"Sister, don't worry, Daddy will be fine." Shen Qingci took Shen Qingrong's hand. It is obvious that the house is so warm now, but her hand is so cold.

Yes, don’t worry. Calculate by distance. If all goes well, those things should be at the border.

The external heavy snow was still falling. After the housekeeper asked for instructions, he quickly took out the prepared cotton clothes and cotton shoes. Each person had two clothes, two pairs of cotton shoes, and one person had one or two silver. The girls in there stood a bunch of people, each holding a new cotton-padded coat in their arms, holding the twelve or two of silver in their hands, they all cried, and those who have no family ate it by themselves, and the whole family I'm not hungry anymore, but there are family members here, and the two disputes may save the family's life.

The servants in the house were wearing warm cotton-padded clothes and it was not cold at all. After sweeping the snow for a while, they felt that their palms were sweating.

And just in the border border, the weather here is much colder than Beijing, of course, it was also an early snow, which froze all the soldiers, and everyone turned out their cotton clothes, but still The cotton-padded clothes were all from last year. They were thin and cold on the body. They didn't keep warm at all. I didn't dare to go out with cold hands.

"How's it going, but did you find the food?" Shen Dingshan asked, the clothes on his body were very thin and extremely cold. He only had the cloak on his body, but he could still keep out some wind, but the clothes under the cloak were very hard. Isn't it cold with his skin?

The grain **** officer was also trembling with coldness. He hurriedly arched and said, "General, I have already traveled a lot, but everyone is under harvest in all places this year, and the snow falls too early, so there is no People dare to sell food."

Shen Dingshan thought of the money he had brought, "No matter how much money I don't sell, I really don't sell it?"

The grain guard nodded again. He had already walked along the road and asked, and he hadn't let one go, but no one dared to sell it. Even the homes of the wealthy people didn't have much grain.

At this time, standing beside Shen Dingshan was a thin middle-aged man, who sighed slightly.

"It's not that they don't sell, but no one dares to sell. Sometimes money can only be used to hit people, but food can save lives. In the face of life and money, no matter who is greedy for money, they will end up with their own life. .

And this person is not someone else, but he joined the army with Yan Long. The old beggar who was awakened by the old doctor, the old beggar has experienced a life and death, and he has seen through something. People will die, and some things will pass. Even if he didn't go there, he could still walk through. Perhaps while he was still alive, the past that had troubled him was also figured out, so he came with his apprentice and served Shen Dingshan's command.

And this person is a rare general. He doesn't know how to fight, but he can march and deploy. However, in less than a year, his cooperation with Shen Dingshan is simply perfect.

And he is also a person who can watch the stars. He knew that the snow would fall early, but he didn't expect it would be so early. Of course, no one thought that the sick old Shazi, who was about to die, was like this. A capable man, only because of the great changes in his home, he became a walking dead. If it weren't for the gold and silver beads given by Miss Shen San, he might have been turned into bones.

Death is lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai.

He owed General Tie's life, so he decided to come here just to pay back his life.

If Shen Qingci knew that the bag of gold and silver beads she had originally had, and the other day's punishment, she really didn't make a mistake, she had actually found such a good man on the side for Shen Dingshan.

"Look further afield, and be sure to find food and grass for the army." Shen Dingshan lifted his clothes, then sat on the chair behind him, the firewood was burning in the tent, and the firewood was burning. No one spoke, even the atmosphere didn't dare to speak more.


Suddenly a soldier ran over and arched his hand.

"Report to the general, the government of Weiguo has sent something to the general."

"It's Ah Ning from my house."

Shen Dingshan stood up, even the condensation on his body receded instantly. His good boy A Ning would be ready to get someone to send it for him, but it was a long journey, no matter how fast it was, it would take about four months. , These things, I'm afraid they are all delivered from the beginning of summer.

When Shen Dingshan went out, he saw a lot of soldiers surrounded in front.

He sank his face, what did he do when he was not training well, where is the military camp, don’t you know the military rules?


When the soldiers saw Shen Dingshan, they were not afraid, but were all excited.

"Jingzhong sent us clothes and food."

Clothing, food? Shen Dingshan's heart tightened, and he hurried forward, only to see the person in his house.

"Master of the country." The man handed his hand. "The eldest girl and the third girl sent something to the general. This cart belongs to the general." He patted a carriage beside him.

Shen Dingshan waved his hand, and some of his subordinates took all these things into his account.

"Is there anything else?"

Shen Dingshan asked, because he had already seen the horse-drawn carriage in the back, and I was afraid that it was uncountable how many there were.

"Yes," the man gave another punch.

"When the spring started, the mansion began to buy grain, and also made 100,000 cotton coats for soldiers, and this time they were all delivered together."

Shen Dingshan's throat tightened involuntarily.

In fact, needless to say, I also know whose idea it was. It was his little A Ning, and only his little A Ning in the mansion had such a Gulin Elf brain, and could think of so many things.

"Send it first."

Shen Dingshan stepped back and let the carriage in, and then there were hundreds of carriages attached to it. The carriages were packed with extremely high grains, and solid cotton clothes tied with clothes, mighty and mighty. , But it is also pleasant, especially the food, how it is so pleasant.

Nearly 100,000 pieces of cotton-padded clothes were all pressed very tightly, and it took a full two dozen horse-drawn carriages to pull them over. The grains were also piled up in the carts. The grains that needed to be bottomed were piled up high, and these grains were enough for the army to eat in the first half of the year. At that time, the grain and grass of the imperial court would have to be delivered. The winter of this year was difficult and the soldiers did not need Hungry again, and cold again.

Shen Dingshan walked into his tent. There was a big box inside. He opened one of them. They were all finished boots, all made of leather. Even if it snowed or rained, it was impossible. Then step on wet.

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