No matter how she put her hand on her chest, she also touched the silver bills, and stuffed the stuffed buns on the table in her bag.

People are gone, what is she still staying here, spending money here? She still wants to leave here and find a good job for herself. If she is known, what awaits her is not wealth but being sold.

She has already been sold once, do you want to be sold a second time?

And when she came out, she saw a few people walking towards her at this moment, she quickly hid to one side, and those few people got closer to this place.

"I seemed to see Xiao Huang just now?"

Big Brother Xiao Huang said.

They are all coming out of prison, and there is no good one. All of them are like beggars, but no matter what, they are really a survivor, and they are not dead. Blessed.

It's just that they didn't expect at all that when they went back, what awaited them was not a good thing, but homelessness.

Soon after they left, Xiao Huang walked out with his bag attached.

"Oh, wait."

Suddenly, someone stopped her from behind, which also caused Xiao Huang's steps to stagger, and then ran forward like crazy, and when she ran, the person ran as well.

This one ran and the other chased, the other wouldn't stop fighting to death, and the other would never rest.

Until it ran into a dead end.

There is no way ahead, and it is impossible to step back.

Xiao Huang hugged her bag tightly, shaking her body, stepping back from time to time, and she recognized it, it seemed to be the second person in the inn, but what the second person did after chasing her, she didn't do anything. Yeah.

She didn't get the money, and she didn't take a line from the inn.

"I said, what are you running?"

Xiao Er panted, and the breath was gone.

"Then what are you doing after me?"

Xiao Huang was about to cry. She clung to the baggage in her arms again, thinking, this person would not know that she still has two or two hundred dollars in her body, but she also revealed some wealth, these How do people know?

"Can I chase you if you don't run?"

"Can you run without chasing me?"

The two were just arguing for a long time between running and chasing, but they still didn't discuss one reason.

This is what happens when you encounter a solid eye.

I really don’t know what they are arguing about at this time. What is the argument?

Xiao Er took out something from himself and shook it, "Someone gave it to you."

"give me?"

Xiao Huang pointed to his face, "Give me what, who gave it to me?"

Who would give her something, it's impossible for her to lose it, but it's not her thing either.

"Those nobles gave you."

Xiao Er put the things on the ground, "You take it yourself," as he said, he tapped on his shoulder again, and muttered in his mouth, "How can a girl run like this?"

If it wasn't for the noble person who gave him five taels of silver and asked him to give it to her, he would have been running for so long because of his brain disease.

It's not a fairy beauty, why did he chase her.

And when Xiao Huang heard the word noble, he already knew who those nobles were?

It's ungreen, and these were given to her by Xiaoqing?

However, she didn't understand, why didn't she give it to her personally?

Then she remembered that she might not even think about seeing her

She quickly walked over and picked up the little baggage on the ground.

Then she sat aside, put the baggage on her lap, and opened it again.

What's in the baggage seems to be a few clothes, and...

A silver ticket.

A silver ticket of five hundred taels.

It was the five hundred taels of silver bills, plus what she had on her body was seven hundred taels, but with seven hundred taels, she could live well even if she did nothing in her life.


She suddenly hugged the baggage and buried her face in the baggage, only her shoulders were shaking from time to time.

And the shouts outside also increased, and the voices of those people could be heard vaguely.

Ordinary, ordinary and plain.

As usual, it has never changed because of one person.

In the carriage, the little fox fell asleep on the quilt that was retracted to one side, and he touched its little head, "You don't care about her, why would you give her the cash?"

Shen Qingci opened his eyes.

"I do not know either."

"Maybe..." What did she suddenly think of?

As for these to say? After all, those who are in trouble together are seen in those difficult days. This is the only thing she can give to her, but it is also limited to this.

She could arrange for March, after all, she had promised March, and because of her pure nature, she could keep her by her side.

But Xiao Huang failed.

Greed and selfishness is her nature.

And she doesn't keep such people.

And with those silver, no matter where the little yellow people are, they can live well and can buy a house for themselves, like they are in Huangyang Village, but they are only two hundred taels of silver. She can be confident, and Xiao Huang already has 700 taels, which is enough for her to buy a house, and then buy dozens of acres of land to become a landlord's wife.

As for how to live in the future, then it is only Xiao Huang's own business.

Shen Qingci opened the curtain of the carriage. As soon as the curtain was opened, it seemed that there was a familiar wind coming, which also messed up the white hair on the little fox. The little fox might also feel cold, and then It got up and also hid under the quilt.

Brando Hengsi pulled a corner of the quilt and covered it, and the little fox could sleep comfortably.

Shen Qingci looked back at the quilt.

She was born in the snow mountain, and grew up on the snow mountain. She has a whole body of hair. She didn't say how cold she was. The hairy person got cold first.

She lay on the carriage window again, looking into the distance from time to time. She had only seen this snow-cold wind in Changlin. Because of the snowy mountain, the wind there is always So.

And the people there have lived there for generations, so they are all used to this place, and they also have their own customs, one side of the water and soil to support the other.

Sure enough, Branding is right. Snowy mountains can't be exploded casually, nor is it that she gets some gunpowder to explode other people's mountains. Maybe it really affects the topography of this place.

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