He scooped some more and put it in front of the little fox. The little fox continued to drink, and finally drank half a bowl of goat milk.

Lao Yuyi touched its belly, which was a little bulging, of course it was so small that he slept a little deeper.

He put down the bowl in his hand, and put this little one in his arms, ready to go to Lao Yuyi's place, let him see how this little one is, but it's longer?

And when Luo Yuyi and Luo Yuxi talked about this, they all laughed dumbly.

"Second brother, Xuehu grows very slowly. It has been like a day for decades. How can we compare the life span of a hundred years? Besides, this is only a few days. What can it grow?"

Luo Yuyi held the little fox in his palm. This one was really too small. It was much smaller than that at the time. He put his hand on the little fox’s belly, too. Lost his own energy.

"By the way, second brother," what did he think of?

"Second brother, do you want to give it a name?"

You can't always be called the little fox. There are too many little foxes. Years ago, they were also called little foxes, but they are now bigger and no longer small foxes.

"I have already thought about it."

Luo Yuxi carefully held the fox again and put it next to his body, and he could really feel it. As soon as this fox touched his body temperature, his small body would always spread out.

Luo Yuyi said that this little one is extremely afraid of cold, even if the earth dragon here burns very badly, but for this little one, it is still far from enough, to the point that Luo Yu knows his body temperature. Let this little one like it very much.

As far as Luo Yuxi is concerned, he has been carrying this little guy for a few days, and he has become used to it.

"Second brother, what are you going to call it?"

Lao Yuyi raised the pot on one side, and poured a cup of tea for Lao Yuxi, and put it in front of him. They could all set off and return to Beijing, because there was such a little guy, they might also be here. Stay for a few more days.

Coincidentally, there is also a fragrant fragrance here, and they can live comfortably here.

Luo Yuxi flicked the small pointed ears of the little fox.

"Branding white."


Lao Yuyi couldn't help but laughed, "I thought my second brother wanted a quiet name?"

"Isn't this name quiet?"

Luo Yuxi feels that this name is pretty good.

They originally branded their surnames, and this fox is also white. His mother is a nameless person, what a wonderful year, but Xiao Laobai wants to be raised, so he must not be above his name and be mothered. The adults have decided that if there is no good name, it will ruin the life of the fox.

Lao Yuxi drank enough tea here at Lao Yuyi, and then returned to his room with this little one, but this little one still went to sleep with his eyes closed.

It's been a few days of getting along, and he has some understanding of this animal's life habits.

For example, when it smells things from time to time, it just wants convenience.

He put this little thing in a small basin to make it convenient for himself. When the convenience was over, he picked it up again. At night, he had to continue to carry it. He was afraid of giving it to Frozen.

He always feels that he has such a temperament, how can he have such patience to raise a fox? But in fact, he really held his temper, and raising this milk fox, who was still eating milk, was more dedicated than Xiao Hu's mother.

At this time, it was already snowing outside Changlin. They came to Changlin for the first time, and they were all curious about the local customs. Although they were separated from Kaihe by a snowy mountain, they had two different customs.

He stood up, also took the little fox out of his arms, and then put it on the collapse.


The little fox grabbed the quilt with his little paws, and seemed to be reluctant because he suddenly lost the temperature of the owner.

"I'll go out once," Luo Yuxi touched the little guy's head comfortably, "I can't take you with me."

Although it was in my arms, it was snowing outside, and it was always inconvenient to carry it.

The more you raise them now, the more you will be more careful. I'm afraid that if something is not done well, what should I do if the food is dead?

This is the fox he has been trying hard for half a month, how difficult it is to raise him, he is like a father and a mother, how many times he has to feed him every day, finally, eat Some meat, but you must not get sick.

After the little fox was photographed twice by him, it was quiet.

Luo Yuxi stood up, then put the quilt on the little fox, and then let the servants outside look at this little thing in a good way.

He thought for a while, there should be nothing wrong, this little one can't even get on the road now, just lying there obediently, the big deal is to wet the bed, and wait until he comes back to change Just bedding.

And when he thought about it, he didn’t worry as much when he arrived. He just fastened the cloak belt on his body and prepared to go out for a walk with Luo Yuyi. I heard that the winter fish here is good and the taste is very delicious. Mother likes to eat winter fish here.

The meat of winter fish is delicious, and it has less thorns. It is also one of the mother's favorite dishes.

As for his mother's favorite food?

Steamed buns, Xiangjiang fish, and winter fish

Otherwise, she doesn't seem to have much preference.

Therefore, they naturally have to taste the dishes their mother loves. Only in this way can they empathize with them. Of course, they often hear their mothers mention the fish here, and they have longed for a long time.

It was a coincidence that they arrived this time. With such a good opportunity, they would naturally not miss it. It was a pity that this place was far away from the capital, otherwise they could grab a few and send them to the mother.

Even if the fish is sent by a few white eagles in the house, 80% of them are smelly, or they are made into dried fish and brought back, but are they dried fish or frozen fish?

They don't recognize their mother who is picky, who likes to eat stinky dried fish.

"Let's go."

Luo Yuxi strode over and saw that Luo Yuyi and Fu Yan were already waiting for him.

Luo Yuyi also smiled, "I want to see what winter fish is when I arrive?"

They can say that they have always lived in Beijing, and the winter in Beijing is also extremely cold, but there is really no so-called frozen fish, and winter fish also needs certain conditions.

It's like the cold in the capital city. Even the rivers won't form much ice, so there can be no fish under the ice.

The farther north it is, the colder it will be. If this is the case, it will be just like the weather here, which will make ice fishing fun. Of course, the cold here is not something ordinary people can bear.

The soil and water of one side feed the people of the other side.

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