A dozen women hit him along the way.

He was a little tired after bumping up and down like this.


Xiao Er thinks about it, "Right," he asked Luo Yuyi again quickly.

"Guest officer, do you still want water?"

"I want it."

Luo Yuyi took out another piece of silver from his body and threw it to Xiao Er.

"sorry to bother you."

After speaking, he was ready to go back to his guest room.

My father said that the word "Thanks" should be said often, and there are thousands of sentiments when traveling thousands of miles.

His identity was only given by his parents, but his own mind and nature all came from his own body. The uncle said that God blesses him to be kind. At this time, he will not see the landscape, and he will know in the future.


Xiao Er's hand holding the silver is shaking, can he still not shake?

This has been given once, and this time I am going to give it again, this one is really howling.

Luo Yuyi shook his hand lightly, and then he was already upstairs, and the mask had been worn on his face all the time, and he had never taken it off.

Opening the door of the guest room, he also walked in.


This is how the little fox jumped off his shoulders, and also jumped to the table, and then yelled from time to time.

"I know."

Lao Yuyi touched its little head, then walked to the window, he opened the window, from here to the time when the lights were shining in the distance.

He leaned there, and the corners of his lips were slightly lifted to the sides.

Father said that at every step he took, he would encounter various things, some thoughts, and some unexpected. He thought that his journey might be a lot smoother. After all, everything has been smooth since leaving Beijing. All as he wished.

But it seems that someone made him uneasy.

The little fox ran over and also jumped to the window.

Luo Yuyi grabbed its tail, "I have to wash you well in a while."

The little fox yelled, and then jumped into Luo Yuyi's arms. This time he entangled his arms a little bit, until the outside door rang out, the little fox got into the quilt again. , Is this because I don’t want to meet people, or are I ashamed to meet people?

I am afraid that only this fox knows.

"Guest, your water is ready."

Luo Yuyi opened the door, and then Xiao Er asked two people to carry the water in.

When the water was all put away, Luo Yuyi hadn't passed by yet, but he heard a plop. When he passed by, he saw the little fox swimming in it, which seemed to be a good game.

Of course, a few of its hairs fell out of the water.

After all, they are all long hairs, and they are also a fox, and as a fox, how can it not shed hair?

Luo Yuyi shook his head. Naturally, it is impossible to share a bath tub with the little fox, and seeing the little fox like this, it seems that he is still playing in the water quite happy.

Lao Yuyi had no choice but to let Xiao Er send some water in. When Xiao Er saw the exposed tail, he really got into a cold sweat.

Most of the time, I thought I had seen a monster. Isn’t it a monster if I grow up like this? But when he turned his head again, he saw Luo Yuyi sitting there, dressed in white clothes and snow, with ink hair like silk, this body's pure and noble posture is also inexplicably awesome.

This person is here, how could he become a monster, but what is that long tail, and where did that long hairy **** come from when he saw it last time?

"Guest, that..."

Xiao Er stretched out her finger and pointed at the bathtub, she couldn't help it.

"A little pet."

Luo Yuyi lightly shook the cup in his hand, "I made you laugh."

"Dare not dare."

Xiao Er couldn't help but wiped his face, all in a cold sweat.

He was scared to death. What did he think it was? It turned out to be a pet, but now he finally knows that the white-haired **** he first saw was originally a pet raised by someone.

Looks like this, it should be a cat, right?

But this cat is not very afraid of water. Could it be that this guest officer wanted to drown the cat?

There was another splash of water from inside, and Xiao Er was really worried that this person would really drown the cat.

"Guest officer."

Xiao Er was going to leave, but she couldn't help but want to talk more.

"Please speak."

Luo Yuyi was still sitting there, and the elegance of this body really didn't look like a cat abuser.

Xiao Er stretched out his finger and pointed inside.

"Cats don't like water."

Lao Yuyi couldn't help but smiled, and Xiao Er couldn't help but the smile, and swallowed his saliva.

Lao Yuyi put down the cup, thank you, but he turned around again, looking at the screen, my family just likes water very much.

Xiao Er could only laugh dry, maybe it was him really, too ignorant, there are cats in this world who don't like water, and of course there will be those who like water. This cat is just like people.

People also like water, and even more dislike.

Some people insist on taking a bath every day, but also smell the fragrance of their own washing, but some people don't wash it all the year round.

It should be so.

This world is so big, it seems that he still has too little knowledge.

In vain, he thought he was the know-how of Suifeng City, it turned out he was just a frog at the bottom of the well.

And Xiao Er's self-confidence for so many years was destroyed by a cat.

At this time, in the huge bath tub, the little fox was still swimming happily in it. When it had hair, it could not be seen that there was something hanging on its neck. Once there was no hair, all of a sudden It can be seen that there are several strings of beads hanging around its neck, and they are nothing ordinary.

Luo Yuyi walked in, also taking off his clothes and washing away all the dust. After he was washed, the little fox still soaked himself in the tub, playing with joy.

Until it had enough play, it jumped directly onto the table.

Lao Yuyi was holding a piece of cloth and wiping the hair on its body until it flicked its hair again, and it didn't seem to be very beautiful.

Only now do you know, is this fox fat or thin?

In fact, this one is fat, obviously still quite skinny, only the fur is raised white, that's why it feels like a fat fox, but now it seems that it is still skinny with few meat, no wonder, stature It will be so light.

Alright, Luo Yuyi put down the cotton towel, and the little fox shook the white hair off his body again and threw it into his owner's arms.

Luo Yuyi also felt sleepy for a while.

He lay down and closed his eyes. There were still those noisy noises outside, and it was the first time he encountered such a noisy night.

Therefore, he was a little uncomfortable.

The little fox ran over, the hair on his body was still wet, he jumped to the head of the bed, also lay on the pillow, and curled up.

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