Later, they also inquired about it to see if anyone had lost a child? But they never found anyone. They even asked about Changlin, but they still didn't find it, so in the end Xiaoyuanzi was taken back to the capital.

As for Xiao Yuanzi's neck being choked at the time, and it was poisoned, it was also concealed by Luo Yuxi and the others.

The child's rules are very good, as if someone had taught him.

As for whose child is this, I don't mention it. Now this is her child, her little brother, and it can only be hers.

At this time, San Yue also walked in with the little dumplings. The twins in her family are now in school. The young ones are already enlightened, and now they are all recognized. A lot of words, of course, I have read a lot of books, especially Brother Bai, although he was raised in his grandfather's home, he is now the most famous little prodigy in the entire capital.

And only the little dumpling was by her side.

Tuanzi is still small now, he is still too early to enlighten, and he can bring more of them, so as long as March is busy, as long as he comes back, he will definitely be with the Tuanzi.

"Hey, where did this come from?"

As soon as March came in, she found that there was an extra child in her home, who was the size of a dumpling, with long eyebrows and big eyes, and she was delicate, and even the dumpling was struggling to get down.

San Yue had no choice but to put the small dumpling down, and the small dumpling twisted his body and ran over, then stood in front of the small garden, and then bit his little finger curiously.

Then he touched him for a long time, and then he took out a little plum.

"Give it..."

He stretched out his little hand vigorously, and was about to hand the plum to the little dumpling.

Little dumpling looked at the little plum, took it with his own hand, and took a bite without thinking about it. It was sweet, sour, and very delicious.

In fact, Xiao Yuanzi is very guarded. Guo'er has been with him for a long time before he has the approval of this younger brother. This is the only way to take him out of the house. Otherwise, the child is not so close.

But this dumpling was an accident. Just once, a small plum bought the small garden.

"He is a dumpling."

Guoer touched Xiao Tuanzi's head, and then Xiao Yuanzi. Both children were treated equally and impartially.

Xiao Yuanzi blinked her eyes, then touched her sister.

"Dumpling, this is a small garden."

Guo'er was a chubby face pinching the dumpling again, "Is this a long weight again?"

Tuanzi puffed his mouth, and said milkyly, "Tuan Tuan is thin."

Then this sentence also caused everyone to burst into laughter. This is how old a child is. Before people grow up, their minds have already come out. They don’t know who it is like. With so many people, who really didn’t look like it?

And Shen Qingrong rubbed the corner of her eyes with her fingers, and all the tears came out of her smile. It's no wonder that her most winter grandson, how did she grow into a villain.

But now how she looks at it, the more she feels that the look of her stomach is exactly the same as Shen Qingci back then.

Guoer looked at this and then at that, but in the end he was helpless.

"Dumpling, this is your little uncle."

The little dumpling has a small mouth.

"There are so many uncles, so many uncles."

Xiao Tuanzi was very sad, turned around and threw herself into Shen Qingrong's arms.

"Grandma, Tuantuan doesn't want uncles, not many uncles," he burst into tears with a wow. He wanted his younger brother and younger sister. Uncle seemed to be younger than him, so he was his brother, so why did he become uncle again?

Poor Tuantuan is not a little bit young. At his young age, he has had enough of his uncle's poison. He is called uncle or uncle. The baby feels bitter. Is he easy?

He is obviously working hard here, and crying very hard, but why the adults are laughing, they don't understand their children at all.

He wiped his snot and tears on Shen Qingrong's body, and he passed the little hand of the little garden, and sucked his little nose pitifully.

"Brother, we went to play."

"It's uncle."

Guoer reminded him.

"It's younger brother, younger brother."

Tuanzi insisted very much. He said he was his younger brother, he was younger brother, not uncle, so he didn't want his uncle.

And Guoer didn't dare to speak when he saw his persistence. She had never seen this child persistence like this.

Leave him alone.

Shen Qingrong shook his head, "This child's temperament is exactly the same as your mother when he was a child. They are both stubbornly stubborn. I said, who is he like?"

"No one in our house has such a temperament. This is what I remember now. Who is this like? Isn't it just like his aunt?"

"The servant girl also feels like it."

Hearing Dong couldn't help, she also covered her mouth and smiled, "Our princess Shuo had this temperament when she was young. Whatever it is must be what it is. Others say it is square. If she says it is round, it is round , Kills are all round."

Guoer didn't understand.

Isn't her mother blind? The round is square. The three-year-old doll knows that, don’t they say that her mother was smart when she was a child?

"The princess really doesn't know."

Listening to Dong knows that Guo'er didn't want to understand. In fact, he didn't live in Weiguo Gongfu and didn't see Shen Qingci growing up. The Jedi didn't know how Shen Qingci grew up, and how stubborn and awkward.

When it comes to this, Ting Dong couldn't help but smile.

"Princess Shuo said that it was round, and everyone else looked like it was square. It was originally square, but then she directly cut the four corners with the axe, so it became round. Persevere, even if everyone thinks she did it, she still has the ability to turn the wrong thing into the right thing."

So, that Princess Shuo is really a very amazing woman.

And listening to Dong remembered that before, she really had to squeeze a cold sweat for Shen Qingci. At that time, Shen Qingci could not get married because he was a little worse. The entire capital was a famous virgin, and it was Heli and Wei. The grandfather was determined to keep this daughter by his side for a lifetime.

As a result, I didn't expect that the most unmarried woman is now the most prosperous and glorious woman in the entire capital, even today's queen is incomparable.

If Shen Qingci enters the palace, he really doesn't even need to do the palace ceremony. No one else knows what she did for Da Zhou, but Emperor Wen Yuan knew it well.

Not to mention other things, even if Da Zhou's national strength is so good now, it has a great relationship with her, naturally, in the heart of Emperor Wen Yuan, she also respects her, the imperial concubine.

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