The man in the carriage coughed again, and this sound seemed to hiss like that, even Li Qi felt a little uncomfortable listening.

The man inside managed to stop the coughing. This is what he said, "We have to get to the capital sooner, otherwise, I am afraid that it is my life that will really be lost here."

"Mo Li..." Qian Zichen called out the name of Mo Li again.

"I know."

Mo Li again ordered the coachman to make the coachman go faster. If their movements are faster, and if they have been on the road endlessly these few days, then maybe it can save another day, that is to say. , They will definitely be able to rush to the capital the day after tomorrow, but they don’t know if this person’s body can bear it?

The speed of the carriage has increased again, and Li Qi is also carefully watching the person's body. If it is really affecting, then she will still come at the previous speed, if it can bear it, then they will rush as soon as possible. Of course, he can also rush to the capital earlier, so he can rest assured.

The horse spattered its hooves again, and ran forward as if flying, and the carriage was also splashed with a lot of dust and smoke. After the dust and smoke, there were only a few rows of wheel marks left, and the carriage in front, It is also gone.

The cool breeze outside, and the breeze that came in, also had a faint floral fragrance, and the pear tree was already blooming.

In the past few years, it has grown tall, and of course it is well looked after by the people in the mansion. Even if Shen Qingci is in the capital, she has a rare chance to be here, but that pear tree, she has always been Trusted to take care of.

Every year in the spring, when the pear blossoms bloom, it seems that even people in the entire capital can smell the fragrance of pear blossoms. At this time, even the pear blossoms in the first fragrant fragrance are better than In the past, it sold a lot.

Women use spices as fragrance, while men like to put spices into the ink. The flowers painted in this way all have a faint pear fragrance. This scene reflects the present day.

At this time, there are fragrant flowers everywhere, pear blossoms fragrant, and fragrant flowers spread over Baili.

And so far, it was also the most lukewarm time in the capital, when there were all kinds of poems and flowers, and those fateful wives, as well as the girls in the boudoir, were also frequently entering and leaving the houses.

Shen Qingci gently shook the tuan fan in her hand, she also propped up her face with her hands, and even the gentle breeze that came out of the fan was full of pear blossoms.

She didn't like things like the poems and flower fairs, and she was also annoyed by the noises. It's better to let her make more spices and make more money.

She is not well educated, and she can't write poetry, and even more so, what did she do?

The ambition is not here, the half-day of stealing leisurely, she has to make trouble, isn't she stupid?


The outside Daxiang ran in, also anxious and rushed.

Shen Qingci opened his eyes.

"What's so fuss about?"

Daxiang patted her chest, she didn't want to make a fuss, she didn't want to run her to death, but it was too sudden, she couldn't help it.

Shen Qingci sat up straight, and shook up the fan, "What's the matter?"

"Madam..." Daxiang pointed outside.

"Madam, the treasurer is here."

"Mo shopkeeper?"

Shen Qingci put down the group fan. Where did Mo shopkeeper come from? What, did she know Mo shopkeeper?

"It's Mo shopkeeper."

Daxiang pointed to the outside again, it was the one who was the treasurer.

Shen Qingci frowned slightly.

"Which one?"

"It's the Mo shopkeeper in Changlin, who has a good martial arts."

Daxiang still didn't know how to describe it, and he made some kind of gestures, but when people danced, others danced swords, but they seemed to be playing monkeys.

Even if she is a monkey joke again, but Shen Qingci still knows who is it?

Mo shopkeeper, Mo Li.

It's just why Li Qi came here? Shouldn't she stay in Changlin? Why did she suddenly arrive in the capital, but what happened to Changlin?

However, even if something happened, why didn't Jingzhong hear any news, but instead Li returned to the capital in person?

Now there is anyone who doesn't have eyesight, dare to make trouble in front of Yipinxiang's door, and dare to tear down the platform of Yipinxiang.

Shen Qingci put the fan in his hand on the table, "You let her in first."

"Yes," Daxiang hurriedly went outside after hearing this. When she came back again, she was followed by a dusty Li Li. Li Li was the same as before. Although she was a little thin, she was a pair. But her eyes always carry a trace of silence, just like when she was a guard at first.

Even if she stayed in the pile of gold and silver again, she didn't get a hint of ostentation. It seemed like Shen Qingci herself, and now she could smell it, her whole body was full of silver.

"I have seen Madam." Mo Li saluted Shen Qingci.

"Madam, is she well in recent years?"

"Well, it's okay."

Shen Qingci pointed to a chair, "Sit down and talk."

But Li Qi did not take his seat, but arched his hand again.

"Madam, Lord Lu is here."

"Why is he here?"

Shen Qingci stood up, this is the prince of Baichu, even if it's going to Great Zhou, he should be a big fan, and it's only right when he comes here, why suddenly came, or did he come with Li?

"It's a long story."

Li Qiye didn't know where to start, and now is not the time to mention these.

"Madam, that one is seriously ill."

Li Li said another sentence.

"Severely ill?" Shen Qingci walked directly outside, "What kind of illness did he get, why is he suddenly ill?"

That person is fine wherever he is seriously ill, but he must not be in Da Zhou. Although the current state of Da Zhou is strong, it is not bad.

But Juan also couldn't allow a prince to die in the territory of Da Zhou so unclearly. If Baichu came to attack, it would hardly guarantee that the harmony of the two countries would not be hurt.

You can get along with each other in peace. The two countries must be at war, and the people will not have a good life. At that time, the other two countries will take the opportunity to get such a piece of the pie, even if Da Zhou is fearless. However, years of battles have been extremely laborious and costly, and will even affect many innocent people.

Therefore, this one must not die in Da Zhou. Even if he left a breath, he must be sent back to Baichu to swallow this breath.

"Daxiang, you go find San Gongzi over."

Shen Qingci speeded up his pace, and Daxiang was also instructed to find Luo Yuyi as soon as possible. Now Mo Fei is not in Beijing, and he can't quench his thirst from afar.

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