By the way, the customer who bought wontons told him to change his clothes.

Could it be that this is because his clothes are too dirty, but he won't. He is in a food business, and he must wash his clothes every day. If this is broken, he is not afraid of sewing. What is afraid of is smelly and dirty.

So his clothes, even if they are not new, can be washed clean without any strange smell.

He thought about what the guest said, and finally he felt that he really had to make two new clothes. There were not many people in the previous Kaihe. They were all those passing by, and he did it for a day. I can't sell 20 or 30 bowls of wontons, but now I can sell hundreds of bowls a day.

There are more people, so naturally they have to be different from the past. Of course, they have made more money. They just sold that one, and he has made enough money. This seems to be right to make some new clothes.

He took out his latest set of clothes out of the box. Originally, this one was reluctant to wear. It was just for the holidays and relatives to wear it several times, and it was usually pressed on the bottom of the box.

And now I took it out, to be honest, it was still a little distressed, but he remembered that in the future, his small wonton shop could make more money. If he was more upbeat, he might sell this piece of clothing in a few days. .

After thinking about it this way, I really don't feel so distressed when I wear this clothes.

And again, he was neatly dressed and asked his old lady to make wontons.

They arrived this morning, and it was still such a small place. They have been sleeping and sleeping for so many years, and there is no one day without stalls, even if it rains and snows, his wonton soup has never been accepted.

And his biggest wish in this life is to have his own small shop. After that, they can sell wontons in the shop, so there is no need to freeze to death when it is so cold, and to death when it is hot.

It's this little shop that needs money. They are all ready now, but unfortunately they don't have money.

He had already supported the wonton soup this morning. Due to the large number of people at this time, he had sold more than a dozen bowls in the morning. The business has always been good, until a team of officers and soldiers arrived. Standing at the door of his wonton shop, Qi's startled him.

He was scared for a long time, but couldn't say anything.

"Uncle Niu, what do you think of this?"

The young man who had always bought his wontons took him to a shop. The shop was not big, but it was just right to let him sell wontons, especially there was a small yard behind it, so he could still accompany his wife in the future. Living in the back, this way, there is no need to get out of the stall in the morning. The main thing is that there is a well in the yard, which can be used to make wontons.

He kept nodding his head, and didn't notice what they were saying.

The young man took out the same thing directly from his body and placed it in Uncle Niu's hand.

This is the deed of the shop, "This shop will belong to you in the future."

"Mine?" Uncle Niu is also getting more and more inexplicable. He has seen people who give silver and things and slap hands, but where is someone who sends them to the shop?

"Yes," the young man smiled. "Didn't you say that even the princesses and empresses of the capital like your wontons, and will give you a sign."

"My princess likes your ravioli, even the little princess and sons of my family, so my princess gave you this shop. It is the plaque outside. It was not written by my princess, but it was written by my princess. , As for why it was not written by my princess?"

The young man patted Uncle Niu on the shoulder.

"Believe me, the calligraphy of my prince is much more valuable, and the handwriting of my princess is really hard to be this task."

With that, he patted Uncle Niu on the shoulder again.

"You can sell wontons here."

After the young man returned, Uncle Niu still didn't believe what happened? Until he put the deed in his hand in front of his eyes, it was really the deed of the house, and it was still stamped by the government.

He quickly ran out again, and saw the shop above the shop. As expected, a plaque was erected, and it said Niujia Wonton Shop.

Niu Shule couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and quickly ran in again, wiping the table again.

He has been bragging all his life. Who said bragging can't be eaten.

Look, he really finished it.

There really is a princess who likes to eat his wontons, and she gave him a big shop and a plaque.

This person who often eats wontons at Uncle Niu's place, after knowing about it, is also lamented, where is the good luck, and he really got a shop, and his heart is really jealous and envy.

I also thought in my heart, why this princess and empress would also give them a shop without giving them?

A horse-drawn carriage in the distance also came over, the same golden roof of the night, agarwood body, even the horses are much more handsome than ordinary horses, even the coachman, the temples are bulging high, take a look Knowing that this is from Lianjiazi.

"Thousands of dollars have been delivered?"

King Lu asked the coachman outside. Forget it, it was time for Qian Zichen to send the two layers of silver. They were given at this time every month, only early, but not late.

"Master, it's already delivered."

The coachman replied, "There are 1.2 million taels in total."

"Well, that's too much."

King Lu never expected that this month was a lot more than before, a full 400,000 taels of silver.

"Qian Zichen said that because of the benefits of the first grade of Xiangyurong ointment, so much this month."

"En," Wang Lu was very satisfied with this. Who would think that there is too much money? Of course he is the same. The silver sent for nothing should not be used in vain.

This is the speed of making money, which is really terrifying.

A business that is half-and-half with a thousand companies can make so much, not to mention the real Yipinxiang, especially the current Yipinxiang has opened several.

I'm afraid that he can earn ten thousand taels of silver in his hands every month, and he has also heard that some of these silvers are used to raise the soldiers of Da Zhou, so worry about people who are not strong and strong. Even Cang Tao's 100,000 army has never been afraid of it, so what else would he be afraid of?

It seems that in the future, he will persuade the emperor to be more effective with Da Zhou. Don’t have to learn from that Cang Tao, at least the current Da Zhou is not what they can contend with.

Only by making good friends can we keep these lives safe.

It was also a loss that the Emperor of the Great Zhou was not a warlike person, otherwise the world would have to be unbalanced and the people would be uneasy.

He was also glad that the current emperor of Da Zhou was not someone else, but this one. Otherwise, if he was replaced by a certain one, he still doesn't know what the situation is?

"My son, here it is."

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