Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1592: I'm afraid my brother will have no food

The officials hurriedly replied, "According to the news that was discovered over there, as soon as Cang Tao's new emperor succeeded to the throne, the locust plague was cured without medicine, so it is also rumored that the "new emperor" is the man of destiny. "


Emperor Wen Yuan absolutely did not believe in the destiny of this sentence.

He only believes a word, then man will conquer the sky.

Heaven only gave them their lives, but they were fighting for how to live. No one has ever said that he is the life of the emperor. In the opposite way, the three emperors are the most imperial.

As a result, he himself became the emperor, but the three princes became the emperor.

The emperor was incompetent, he just knew how to eat and sleep, but Emperor Wen Yuan was the first emperor since the first emperor, and the first emperor to give Da Zhou a peaceful and prosperous age.

And the one of Cang Tao, holding the so-called destiny to consolidate his throne, is itself a bit ridiculous.

It would be good if it were not for the plague.

But if there is a plague, how can he sit on the throne by then?

Perhaps soon, Cang Tao will send envoys to seek a cure.

There is a feeling of anxiety. Maybe soon, Cang Tao is afraid that he will really bring a big gift and ask them for a way to get this plague. This plague is different from others. It spreads very quickly and is very difficult to treat. If it spreads, it will be a catastrophe for the court and the people.

Emperor Wenyuan also expressed his inability to help.

What can he do?

His precious medicines were all taken away, but he didn’t even leave a bottle. In the end, he left a dozen bottles, but there are only so many bottles in this world. He can’t give them all. Right?

wrong. Don't talk about giving it away, even if they buy a lot of money, he can't give his life-saving medicine to others. He is not bad in money, he is only bad in medicine.

Besides, just a few bottles are worthless, and they can't save many people.

BAO Hengsi took the bottle of medicine on the table, "I'll go find someone to try it, and maybe I can find an alternative method. Even if it can't prolong the life, it will not be beneficial to life."

"As long as it is useful for those pestilences, you can use it."

Luo Yuxiao was always listening, and he remembered what Luo Yuyi Zengjin said. He said that maybe soon, there will be a plague in Cang Tao, and in addition, Cang Tao has been there for several years. It's all because of the throne dispute and the troubles of the court. If the emperor's ambition is bigger, maybe he can really conquer Cang Tao.

It was Luo Yuxiao's feeling that Emperor Wen Yuan didn't seem to mean that.

In fact, he himself doesn't like fighting between the two countries. Years of wars and chaos, in the end, it is only the innocent people of the two countries who suffer.

When Lao Hengsi brought Lao Yuxiao back to the mansion, Shen Qingci was playing with the little white lion. The little white lion liked Shuo Wangfu very much. There were few people and there were many, many delicious things. And a lot of butterflies chase it for fun.

Lao Heng was amused when he saw the little white lion behind Shen Qingci.

"What, where did you get your mother from?"

"It has nothing to do with the son."

Lao Yuxiao has no such skills, "It was picked up by the third brother. I heard that the lioness was dead. At that time, the little lion had not even opened his eyes. He was both a father and a mother. , Is the little white lion raised to such a large size."

"He is going to Changlin, and by the way, he will bring it back to the snow-capped mountains every year. I am afraid that it is inconvenient to bring it. This little thing grows very fast."

As soon as the little white lion saw Luo Yuxiao, he ran over quickly, his buttocks twisted and twisted.

It ran in front of Luo Yuxiao, and also grabbed his clothes with its paws. Luo Yuxiao knew that this was another hug.

He bent down and picked up the lion cub.

Furthermore, he hugged the little white lion in front of Bian Hengsi, which also allowed the little white lion to hear the aura on Bian Hengsi's body. The little white lion did not feel how strange with his big eyes open.

The auras in their family are very similar, so it is normal for the little white lion to be familiar with it, and his father has no malice towards it, so it should be easy to feel the kindness of his father.

Give me a hug.

Brando Hengsi stretched out his hand and also hugged the little white lion. Under this weight, he realized that the little lion was feeding quite fat.

The little white lion rubbed Bold Hengsi's chin. Sure enough, he liked the similar owner's aura on Bold Hengsi. He also stretched out his tongue and licked Bold Hengsi's face, expressing his love to him. .

Luo Yuxiao patted the little white lion's head again, and now he could really leave with confidence. The little lion was taught to his father and mother to raise it, which was more reassuring than giving it to anyone.

Maybe when he comes back again, this little lion will become a big lion.

Luo Yuxiao returned to his courtyard again, and when everything was ready, he went out to continue the tour.


He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly. There is no news from the second child, and I don't know if something happened to him?

In fact, among their brothers and sisters, he is most worried, not the long and stunning Lao Yuyi, but Lao Yuxi.

Luo Yu knew that the heart of killing, and even now there is no way to solve it.

He opened the cabinet and took out the cash notes from inside.

"Is the eldest son here?"

It was Fang Fang's voice outside.

"What's the matter?"

Luo Yuxiao walked out of the room and saw Fang Fang blessed him, and then took out something.

"This is given to the eldest son by our princess, and I hope that the eldest son will carry it with him."

Luo Yuxiao took it, and when he saw the contents inside, he couldn't help but feel his head hurt.

Because what his little girl gave him was nothing else, but a banknote.

This thick pile is really not afraid to crush him to death?

"Did she still say something?"

Luo Yuyi asked Fang Fang.

Fang Fang smiled.

"The princess said that if the eldest son meets the second and third sons, they will be divided. The princess dreamed that the second and third sons were hungry, and they cried for a long time."

Luo Yuxiao couldn't help but pressed his forehead. Could it be that it was in his sister's heart that the three of them who were elder brothers were so useless that they couldn't even eat food in their stomachs?

"If the eldest son is fine, the slave and maid will be gone."

Fang Fang bowed his knees and bowed, and then walked over, even when she went out, she couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, having talent in this world is self-willed.

She has seen three women with the surname Ren in her life.

One, Shen Qingrong, gave birth to ten sons, holds ten thousand gold, and is unparalleled in wealth.

Second, Shen Qingci, there is no need to elaborate on this, she can write a book in her life.

The third is her master.

That is the real wayward one.

Hundreds of thousands of taels of silver is because of a dream.

The princess of her family is generous.

Originally, Luo Yuxiao only wanted to travel by one person, but he later discovered that he had brought hundreds of thousands of taels of silver bills. In the end, he could only take a long-term journey, because now he not only wants to travel by himself, but also by the way. To find his two younger brothers, send them all the money that the sister was afraid of starving her brother.

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