In fact, he didn’t know whether King Lu would live a hundred years old, but he did know that if King Lu did what he said, he would definitely not die young. As for how long he could live, he really didn’t know. It depends on his own recuperation, and what's more, it's the sentence that the sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and good luck.

If the emperors involved in Baichu fight, no matter how many lives, they can be compensated.

King Lu took the medicine bottle, didn't even look at it, and just stuffed it in his arms. This world can give him such unprepared trust. Branding is one of them.

Speaking of which, he may be the one who most hopes that he will not die. After all, with him, he will not slander his father, and his father has always believed in his words.

So this medicine will only make his life longer and better.

"You never thought about being an emperor?"

Lao Hengsi put down the cup and asked him seriously. Now that the Emperor Baichu is almost old, Baichu will also happen sooner or later when he seizes his protagonist. It took him so much thought to push Emperor Wenyuan to Above the throne, every emperor who can climb to that throne will also experience the ups and downs that they don't want, don't want, but are not experienced.

To be partial, it seems that King Lu really has no intention of vying for a position.

Lu Wang put the cup on his lips, took a sip, then smiled.

"I really want to. In fact, whoever doesn't want to, in the royal family, naturally takes his father's emperor as a role model, and wants to be like his father in life."

"It's just……"

He gently shook the cup in his hand, "If I also had an emperor like you, a princess who can raise thousands of soldiers and horses in your family, and a Shen Dingshan who is loyal to me, I will also be the emperor. ."

"It's a pity that there is no, so I don't want to fight anymore."

Regardless of Mingying's emperor, there will be times when he is confused. Maybe the future generations will evaluate him like that faint emperor.

King Lu put down the cup, and laughed again, "When will you go to my side to open a few more Yipinxiang, as long as I share some, I will definitely help you protect it."

"I have this intention."

Branding is not polite to him either.

Each has its needs.

After tasting the sweetness of Yipinxiang, no one can refuse.

After all, as long as the silver is in your own hands, you will know how fragrant it is, and only when you use it yourself, will you know how happy it is?

King Lu picked up the cup again, and put it in the air, "Respect us for more and more money."

Yes, to this more and more silver.

Don't say anything to regard money as dung, he is not so noble, don't want money to skip food, only when he has money, he will know what kind of satisfaction will be after having money.

Now they have a hundred chu, and one incense shop is not enough, so what he wants now is more incense shops to make more money.

Whether Yipinxiang cooperates with Qianjia, his share is indispensable. With the silver, he even gave things to the mother and the father, and he was proud of it.


This is what Lu Wang thought of, "That little princess in your family is so pretty."

The more Lu Wang said this, the more enthusiastic he became, "When do you think I will have a son and a half?"

"When you get better, there will be naturally."

Branding is not a doctor, because he doesn't know when he will have a child or whether he will have a predestined relationship. This is also destined by God.

"Then I will borrow your good words."

Lu Wang tasted the tea in the cup again, and the bitterness was scattered on the corners of her lips. Maybe next year, he will have a son and a half hugging him.

He touched his chest, maybe he will have it after the bottle of medicine is finished.

After Wang Lu had left, Shen Qingci came over. She had heard that Wang Lu was coming, but she didn't even want to see him. The person was just familiar with Luo Hengsi.

"He came and said that he would open a few more shops in Baichu." When Lao Heng saw her, he told her what Lu Wang wanted to do during this trip.

"Let Li Qi discuss with Qian Zichen."

Shen Qingci's impression of the Lu prince was very good, and this person could be regarded as indirectly saving her life, and she owed a cent.

If you really open a few more, it's still the same as before.

They and Qianjia have four each, and the remaining two are also given to that one.

It’s impossible not to feed people with meat. Of course, this meat is still good meat. As long as you are full and fed, you can talk about other things.

Don't mention any love, there is love, but sometimes when you talk about love, you hurt love, and when you talk about money, you have more love.

As for the opening of the river, by this time, there is no major event. There is no big deal, and there is no need to worry about it. If you have two shops, it is easy for Li to look at the two shops.

However, with Baichu's inner fragrance line, how to open more is up to them to discuss, Shen Qingci does not have much time to manage these.

At this time, it has been nearly a year since they left the capital. It took a lot of time from the bombing of the mountain to the opening of Yipinxiang.

They have to return to the capital again.

Except that they hadn't returned for a long time, Beijing also had a lot of troubles, and it was also about to arrive at Shen Dingshan's birthday. Shen Qingci had missed her father's birthday several times. This time, he couldn't miss it again, if he missed it again.

80% of her fathers cried while holding her mother’s tablets, saying that her mother was so cruel, and left him here alone. His children didn’t hurt, and the girl didn’t love him. He also raised a bunch of white-eyed wolves. After his birthday, he didn't even come back to see him, even his little Guoer was abducted.

And what he did after living so long is better than dying early.

Not to mention that Shen Qingci has a headache when he thinks of it, even the branding is the same, for example, the bald golden eagle standing on the table now.

"The wind is shed."

Shen Qingci was sympathetic to the wind, a golden eagle, now the hair on its wings has lost a lot.


The golden eagle gave a weak cry. It was not because of sending letters to Emperor Wen Yuan. They were sent one by one. Emperor Wen Yuan wrote that he was not sleepy, but he dropped the hair of the golden eagle. Few roots.

"Going back."

Pao Hengli stretched out his hand and patted the golden eagle, and then a feather fell off. Before the golden eagle was tearful, Shen Qingci quickly reached out and picked up the feather. He also hides behind him.

Can she not hide? She was also afraid that the golden eagle could not stand the fact that he shed her hair madly. What if the eagle commits suicide?

As for going back, then go back.

If she doesn't go back at this time, she is really afraid that the eagle who has been raising for more than ten years will become the first eagle in the world to commit suicide because of sending a letter.

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