She was inexplicably more gloomy. In order to live more comfortably, they did not contribute their brains, just like their own home here, to live in Xiao Hu and Nian Nian, they are willing, but if it is replaced by If you don't know anything else, it won't work. It's like being occupied by someone in your own home, and there's really some uncomfortable tension in your heart.


The little fox suddenly turned his head, and yelled at the stone.

How could this voice sound pitiful and aggrieved? Could it be true that it was bullied by others?

The little fox screamed again several times.

Then I saw that a white head was drilled out of the small hole. When the little thing in it got out, it also shook its own hair.

This is obviously a fox, and it is very similar to the older one. Still a fox with pure white fur.

This is another snow fox.

There are many pure white foxes in this world, and not every one can be called a snow fox.

But only the snow fox can be completely white, and the body is like a moonlight, and even the cry is strange.

So this one is Xiao Hu


I saw that the white-haired fox ran directly to Li Li, and it moved quickly and jumped into Li Li’s arms.

"Little Hu."

Mo Litu smiled, "It turned out to be you. We haven't seen you in ten years. You haven't changed at all." The reason why she can recognize this is Xiao Hu at a glance, except for Xiao Hu. In addition to the white skin of the whole body, there is a piece of skin missing from its ears, so there is no hair growth there.

Over the years, they have all changed their appearance, but it is still exactly the same as before, the same size, the same white, and the same without hair growing behind the ears.


Xiao Hu also yelled at Li Li happily. Obviously, he also recognized Li Li.

"It's every year, why don't you recognize it?"

Mo Li stretched out his hand and pointed to the year that Luo Yuyi was holding. The white hair on his body collapsed, and his mouth was groaning and tearful.

What about the reunion of mother and son?

The said relatives see their relatives, tears in their eyes?

Even if these were two foxes, they wouldn't be so indifferent.

Snow fox is a rare spiritual creature in this world. It can be seen from year to year alone. Even if it has been away for more than ten years, it has not seen it forget its way. It can still be found all the way.

It's just why Xiao Hu doesn't recognize it anymore.

Xiao Hu is indeed something wrong.

What's wrong, when he grows up these years, he really doesn't know every year.


Suddenly, after scrutinizing Yuxi's words, everyone followed his sight and saw another fox drilled out of the cave.

It was a gray-haired fox with a little mixed hair, and there was no white snow ball like Xiao Hu and Nian Nian. When they were still in an accident, this gray fox came out. .

Then another one came out from the inside. This one was a little smaller, and the fur on its body was gray and white, but it was not long in stature. It should be a little fox.

It didn't take long for this one to come out, another one came out, and then one after another.

These foxes, large and small, were counted about twenty foxes in the end.

Mo Li couldn't help but stroked his forehead, it really became a fox den.

And Xiao Hu jumped on the snow again and walked towards the group of foxes.

At this time, several small foxes also gathered around Xiao Hu, and Xiao Hu licked their fur intimately.

"So fertile?"

Lao Yu couldn't help but laughed out loud. It's no wonder that it is so sad every year. It turns out that it has a stepfather, maybe there is more than one. That's it, its mother gave it so many births. Younger brother and sister.

Year after year, he buried his head in Luo Yuyi's arms again, still the kind of grievance in his mouth, it was abandoned by the fox.

Still abandoned by its mother.

"It's okay," Luo Yuyi touched Niannian's head comfortingly.

"You are used to living outside. You start to be afraid of the cold in this snowy mountain. There is no good food here, there is no warm quilt, and there are not so many people bullying you."

"There is no such thing either," he pointed to the golden fox hanging on the neck of Nian Nian, "you will always leave, but he will not. You are used to living outside, but he can only live here, just like us As a human being, one day we will leave our parents and go through this life alone."

The little fox still kept whining in his mouth, and his mood was very low. It seemed that he was really hit by a bunch of foxes.

Xiao Hu glanced at each year, and then licked the hair of a little fox, and pushed it with his mouth. These foxes ran back into the cave, and in the end, they were in a white snow world. There was only a pure white fox. It stood there, facing the wind, and the white hair on its body was blowing slightly towards one side. It was like a graceful queen, noble and clean, and it also overlooked all beings.

Li Li raised the tiger, walked to Xiao Hu, and then squatted down.

She stretched out her hand, and Xiao Hu automatically stretched her head over and let her touch it.

"I know it's not easy for you to raise so few."

She took out a knife from her body, "It's okay, if I come up again, I will give you something. This road is not too difficult now. If I have the opportunity to come up again, I can just send you more food. ."

If you can't keep it for a lifetime, then you can keep it for as long as you want.

As she said, the knife in her hand also skillfully peeled off the tiger skin and separated the tiger meat piece by piece.

The temperature here is low, buried in the snow outside, eat one if you want.

The conditions in the snow mountain are bad, and there is only this she can do.

"Chiji..." Xiao Hu walked over, licking Mo Li's fingers, and then looked at each year again.

"It went well, you don't need to worry."

Li Li was stroking the white hair on Xiao Hu again, "She treats her as a son every year. You can tell by its figure that it is longer than you, and its fur is whiter than you. If it’s not for eating well, how can it grow like this?"

Li Li put the tiger skin into a ball and stuffed it in through the hole, so let's give it to them.

Xiao Hu ran to the entrance of the cave, then looked back at Li Qi again.

Li Li also reached out to it and shook it.

"Let's go."

Mo Li rubbed his hands with the snow, and then he stood up.

Year after year, I still used my two paws to hold Lao Yuyi's clothes, and he didn't let go. It was hit, and it still hasn't recovered.

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